Obamacare just ruined my life

if you're a constitutional conservative then you are the gop.

Not even close. On "rare" occasions I may agree with a small "portion" of the republican party plank. On some "rare" occasions I may agree with a small portion of the democrat party plank. Hell, you and I might even agree on something, some day. Shit, you might even change my mind on something. Stranger things have happened.
true..they let you breed.
Ayup and tonight's the night !!!
Your so called differences were the equivalent of "it's not a ponzi" because I say "it's not a ponzi."
Clearly you have no idea what a ponzi scheme is, the differences I outlines are from that definition.

Compare and contrast the financials of every ponzi in history, to SS.
Ponzi schemes promise a good return on investment, social security makes no promises of any investment return. Ponzi schemes inevitably run out of new investors causing them to collapse, as long as people have babies social security will never run out of new taxpayers.

You're welcome.
Not even close. On "rare" occasions I may agree with a small "portion" of the republican party plank. On some "rare" occasions I may agree with a small portion of the democrat party plank. Hell, you and I might even agree on something, some day. Shit, you might even change my mind on something. Stranger things have happened.
true..they let you breed.
Ayup and tonight's the night !!!
does your wife know?
What are you some sort of retard?

By any measure SS and Medicare are most certainly ponzis.

Or perhaps you can show me your account number and balance of your SS and Medicare deposits.

By no accounting, except in your personal definition, are SS or Medicare a ponzi scheme.

"A Ponzi scheme is a fraudulent investment operation"

What part of that don't you get?

All your doing is saying "Ponzi is bad and I don't like it. I don't like Medicare, there fore it is a ponzi scheme". The fact that you don't like it has no relevance on reality.

What are you, some sort of retard?

Ponzi (webster): an investment swindle in which some early investors are paid off with money put up by later ones in order to encourage more and bigger risks.

The cost of SS and Medicare have gone, up or down over history? Is the money coming more from later investors or out of interest from earlier investors?

Do you know what the definition of investors is?

I am going to write a republican dictionary. It seems you people love to change the meanings of words for sophistic purposes.

Investor - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
i say hang those sunzabitches who passed Obozocare into law in the first place then burn every page and copy of that law on their dead bodies.

too bad we lost our Republic when that fucking muslime mulatto was sworn in. ... :up:
i say hang those sunzabitches who passed Obozocare into law in the first place then burn every page and copy of that law on their dead bodies.

too bad we lost our Republic when that fucking muslime mulatto was sworn in. ... :up:

You are a perfect candidate for al queda. Such hatred for our great country, you have.
By no accounting, except in your personal definition, are SS or Medicare a ponzi scheme.

"A Ponzi scheme is a fraudulent investment operation"

What part of that don't you get?

All your doing is saying "Ponzi is bad and I don't like it. I don't like Medicare, there fore it is a ponzi scheme". The fact that you don't like it has no relevance on reality.

What are you, some sort of retard?

Ponzi (webster): an investment swindle in which some early investors are paid off with money put up by later ones in order to encourage more and bigger risks.

The cost of SS and Medicare have gone, up or down over history? Is the money coming more from later investors or out of interest from earlier investors?

Do you know what the definition of investors is?

I am going to write a republican dictionary. It seems you people love to change the meanings of words for sophistic purposes.

Investor - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

At some point the refusal to use words by there definitions becomes more than sophistic, it becomes outright lying. People make mistakes, so they can be expected to use words and prhases the wrong way, but after it is pointed out to them and the proper definition is supplied and they continue to use the word or phrase and ignore the factual definition, they become liars.
i say hang those sunzabitches who passed Obozocare into law in the first place then burn every page and copy of that law on their dead bodies.

too bad we lost our Republic when that fucking muslime mulatto was sworn in. ... :up:

You are a perfect candidate for al queda. Such hatred for our great country, you have.

there is no hate for my country you son-of-a-bitch, i love my country and gave 25 years of my life defending it against this kind of commie take over, if you like what is currently being done then i say you are a fucking traitor !! what have you done to promote freedom and liberty for all ?

