Obamacare Waivers Prove Policy is a Jobs Killer, Unions Benefit Most

Approved Applications for Waiver of the Annual Limits Requirements of the PHS Act Section 2711 as of November 1, 2010

*All Applicants Listed have had 1 or more plans/policies approved

Applications for waivers from annual limit requirements are reviewed on a case by case basis by Department officials who look at a series of factors including whether or not a premium increase is large or if a significant number of enrollees would lose access to their current plan because the coverage would not be offered in the absence of a waiver. More detailed information on specific criteria can be found at: http://www.hhs.gov/ociio/regulations/11-05-2010annual_limits_waiver_bulletin.pdf. Approved applicants are granted an annual limit waiver for one year. The Office of Consumer Information and Insurance Oversight’s sub-regulatory guidance on the process for obtaining waivers of the annual limits requirements may be found at: http://www.hhs.gov/ociio/regulations/patient/ociio_2010-1_20100903_508.pdf

The List
Approved Applications for Waiver of the Annual Limits Requirements of the PHS Act Section 2711 as of November 1, 2010
My understanding is that these wavers are needed to make sure no one loses coverage prior to 2014 when the tax credits go into effect. As I recall this was discussed in the media just after the bill passed.

I believe these are one year waivers. Still Bullshit. If the Law is so hurtful to all of these entities, what does that tell you?
Wrong Steph.
The healthcare and insurance industry benefit the most.

And it was planned that way. Key healthcare industries worked hard on the Obama administration to make sure their status quo remain subsidized through the bill and that cost containment, aggressive regulation, and public insurance stayed off the table.
Wrong Steph.
The healthcare and insurance industry benefit the most.
Even tough you despise corporations which Obamacare benefits, you lefties love Obamacare but hate the "evil corporations"...
You people are a living art masterpiece.
I told you this from the get go. Unions cannot afford their benefits. They want the American tax payer to foot the bill. Wait til they come after your 401 K,, unions cannot afford their pensions either so they want yours.

Do you even know what this is a waiver from?

Let us not forget that the Congress and President were specifically exempted from Obowmacare.

The opposite is true. Members of Congress are the only people in the United States required to leave their employer-sponsored group plan and enroll in their states' new health insurance exchanges.

So with all these exemptions, and the farce that is the new laws.

My premium will rockett up to cover the increased cost AND my taxes will have to go up to cover those that refuse to pay thier fair share OR the dollar will get further devalued by borrowing to cover this insanity?

By definition you're not in the same risk pool at those exempted from the annual limit requirements. The waivers have no impact on you.

Obama White House Hands Out 111 Obamacare Waivers- Hides It on Website

You've got to be kidding. All information on insurance-related regulations and oversight will be on the OCIIO website: The Office of Consumer Information and Insurance Oversight. On the side panel you'll see a "Regulations and Guidance" tab. Click it. It's all right there. Choose "annual limit waivers" for the relevant information. Not very well hidden.

Even tough you despise corporations which Obamacare benefits, you lefties love Obamacare but hate the "evil corporations"...
You people are a living art masterpiece.

At some point you're going to understand that the ACA is not ideologically affiliated with the left. It's an extremely pragmatic law.
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Wrong Steph.
The healthcare and insurance industry benefit the most.

And it was planned that way. Key healthcare industries worked hard on the Obama administration to make sure their status quo remain subsidized through the bill and that cost containment, aggressive regulation, and public insurance stayed off the table.

Yep same as with Bush and the pill bill.
Approved Applications for Waiver of the Annual Limits Requirements of the PHS Act Section 2711 as of November 1, 2010

*All Applicants Listed have had 1 or more plans/policies approved

Applications for waivers from annual limit requirements are reviewed on a case by case basis by Department officials who look at a series of factors including whether or not a premium increase is large or if a significant number of enrollees would lose access to their current plan because the coverage would not be offered in the absence of a waiver. More detailed information on specific criteria can be found at: http://www.hhs.gov/ociio/regulations/11-05-2010annual_limits_waiver_bulletin.pdf. Approved applicants are granted an annual limit waiver for one year. The Office of Consumer Information and Insurance Oversight’s sub-regulatory guidance on the process for obtaining waivers of the annual limits requirements may be found at: http://www.hhs.gov/ociio/regulations/patient/ociio_2010-1_20100903_508.pdf

The List
Approved Applications for Waiver of the Annual Limits Requirements of the PHS Act Section 2711 as of November 1, 2010
My understanding is that these wavers are needed to make sure no one loses coverage prior to 2014 when the tax credits go into effect. As I recall this was discussed in the media just after the bill passed.

