Obamacare Is Spurring Startups And Creating Jobs

What difference does it make, a job is a job is a job....stop looking for negative when it comes to OBama, you people are really starting to show your true colors....red white and blah!!!

What difference does it make? Are you channeling the Hildabeast? It means plenty to those that lost their jobs

Listen, if you people would channel your anger to the real culprits, ie GREEDY CORPORATIONS AND WALL STREET, YOU'D SLEEP BETTER AT NIGHT.....AND AGAIN, HOW IS ANY OF THIS OBAMA'S DANG BLAMET FAULT? He's not the one shipping jobs to China. He's not the one cutting hours (myself among them too, haven't had a raise in almost 4 years) for more corporate profits, its the greedy bastards on Wall Street.


Omg. how old are YOU? you don't sound intelligent just rattling off taking points

Please stop it

Talking points that point out facts....I mean, yes its redundant, yes it repetitive, but its fact, what about all this can't you people comprehend?
You can not dispute FACTS!!
You wouldn't know fact if it f****d you. Not that any facts would ever lower themselves in such a fashion.

Oh, I beg to differ...fact number 12, you sir or madam are no lady nor gentlemen......and thems a fact!! have a nice day.
More than 90 new health-care companies employing as many as 6,200 people have been created in the U.S. since Obamacare became law, a level of entrepreneurial activity that participants say may be unprecedented for the industry.

Indeed, The Economist explored this a week or two ago in "Shock treatment: A wasteful and inefficient industry is in the throes of great disruption."

There's never been more innovation in the health sector than there is right now. Perhaps that's part of why hospital prices are now falling for the first time ever.
THE best-known objective of America’s Affordable Care Act of 2010—commonly known as Obamacare—was to ensure that the 40m-plus Americans who lacked health insurance could get it. Less widely appreciated, but at least as important, are the incentives and penalties the law introduced to make the country’s hideously expensive and poorly performing health services safer and more efficient. Economists are debating how much credit Obamacare should get for a recent moderation in the growth of health costs, and for a fall in the number of patients having to be readmitted to hospital (see article). Whatever the answer, many companies see the disruption unleashed by the reforms as the business opportunity of a lifetime.
Hospital operators are now facing a classic “innovator’s dilemma”, as described by Clay Christensen, a Harvard business professor. If they persist with their high-cost business model even as their customers discover that cheaper alternatives are good enough, they will be in trouble. According to Strata Decision Technology, an analytics firm, many hospital groups saw what was coming and started to cut their costs well before the provisions of Obamacare started to bite. One of the fastest movers is Advocate Health Care, a hospital operator from Illinois, which says it now earns two-thirds of its revenues from value-based payments.
Obamacare is also encouraging the creation of all sorts of health-related advisory and intermediary companies that help care providers, insurers and patients save money. A company called Vitals approaches employees on behalf of their company’s health plan, and offers them cash rewards, and a taxi, if they agree to be treated at a cheaper provider. The sums to be saved can be astonishing: a new cost-comparison tool created by Blue Cross Blue Shield, a big alliance of private health insurers, has found that a colonoscopy with a biopsy costs $8,489 at one clinic in Chapel Hill, North Carolina, but just $928 at another provider in Greensboro, only 50 miles (80km) or so away.

Cohealo offers a “sharing economy” solution for hospitals and clinics wanting to make the best use of expensive equipment, in much the same way as Airbnb helps people with spare rooms fill them with paying guests. Doximity is trying to be a Facebook for doctors, letting them refer patients and discuss treatments securely without the blizzard of faxes they rely on today. Grand Rounds is a sort of medical Match.com: an online matchmaker that pairs patients with specialists. As in other industries, administrators are being tempted to switch to renting software and data storage in the online “cloud”: Athenahealth, a seller of medical back-office software, is trying to get doctors and hospitals to move patients’ health records onto its cloud-based service
Does it bother any of you socialists that the only means test to qualify for government subsidies under Obamacare is INCOME ONLY. You could have a million dollars in savings and that does not count one cent as income.
Additionally, if someone can not afford $500 a month in health insurance premiums HOW DO THEY afford the $400 a month in deductibles and copays of the Bronze Plan of Obamacare?

Supporters of Obamacare are just like the administration that wrote it. Dumb asses ignorant of basic economics.
Additionally, if someone can not afford $500 a month in health insurance premiums HOW DO THEY afford the $400 a month in deductibles and copays of the Bronze Plan of Obamacare?

Perhaps they wouldn't buy a bronze and instead would take advantage of the cost-sharing subsidies that reduce deductibles and copays. Just a guess.
Does it bother any of you socialists that the only means test to qualify for government subsidies under Obamacare is INCOME ONLY. You could have a million dollars in savings and that does not count one cent as income.
Additionally, if someone can not afford $500 a month in health insurance premiums HOW DO THEY afford the $400 a month in deductibles and copays of the Bronze Plan of Obamacare?

