Obamacare website crashes on last day of enrollment

Kind of late with this aren't you?

The website has been up all day
They reported problems EARLY this morning. A friend of mine kept getting booted off only to being relegated to talking to these assholes on the phone after being on hold for a couple of HOURS.:eusa_hand:


Supposedly up by 8AM.see why conservatives are outraged
This thread was moot by 8
So many dingbats trying the last day lol...I saw that 60% of the uninsured didn't know there was a deadline lol- last week!!....you really have to wonder about people...I've given up on hater dupes.
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Kind of late with this aren't you?

The website has been up all day
They reported problems EARLY this morning. A friend of mine kept getting booted off only to being relegated to talking to these assholes on the phone after being on hold for a couple of HOURS.:eusa_hand:


Supposedly up by 8AM.see why conservatives are outraged
This thread was moot by 8
Not "moot" according to CBS NEws @ 630pm
According to them, those not enrolled by midnight can face a $95 fine, and the next chance for enrollment isn't until November

BTW, I opened www.healthcare.gov in a new tab before I clicked 'quote' to reply to you.
It's still not loaded
They reported problems EARLY this morning. A friend of mine kept getting booted off only to being relegated to talking to these assholes on the phone after being on hold for a couple of HOURS.:eusa_hand:


Supposedly up by 8AM.see why conservatives are outraged
This thread was moot by 8
Not "moot" according to CBS NEws @ 630pm
According to them, those not enrolled by midnight can face a $95 fine, and the next chance for enrollment isn't until November

BTW, I opened www.healthcare.gov in a new tab before I clicked 'quote' to reply to you.
It's still not loaded
Rightwinger tends to cling to failure as debris from the Titanic, and declare success. BTW? My friend still can't get answers from the site or people on the phone.
a fitting end...:lol:

Enrollment on the healthcare.gov website is ending the way it began - very badly.

The site crashed this morning and although it has been somewhat revived, visitors are being put into a queue where an email will tell them when they can register.

Buying insurance has absolutely nothing to do with whether or not someone supports Obamacare. The only thing you can take away from the numbers that will gleefully be announced by the White House is that 6 or 7 million people don't want to pay a fine or are terrified of the IRS.

That said, if things stay true to form, about 20% or 1.2 million people will sign up for insurance and then fail to pay the first month's premium. You can be sure the White House won't announce that number, or any other metric that doesn't make happy talk about Obamacare.

Blog: Obamacare website crashes on final day of enrollment

Par for the course.
That means, as predicted, that many waited until the last minute. It's good news.

Pretty desperate statement, don't you think? This law has been nothing but a disaster from beginning to end, and then you say it's "good news"? Tell me, how is being stripped of your insurance "good news" exactly?

Sigh, if only Obama and his party actually gave a damn about people's healthcare...
I hear Amazon.com and eBay also crash on a regular basis when millions of users log in.
Oh wait, they don't.

So much for "when the website gets fixed everything will be OK." Fortunately for the poor fools trapped in Obamacare Hell the website itself is considered a hardship by HHS and those using it can apply for an exemption to the penalty.
I hear Amazon.com and eBay also crash on a regular basis when millions of users log in.
Oh wait, they don't.

So much for "when the website gets fixed everything will be OK." Fortunately for the poor fools trapped in Obamacare Hell the website itself is considered a hardship by HHS and those using it can apply for an exemption to the penalty.
And the majority of them will wonder WHY they voted for Obama and DEMOCRATS in the first place.
Most of those already breaking out the champagne over D-Crap Care 'enrollments' don't know that the average e-commerce shopping cart abandonment rate has been 67%.
It's hilarious, the desperation of the left.

People who don't have insurance are REQUIRED BY LAW to get it by today.

And the fact that so many are signing up is celebrated by the left as if they are signing up because it's soooo wonderful!

So you enjoy covering the costs of healthcare for people who can purchase it but choose not to?

I don't find anyone willing to pay the costs of health care this way.
Not ONE democrat, liberal or prochoice person.

They all expect other people to pay the costs.

Isn't that ironic?
A system that forces people to pay fines who DON'T BELIEVE IN USING IT.
And exempts people from a tax penalty who believe in using the system.

Backwards maybe?

Still don't understand why this system can't run without the mandates forcing it on people.
If it works so well, funding and participation should be voluntary.

Like any business, it should start with just the people who believe in making it work, and grow as more people can be served with the same resources. By free choice, not forced.
It's hilarious, the desperation of the left.

People who don't have insurance are REQUIRED BY LAW to get it by today.

And the fact that so many are signing up is celebrated by the left as if they are signing up because it's soooo wonderful!

So you enjoy covering the costs of healthcare for people who can purchase it but choose not to?

I don't find anyone willing to pay the costs of health care this way.
Not ONE democrat, liberal or prochoice person.

They all expect other people to pay the costs.

Isn't that ironic?
A system that forces people to pay fines who DON'T BELIEVE IN USING IT.
And exempts people from a tax penalty who believe in using the system.

Backwards maybe?

Still don't understand why this system can't run without the mandates forcing it on people.
If it works so well, funding and participation should be voluntary.

Like any business, it should start with just the people who believe in making it work, and grow as more people can be served with the same resources. By free choice, not forced.
And illustrates why the SCOTUS was so dead wrong by calling it a TAX...and supporting the administration...by leading them to that tact.

It's ABUSE of the people from more than one branch of the Imperial Federal Government. This crap has to cease.
I hear Amazon.com and eBay also crash on a regular basis when millions of users log in.
Oh wait, they don't.

So much for "when the website gets fixed everything will be OK." Fortunately for the poor fools trapped in Obamacare Hell the website itself is considered a hardship by HHS and those using it can apply for an exemption to the penalty.
And the majority of them will wonder WHY they voted for Obama and DEMOCRATS in the first place.

I think they will say they were pushing for change.
Whether or not this ACA goes this way or that,
it succeeded in forcing change one way or another.

If Democrats can't see this as an opportunity to organize
prison reforms to push for a focus of resources on medical and health care,
maybe Republicans can organize alternatives to ACA
by setting up systems for reforming Veteran care.

Either way, we do need to reform health care,
but not with the ACA as written. It is more like
an alarm going off, forcing us to push in the right
codes on the keypad to make the damn thing turn off.

We can't afford to waste time or resources fight over control of the keypad.
That isn't helping but that's what is happening.

I believe solutions will come from separating by party.
Unless they agree on a system of replacing govt welfare with microlending,
and restitution for crime or corruption to reimburse taxpayers,
I don't see how they are going to agree on running ACA with federal mandates.
Kind of late with this aren't you?

The website has been up all day

No it hasn't. It crashed 8 times on one application, 3 times on another, and 13 times I couldn't even submit an application at all.

Today has been terrible.
If we were were hater dupes, we'd be sure these computer corporations were sabotaging us lol. At any rate, looking like 7 million almost, and plenty of young people...DON'T WAIT TILL THE LAST DAY LOL. aNYWAY, YOU BASICALLY HAVE ANOTHER 2 WEEKS- JUST LIE...

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