I believe these are one year waivers. Still Bullshit. If the Law is so hurtful to all of these entities, what does that tell you?
They built into the law the required minimum coverage starting in 2011. The tax credits do not start until 2014. Either the tax credits should have started in 2011 or the requirement should have been delayed till 2014.

There are a lot other gaps in the law which need to be closed with additional legislation. Since the bill was so hotly contested, I doubt there will be any new legislation passed until after full implementation in 2014.
If one business is exempt all business should be exempt. Companies will opt out. By closing down. Simple as that.
Let us not forget that the Congress and President were specifically exempted from Obowmacare.

Let us not forget that this is a lie.

But feel free to keep repeating it, if it makes you feel better.



Congressman wants Lawmakers to enroll in Government Health Care
My understanding is that these wavers are needed to make sure no one loses coverage prior to 2014 when the tax credits go into effect. As I recall this was discussed in the media just after the bill passed.

I believe these are one year waivers. Still Bullshit. If the Law is so hurtful to all of these entities, what does that tell you?
They built into the law the required minimum coverage starting in 2011. The tax credits do not start until 2014. Either the tax credits should have started in 2011 or the requirement should have been delayed till 2014.

There are a lot other gaps in the law which need to be closed with additional legislation. Since the bill was so hotly contested, I doubt there will be any new legislation passed until after full implementation in 2014.

You forget there is a huge move to repeal this monstrosity.

The fact that so many companies want waivers tells you something about it's effect on the economy and it's popularity.
I told you this from the get go. Unions cannot afford their benefits. They want the American tax payer to foot the bill. Wait til they come after your 401 K,, unions cannot afford their pensions either so they want yours.

Do you even know what this is a waiver from?

Let us not forget that the Congress and President were specifically exempted from Obowmacare.

The opposite is true. Members of Congress are the only people in the United States required to leave their employer-sponsored group plan and enroll in their states' new health insurance exchanges.

By definition you're not in the same risk pool at those exempted from the annual limit requirements. The waivers have no impact on you.

Obama White House Hands Out 111 Obamacare Waivers- Hides It on Website

You've got to be kidding. All information on insurance-related regulations and oversight will be on the OCIIO website: The Office of Consumer Information and Insurance Oversight. On the side panel you'll see a "Regulations and Guidance" tab. Click it. It's all right there. Choose "annual limit waivers" for the relevant information. Not very well hidden.

Even tough you despise corporations which Obamacare benefits, you lefties love Obamacare but hate the "evil corporations"...
You people are a living art masterpiece.

At some point you're going to understand that the ACA is not ideologically affiliated with the left. It's an extremely pragmatic law.

You've got to be kidding. All information on insurance-related regulations and oversight will be on the OCIIO website: The Office of Consumer Information and Insurance Oversight. On the side panel you'll see a "Regulations and Guidance" tab. Click it. It's all right there. Choose "annual limit waivers" for the relevant information. Not very well hidden.

You are Retarded Right. You do realize that I posted the List Link.

The List

Approved Applications for Waiver of the Annual Limits Requirements of the PHS Act Section 2711 as of November 1, 2010
I believe these are one year waivers. Still Bullshit. If the Law is so hurtful to all of these entities, what does that tell you?
They built into the law the required minimum coverage starting in 2011. The tax credits do not start until 2014. Either the tax credits should have started in 2011 or the requirement should have been delayed till 2014.

There are a lot other gaps in the law which need to be closed with additional legislation. Since the bill was so hotly contested, I doubt there will be any new legislation passed until after full implementation in 2014.

You forget there is a huge move to repeal this monstrosity.

The fact that so many companies want waivers tells you something about it's effect on the economy and it's popularity.
Chance of repeal is very unlikely with Democrats controlling the Senate and Obama in the Whitehouse. Even if the Republicans are in control in 2013, it would be too late. Both the government, the healthcare insurance industry and healthcare providers would be too deep into the new system to repeal it. I think it likely that there will be changes made to the system. There is not enough control on cost and too many people are not covered.

Under the ACA, members of Congress will no longer get the FEHBP. They'll have to enroll in their states' exchange (and no, ACA doesn't push exchange coverage on all Americans; most people will remain in group plans they get through their job).

Presumably that's the outcome you wanted so what's the problem?

No problem . Seems certain members here said it didn't exist. But I can tell you that Congresscritters don't need what they have. They are citizens like the rest of us last time I checked.

There's nothing special about ANY of them.

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