Obamacare will bankrupt the U.S.


Jan 22, 2013
The recession that began in 2009 has shown little improvement in job growth that is aligned with population growth. According to the U.S. Census Bureau for year 2009 there were 50,674 (million) and 7,513 (million) children in the U.S. that did not have health coverage. The people considered to be at or below poverty level (includes individuals that earn minimum wage of 7.25 hour or below) for 2009 total for individuals 42,868,163 and for families 7,955,824.

Obamacare was never intended to expand coverage for higher income wage earners since they currently estimate the number of people covered by health insurance is approx. 253,606 (million) people. Most people that are currently without coverage is your fast food chains, retail outlets, etc. They work for minimum wage and they will be eligible for Medicaid.

There is absolutely no justifiable reason for health insurance companies to raise our rates and increase our deductibles. Almost all of the uninsured will be eligible for Medicaid.
It is not true that the number of people that are uninsured that go to the emergency rooms for care affect the healthcare insurance industry. These people either are enrolled in Medicaid or are billed to the State by the hospital. The charges billed by the hospital and the fees negotiated by the insurance carrier of what each service item will be paid at (usually 50% of charges or less) is determined by each contract.

The public are brainwashed into thinking that their insurance rates increase due to the number of people that don’t have insurance. Fact is the health insurance companies are only responsible for individuals that are covered under their policy.

The ACA needs to be thrown out and replaced with Medicaid expansion only, since most of the uninsured qualify for Medicaid in 2014.
Obama and his crew have probably taken us to a point of no return.
Quickly approaching $20 trillion in debt and Obama acts like he doesn't have a care in the world.
And why should he.He is surrounded by sheep,the media who used top be the watch dogs of the
people have their head so far up his ass they know what he eats every day.

Well we tried to get him out of office but failed.

It will be comical when the Libs finally realize that he was a failure and then see them try to run away from him as fast as they can.
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Control of the vocabulary means everything. Just as we have changed "welfare"into "entitlements," we have changed "health care" into "health insurance" in order to obscure the fact that we are simply handing out more and more freebies in exchange for votes. Need I mention that food stamps are now debit cards?

Once Obamacare is acknowledged to be unworkable. the result will be a single payer system (i.e., national health care), which is what the Democrats wanted in the first place. Is this a great country or what!
Control of the vocabulary means everything. Just as we have changed "welfare"into "entitlements," we have changed "health care" into "health insurance" in order to obscure the fact that we are simply handing out more and more freebies in exchange for votes. Need I mention that food stamps are now debit cards?

Once Obamacare is acknowledged to be unworkable. the result will be a single payer system (i.e., national health care), which is what the Democrats wanted in the first place. Is this a great country or what!

Then - now...

illegal alien - undocumented democrat

homo - gay

terrorist - freedom fighter

patriot - terrorist

... on and on... and it's all leftist/progressive bull shit.

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