just looking at your avatar photo, i can tell you are a Nancy Pelousy, Fineswine, John Kerry loving asshole and a muslime mulatto pole smoker FUCK YOU !! :up: ... :lmao: ... :lmao: ... :lmao: ... :lmao: ... :lmao: ... :up:
i wish i had read this before submitting my post,
Fuck you, you insipid oxygen thief. If you lived in any other country you would have starved to death before puberty. Ifit wasn't for child resistant lids on household chemicals, you would have been found dead under a kitchen sink with a stomach full of Drano. It's a shame you weren't aborted, but it's not too late. Try a "do-it-yourself" retroactive abortion today you mindless fucking parasite.

right on Pete, i could not have said it better myself, i congratulate you for your patriotism and flushing out this qweer bassturd (sic) :up:
Your so called differences were the equivalent of "it's not a ponzi" because I say "it's not a ponzi."
Clearly you have no idea what a ponzi scheme is, the differences I outlines are from that definition.

Compare and contrast the financials of every ponzi in history, to SS.
Ponzi schemes promise a good return on investment, social security makes no promises of any investment return. Ponzi schemes inevitably run out of new investors causing them to collapse, as long as people have babies social security will never run out of new taxpayers.

You're welcome.

>>> Ponzi schemes promise a good return on investment, social security makes no promises of any investment return.


>>> Ponzi schemes inevitably run out of new investors causing them to collapse, as long as people have babies social security will never run out of new taxpayers.

As I said FORCED CONSCRIPTION. Forcing people to join by threat of jail... you should be ashamed.

>>> You're welcome.

No thanks.
By no accounting, except in your personal definition, are SS or Medicare a ponzi scheme.

"A Ponzi scheme is a fraudulent investment operation"

What part of that don't you get?

All your doing is saying "Ponzi is bad and I don't like it. I don't like Medicare, there fore it is a ponzi scheme". The fact that you don't like it has no relevance on reality.

What are you, some sort of retard?

Ponzi (webster): an investment swindle in which some early investors are paid off with money put up by later ones in order to encourage more and bigger risks.

The cost of SS and Medicare have gone, up or down over history? Is the money coming more from later investors or out of interest from earlier investors?

Do you know what the definition of investors is?

I am going to write a republican dictionary. It seems you people love to change the meanings of words for sophistic purposes.

Investor - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The community voted wikipedia is not a dictionary. And yes I know what the definition of investor(s) is. Now, you answer my questions.

invest: to commit (money) in order to earn a financial return. (Websters.) The money is SS/Med fees forcibly and voluntarily taken by the IRS, the financial return is paid SS checks and paid Medicare Premiums, and other paid programs of SS and Medicare. Odd that I have to draw it out for you, I thought more of you. My bad.
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Ponzi (webster): an investment swindle in which some early investors are paid off with money put up by later ones in order to encourage more and bigger risks.

The cost of SS and Medicare have gone, up or down over history? Is the money coming more from later investors or out of interest from earlier investors?

Do you know what the definition of investors is?

I am going to write a republican dictionary. It seems you people love to change the meanings of words for sophistic purposes.

Investor - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

At some point the refusal to use words by there definitions becomes more than sophistic, it becomes outright lying. People make mistakes, so they can be expected to use words and prhases the wrong way, but after it is pointed out to them and the proper definition is supplied and they continue to use the word or phrase and ignore the factual definition, they become liars.
The word is their not there. The spelling is phrases, not prhases. I'm not the one abusing the use of terms.
Do you know what the definition of investors is?

I am going to write a republican dictionary. It seems you people love to change the meanings of words for sophistic purposes.

