Obamacare "navigators" caught on tape encouraging lawbreaking, corruption, evasion


Gold Member
Jun 20, 2006
The Obama administration seems to be spreading the kind of corruption typical of third-world countries, everywhere it has any influence (which is nearly everywhere):

* Using judges and courts to crush political opposition,
* Using government to take from those who have and buy votes from those who haven't.
* Encouraging people to disobey the law (and so make them vulnerable to police crackdowns any time the government wants),
* Giving unelected and unaccountable officials access to power and information that can easily be used against honest citizens, etc.
* Etc. etc.

The list is long and growing.

Expect lots of "Well, everybody does it" excuses from those who still support these schemes.

Is this the America our Founding Fathers envisioned?

Or is this what they conducted a revolution to get away from?


The Truth about Navigators | National Review Online!

Original Article said:
“You lie because your premiums will be higher,” one navigator advises an investigator for O’Keefe’s Project Veritas, who tells the worker he sometimes smokes. “Don’t tell them that. Don’t tell ’em.”

The investigator then poses as a low-income worker at a university who has unreported cash income on the side, worrying about how that might affect his premium subsidies. That’s no problem for a navigator, who says, “Don’t get yourself in trouble by declaring it now.”

“Yeah, it didn’t happen,” another navigator says. One more chimes in: “Never report it.”

Records show that the National Urban League was paid $376,000 by the federal government for its Obamacare outreach in Texas.

O’Keefe’s cameras then visit Enroll America, a nationwide nonprofit group that has launched a multi-state grassroots campaign to help millions of Americans sign up for health coverage. Daniel Clayton of Enroll America says the group is “purely nonprofit. It’s not partisan, non-political.” But when Brian Pendleton of Enroll America is introduced at a speaking engagement, Enroll America is described as “the official group for the DNC [Democratic National Committee].”

Enroll America, O’Keefe reports, appears to be sharing data and working directly with an explicitly political group called Battleground Texas, activities that he notes “are prohibited unless certain conditions are met.” Adrian Bell, the regional field director for Battleground Texas, proudly notes the group was “started by President Obama’s national field director” and is “dedicated to turning Texas blue.”
Did you expectanything else from the lying leftard scum?
why the American people jus keep letting him get away with stuff I just don't understand!!
why the American people jus keep letting him get away with stuff I just don't understand!!

Simply put most only hear what the local news is reporting, which is nothing that mentions a Dem by his affiliation, if it is negative. And only the negative is mentioned about Republicans, Tea Party, libertarian and are sure to include their party affiliation. You then have the skewed so-called facts, which when proven wrong do not receive a retraction, or are buried on the back page if they do, when it comes to Republicans and Tea Party.

Much of the country is in the dark as to what is actually fact or fiction. Heck, most can't even name their own reps!
You guys should have him investigated - all this stuff MUST be true - after all, this IS the Internet.

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