Obamacare Operator Who Took Call From Sean Hannity Monday Fired For Talking To Him


Gold Member
Jul 11, 2013
Wow. This Administration is paranoid up to it's neck. They can't handle any type of dissent. This worker will be better off finding her a job with a ethical position but I listened to the call Monday and she was as nice as could be. How was she supposed to know that Sean Hannity was going to call in? Never the less, she was called in by her execs and canned the next morning.

Obamacare Operator Fired After Taking Call From Hannity; Hannity To Give Her A Year's Salary | RealClearPolitics

On the top of Thursday's broadcast of his radio show, Sean Hannity revealed Erling Davis, the Obamacare operator he called early in his Monday show, got fired. Hannity quizzed her on how well the law is being received by applicants and she revealed no one liked it. Hannity had Davis on his show today and revealed he will give her a year's salary of $26,000 and help her find a new job.

SEAN HANNITY: Something happened between the time we made that call to you, and now, what happened?

ERLING DAVIS: They fired me from my job.

HANNITY: Because of the phone call, the information that you gave us?

DAVIS: Yes sir.

HANNITY: Tell us what happened.

DAVIS: Okay, the day I received the call from the radio station, I had to go pick up my best friend that night, and then someone was like, ”someone was looking for you.” But, I don’t know who that person is. So I was like, well I’m going to come back in the morning, because I had to go back to work. So the next day I came back and they had, like, two people escort me upstairs to H.R. And then it was three head people and me, we sat down, and I’m like, “why am I up here?” I figured, okay, they wanna talk about the phone call – the incident.

Then the lady sitting behind the desk; I don’t know what their name is, but the lady that was sitting behind the desk, I guess called up another head lady on her cell phone, so the lady was talking, and I couldn’t really understand what she was saying because she had me on speakerphone. I remember her saying, “We can’t have this type of stuff going on here, so we have to release you.” But they had locked the doors and everything; I guess they didn’t want anybody to come in there.
So when she told me they had to release me, that’s when I put my name tag – my badge – on the desk, and something was going wrong with my cell phone, so that’s when I tried to call my ride to come pick me up, but the lady next to me was just, like, being rude. She had, like, an attitude.

HANNITY: Now, did they give you… You were hired… How long had you been working with this company?

DAVIS: I started September 23.

HANNITY: Okay, so it’s a fairly new job for you. Did they—I assume they put you through some training, right?

DAVIS: Yes sir, they did.

HANNITY: And did they ever tell you that you’re not allowed to take a call from a radio show? Your job was to answer phones.

DAVIS: I did not hear anything about that. There were so many of us in a big group, you can only talk so loud.

HANNITY: Right, and one of the things that struck me. I was really impressed, and I said that to you on Monday. You are patient, you are kind, you answered all our questions. You were totally honest. Wasn’t that what you were hired to do?

DAVIS: Yeah, I’m just out here tryin’ to help everybody. And I know, like, some people have been making bad comments about me. Some people have been making good comments about me. But, some people are like, “Oh, you knew you shouldn’t have said that!” And I’m just like, okay… I kinda felt bad about it. My gosh, I got fired.

HANNITY: And what was the specific reason? When they sat you down, did they give you a specific reason?

DAVIS: They said that no contact with the media. No type of media whatsoever. We’re not allowed to do that at that company.

HANNITY: Meaning, in other words, they didn’t tell you before you were hired, they didn’t tell you during your training, but then they told you after the fact that you aren’t allowed to be on the media if somebody called in. It’s not your fault I called.

Here is the actual phone transcript from Mondays call with Hannity to the operator.

Hannity Dials Obamacare Call Center, Operator Says No One Likes It | RealClearPolitics
This is the part that got her fired:

HANNITY: They're really telling you to tell us to check back in on the website in off-hours. Does that mean that I should go on at like three in the morning?

OPERATOR: It was saying early in the morning and late at night, but some people say they do that and still can't get in.

HANNITY: So people are reporting to you the real deal?

OPERATOR: Yes sir, they are.

