Obamacare HHS Grants $67 Million To Hire ACA “Navigators” Without Background Checks T


Diamond Member
Jul 11, 2004
how lovely, hope none of you get your identity STOLEN..
hope and change baby...but don't forget the propaganda coming out...EVERYONE is just falling in LOVE with Obamataxnocare...they have money growing on trees somewhere I guess...

Guest Post by Mara Zebest

Grants for $67 million of taxpayer money to hire Obamacare “Navigators” who will be collecting personal information from citizens. No background checks on the “Navigators”, no fingerprinting to hire, no checks for a criminal record. Kind of like the ACORN workers. Meanwhile, they will be collecting all your personal data. To put it another way, the government requires more information about you than the people they hire to collect the information. Don’t Fund Obamacare!

VIDEO and the rest here..
- See more at: Obamacare HHS Grants $67 Million To Hire ACA ?Navigators? Without Background Checks To Collect Your Personal Information | The Gateway Pundit
SING UP FOLKS....and start contacting your Representatives...stop funding for this outrageous KIND OF STUFF

Don't Fund It!

Don't Fund Obamacare
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