Supporters of Obamacare are just like the administration that wrote it. Dumb asses ignorant of basic economics.

What don't you understand about Healthcare? For the first time in our history, its being offered to those without it, its being giving to those who've been kicked off, its being offered to women and children....you people are all upset over what? Unless it effects you personally, stop the damned whining. We're all tax payers, and like it or not, for decades, we've paid for the uninsured, both directly and indirectly....if nothing has changed, why cry about the shtt now, like get over it. Its not going away, its here to stay, either adjust or get off the damn pot.
Democrat/progressives has propaganda down to a tee, and the bloomingidiot is one leader of them.....anyone take something they say without question deserves to be mislead

90 new companies, that I'm sure WE THE TAXPAYER is having to pay for those too in one way or another out of this MESS called OscamCare

speak of propaganda and who shows up. Greenbeard the paid propagandist for OscamCare.

how amazing. he just POPS up
Contrary to popular beliefs, I have a life and I don't need to constantly hate on Obama or liberals to prove I exist in this world, like some people do!!

All I heard was blah blah blah.

I didn't even bother reading it. It was all DNC talking points...I did see ACA all the way. my gawd Obot cult members are twisted and scary



LOLOLOLOLOL.....(sigh)...here we go....the ignore's....LOLOLOL

Dude you're an idiot,not sure what else you'd expect with your canned responses to every thing.
You dodged the last two post you screwed up in. How long till you do it again?
Does the 6,200 jobs offset those that were reduced to less than 30 hours per week and those that lost jobs? If not it's a no sum game

What difference does it make, a job is a job is a job....stop looking for negative when it comes to OBama, you people are really starting to show your true colors....red white and blah!!!

What difference does it make? Are you channeling the Hildabeast? It means plenty to those that lost their jobs

Listen, if you people would channel your anger to the real culprits, ie GREEDY CORPORATIONS AND WALL STREET, YOU'D SLEEP BETTER AT NIGHT.....AND AGAIN, HOW IS ANY OF THIS OBAMA'S DANG BLAMET FAULT? He's not the one shipping jobs to China. He's not the one cutting hours (myself among them too, haven't had a raise in almost 4 years) for more corporate profits, its the greedy bastards on Wall Street.


Omg. how old are YOU? you don't sound intelligent just rattling off taking points

Please stop it

Talking points that point out facts....I mean, yes its redundant, yes it repetitive, but its fact, what about all this can't you people comprehend?
You can not dispute FACTS!!

All you do is parrot what others tell you,and you have no idea if there's any truth to any of it.
You come across as an eighteen year old just testing the waters in politics.
speak of propaganda and who shows up. Greenbeard the paid propagandist for OscamCare.

...you just posted an image produced by the House GOP's political propaganda arm.

All I did was share an article from The Economist. And mine was actually on-topic!
speak of propaganda and who shows up. Greenbeard the paid propagandist for OscamCare.

...you just posted an image produced by the House GOP's political propaganda arm.

All I did was share an article from The Economist. And mine was actually on-topic!

Same with Here We Go Again - childish name calling is all they've got.

Like I'm supposed to care about an opinion from the likes of you?:lol:
omg, jobs that YOU THE TAXPAYERS get to pay for ?

bloomingidiot I wouldn't believe anything from his commie self or rag

pure propaganda for a new Government entitlement that cost us taxpayers BILLIONS on top of billions
He of course ignores the non government healthcare jobs we have lost due to cut backs and outsourcing getting ready for Obamacare.
omg, jobs that YOU THE TAXPAYERS get to pay for ?

bloomingidiot I wouldn't believe anything from his commie self or rag

pure propaganda for a new Government entitlement that cost us taxpayers BILLIONS on top of billions
He of course ignores the non government healthcare jobs we have lost due to cut backs and outsourcing getting ready for Obamacare.

of course. and the million of people who lost their insurance policies because of this pos law, that they were told, they could their plans if they liked their plans

just disgusting lies, misinformation and cost us billions of dollars. so they got all of 6000 people employed. whoohoo
omg, jobs that YOU THE TAXPAYERS get to pay for ?

bloomingidiot I wouldn't believe anything from his commie self or rag

pure propaganda for a new Government entitlement that cost us taxpayers BILLIONS on top of billions
He of course ignores the non government healthcare jobs we have lost due to cut backs and outsourcing getting ready for Obamacare.

of course. and the million of people who lost their insurance policies because of this pos law, that they were told, they could their plans if they liked their plans

just disgusting lies, misinformation and cost us billions of dollars. so they got all of 6000 people employed. whoohoo
Doubt they broke even either.

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