Investor - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

At some point the refusal to use words by there definitions becomes more than sophistic, it becomes outright lying. People make mistakes, so they can be expected to use words and prhases the wrong way, but after it is pointed out to them and the proper definition is supplied and they continue to use the word or phrase and ignore the factual definition, they become liars.
The word is their not there. The spelling is phrases, not prhases. I'm not the one abusing the use of terms.
Yes you are. I made a grammar mistake and a typo mistake. That is not the same as redefining words and phrases. You are attempting to change the definition of the phrase ponzi scheme. My poor grammar and typo mistakes have nothing to do with that.
At some point the refusal to use words by there definitions becomes more than sophistic, it becomes outright lying. People make mistakes, so they can be expected to use words and prhases the wrong way, but after it is pointed out to them and the proper definition is supplied and they continue to use the word or phrase and ignore the factual definition, they become liars.
The word is their not there. The spelling is phrases, not prhases. I'm not the one abusing the use of terms.
Yes you are. I made a grammar mistake and a typo mistake. That is not the same as redefining words and phrases. You are attempting to change the definition of the phrase ponzi scheme. My poor grammar and typo mistakes have nothing to do with that.

And you are a liar. I did not attempt to do anything of the kind. I'm using the terms as defined, as they were intended, and as they have been used throughout history. It is you who are trying to redefine SS into what? If not investment, what is it? You are a coward that hides behind the sheets. Come out and offer a differing opinion vs. attacking me personally for my use of the term "investment" to describe SS.

Here, read about the "rates of return" for SS tax vs. other investments from the SSA web site:

Internal Real Rates of Return

You'll note they stopped counting rates of return for folks earning more then 69k. This because those folks are getting screwed and they did not want to show that on the chart.
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The word is their not there. The spelling is phrases, not prhases. I'm not the one abusing the use of terms.
Yes you are. I made a grammar mistake and a typo mistake. That is not the same as redefining words and phrases. You are attempting to change the definition of the phrase ponzi scheme. My poor grammar and typo mistakes have nothing to do with that.

And you are a liar. I did not attempt to do anything of the kind. I'm using the terms as defined, as they were intended, and as they have been used throughout history. It is you who are trying to redefine SS into what? If not investment, what is it? You are a coward that hides behind the sheets. Come out and offer a differing opinion vs. attacking me personally for my use of the term "investment" to describe SS.

Here, read about the "rates of return" for SS tax vs. other investments from the SSA web site:

Internal Real Rates of Return

You'll note they stopped counting rates of return for folks earning more then 69k. This because those folks are getting screwed and they did not want to show that on the chart.

Where did I attack you personally?
Few people would classify legalized theft as an investment. An investment is generally considered to be voluntary.

in·vest·ment [ in véstmənt ]
use of money for future profit: the outlay of money, e.g. by depositing it in a bank or by buying stock in a company, with the object of making a profit.

money invested: an amount of money invested in something for the purpose of making a profit.

something in which money is invested: something, e.g. a company, endeavor, or property, that money is invested in with the goal of making a profit

If A is an investment broker.

However. . . .

B invests $100 with A expecting X return on the money.

But rather than growing the $100, A instead spends the money and takes money from C in order to pay B.

Can you say Bernie Madoff?

World English Dictionary
Ponzi scheme (ˈpɒnzɪ) — n
a fraudulent investment operation that pays quick returns to initial contributors using money from subsequent contributors rather than profit.

Now which of these two definitions looks more like Social Security?
i say hang those sunzabitches who passed Obozocare into law in the first place then burn every page and copy of that law on their dead bodies.

too bad we lost our Republic when that fucking muslime mulatto was sworn in. ... :up:

You are a perfect candidate for al queda. Such hatred for our great country, you have.

there is no hate for my country you son-of-a-bitch, i love my country and gave 25 years of my life defending it against this kind of commie take over, if you like what is currently being done then i say you are a fucking traitor !! what have you done to promote freedom and liberty for all ?

just looking at your avatar photo, i can tell you are a Nancy Pelousy, Fineswine, John Kerry loving asshole and a muslime mulatto pole smoker FUCK YOU !! :up: ... :lmao: ... :lmao: ... :lmao: ... :lmao: ... :lmao: ... :up:

25 of your life, my ass. You were well compensated for it. You should be ashamed of your self. You took an oath to defend the constitution and now you are trying to destroy everything it stands for.