HANNITY: Have you ever got anybody that really likes it yet?

OPERATOR: Umm, no, not really.

[Hannity laughs]
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people might wake up and realize what's it's going to be like Living and speaking in the ObamaNation

He can giveth and he can taketh

now they should go home and give 5 hailObama's and ask forgiveness from the Dear One
According to the woman they treated her like a criminal before they escorted her off the property. All she did was answer the questions she was trained to answer. For the record Hannity is bending over backwards to try to find the woman a job. What is so secret about the health care plan that the administration thinks it should protect? Apparently the mainstream media isn't interested in the unfair treatment of the (Black) woman.
The OChavez administration goose-stepping along its usual course.
The lady was hired to answer maobamacare questions, that's all she did. It probably saved money because the folks listening on the radio found out the call center just referred them back to the web site which was scheduled to be down for the next 42 hours. But hey since when is doing a good job grounds for keeping your job, now political correctness is more important and you can't say anything about the dear leader, even if it's true.
hell, Bob Beckel a DNC mouthpiece admitted he was harassed by this Obama government for speaking out on it

that's that Hope and Change you voted for...to be HARASSED, hurl vile names at you if you don't bow to their demands, and the wonderful hope and boy are getting that Change, just goes on and on
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Anyone who refuses to think this administration is vengeful vindictive is either a liberal, or a stupid liberal. We have now have three instances of people being fired for criticizing the Obama Administration and it's policies.
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If I were to give a public statement to the media regarding the company I work for I would be fired also as I'm not authorized to do so. Most companies have a policy like this. I don't think anything unusual really went on here.
Just bureaucracy CYA more than Obama administration...more to come lol.

You won't LOL if someday an administration not friendly to your ideas hits you up with payback.

The schmuckery of the left is only eclipsed by their inability to think beyond some petty partisan win. Dick head.
Just bureaucracy CYA more than Obama administration...more to come lol.

obama admin runs the agency....:rolleyes:

but must defend obama at all costs

Does he? I get the impression based on the conversation between her and Hannity that this is a private company she works for that was contracted by the government to provide this service for them.
And KUDOS to Sean for sending her $13,000...and launching an e-mail campaign on his website to get this woman a job that she wants to do in her local area since she doesn't want to move.

Local radio station that is there that carries Sean has offered her a job...

Yeah LIBS...Conservatives are eeeeevil....

God bless her, and I am appalled with how this administration and Statists in general punish people for being truthful. This woman was being 100% honest.

SHAME on the company that fired her, and the people that hired the firm...YEAH, that means YOU, Obama.

Never, ever do anything to antagonize a narcissist. Look what happened to the national security fella who tweeted out about all the White House inanities, ie letting that vacuous slut Valerie Jarret run the show. I suppose it coulda ended up worse for the guy or the gal, they coulda ended up in a quarry in Siberia or Silesia carrying 100 lb blocks of stone out of the quarry in a rucksack on their backs. Or maybe Baracky Obammunist is savin' that treat for guys like Ted Cruz and Mike Lee once he decides that this current erea of soft despotism he's imposing just aint cutting it?
Never, ever do anything to antagonize a narcissist. Look what happened to the national security fella who tweeted out about all the White House inanities, ie letting that vacuous slut Valerie Jarret run the show. I suppose it coulda ended up worse for the guy or the gal, they coulda ended up in a quarry in Siberia or Silesia carrying 100 lb blocks of stone out of the quarry in a rucksack on their backs. Or maybe Baracky Obammunist is savin' that treat for guys like Ted Cruz and Mike Lee once he decides that this current erea of soft despotism he's imposing just aint cutting it?
These narcissistic shitheads are out of control, and need to be called on this crap.
Just bureaucracy CYA more than Obama administration...more to come lol.

obama admin runs the agency....:rolleyes:

but must defend obama at all costs

Does he? I get the impression based on the conversation between her and Hannity that this is a private company she works for that was contracted by the government to provide this service for them.

And you don't think they didn't receive a call from Obamas henchmen

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