BTW, the Berlin wall was torn down long ago. Russia and China no longer practice pure communism,. Do you read?: Can you read, you stupid fuck?
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You are a perfect candidate for al queda. Such hatred for our great country, you have.

there is no hate for my country you son-of-a-bitch, i love my country and gave 25 years of my life defending it against this kind of commie take over, if you like what is currently being done then i say you are a fucking traitor !! what have you done to promote freedom and liberty for all ?

just looking at your avatar photo, i can tell you are a Nancy Pelousy, Fineswine, John Kerry loving asshole and a muslime mulatto pole smoker FUCK YOU !! :up: ... :lmao: ... :lmao: ... :lmao: ... :lmao: ... :lmao: ... :up:

25 of your life, my ass. You were well compensated for it. You should be ashamed of your self. You took an oath to defend the constitution and now you are trying to destroy everything it stands for.

BTW, the Berlin wall was torn down long ago. Russia and China no longer practice pure communism,. Do you read?: Can you read, you stupid fuck?

WOW, just when I thought we had hit bottom shnook proves that libtards are capable of far worse than they have shown.
Yes you are. I made a grammar mistake and a typo mistake. That is not the same as redefining words and phrases. You are attempting to change the definition of the phrase ponzi scheme. My poor grammar and typo mistakes have nothing to do with that.

And you are a liar. I did not attempt to do anything of the kind. I'm using the terms as defined, as they were intended, and as they have been used throughout history. It is you who are trying to redefine SS into what? If not investment, what is it? You are a coward that hides behind the sheets. Come out and offer a differing opinion vs. attacking me personally for my use of the term "investment" to describe SS.

Here, read about the "rates of return" for SS tax vs. other investments from the SSA web site:

Internal Real Rates of Return

You'll note they stopped counting rates of return for folks earning more then 69k. This because those folks are getting screwed and they did not want to show that on the chart.

Where did I attack you personally?

"You are attempting to change the definition of the phrase ponzi scheme."

I'm doing nothing of the kind. Nor am I attempting to change the definition of investment, which is what I thought you said. I may have misread your intent. I take the accusation of intentional and egregious changes of terms as an affront, when in fact that is not the case. It is a ponzi by every measure except one. The government is above the law, thus it's not a ponzi because they say its not a ponzi.
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Few people would classify legalized theft as an investment. An investment is generally considered to be voluntary.

in·vest·ment [ in véstmənt ]
use of money for future profit: the outlay of money, e.g. by depositing it in a bank or by buying stock in a company, with the object of making a profit.

money invested: an amount of money invested in something for the purpose of making a profit.

something in which money is invested: something, e.g. a company, endeavor, or property, that money is invested in with the goal of making a profit

If A is an investment broker.

However. . . .

B invests $100 with A expecting X return on the money.

But rather than growing the $100, A instead spends the money and takes money from C in order to pay B.

Can you say Bernie Madoff?

World English Dictionary
Ponzi scheme (ˈpɒnzɪ) — n
a fraudulent investment operation that pays quick returns to initial contributors using money from subsequent contributors rather than profit.

Now which of these two definitions looks more like Social Security?

Some people voluntarily write checks to the SSA, granted they would go to jail if they refuse.

While I agree investments are generally voluntary, there's no denying that there is a rate of return on SS deposits for some lucky few. Money goes into an account, money comes out. Some people loose more than they put in some get more than they put in. Most investments have a variable rate of return, many if not most can actually loose money. It's the same damn thing with SS. The only real difference is, in this case government mandates it by law, unless you get an exemption. Exemptions include priests, I believe one religion, and some federal union employees.

By design, it started out as a ponzi, and still is a ponzi. Each and every successive generation has had to pay twice as much as the previous generation by % of income. This pyramid proves without a shadow of doubt that it is a ponzi. The only final nail in the coffin is the last generation getting left holding the 50t + bag and nothing but IOUs in return.

It is well known that the only way to "save" this program is to cut the benefits, again, and/or increase the amount taken.
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