Obamacare Will Shut Rural Hospitals

if our healthcare was based on a lower cost free market system there would be hospitals OPENING all over....not closing.....since the number of customers (patients) is increasing with boomer retirements....

Obama (who stole from Medicare to finance Obamacare) is just an example of a socialist elite who is engineering from the top down....

rural hospitals must go because the goal is to "stack 'em and pack 'em" in what are called "human settlement zones".....rural zones for people are not compatible with "sustainable development"....

You are an idiot. Our current health care system is based on the highest profits possible for the private administrators including recieving overpayments from medicare.

really , did you ever think posters dont take you serious because you cant get apast the nsulting

I don't try to placate idiots and liars. Simple. Lie and get slapped down.
Well, first you have to pass it, before we can tell you what's in it. Yeah, some dumbass actually said that. Unreal.
You are an idiot. Our current health care system is based on the highest profits possible for the private administrators including recieving overpayments from medicare.

really , did you ever think posters dont take you serious because you cant get apast the nsulting

I don't try to placate idiots and liars. Simple. Lie and get slapped down.

so if they diagree with you you immediately deem them idiots and liars, i think we all know who needs to be slapped, to bad you dont have a good friend in your life to stop you from thinking in such a small way. but thats the way it is for a lot of people, they just surround themse;ves with yes men and figure everything they say and do is the right way.
I will attempt to bring some sanity and some facts into this insult-o-rama tin foil hatfest.

Please read all the way to the end so you can understand the deception Obama has pulled.

Part A of the Medicare program pays for inpatient hospital services, home health services, and nursing services. Part B pays for outpatient hospital services, doctors office visits, and various other services.

If a doctor is willing to accept Medicare patients, he or she must sign an agreement with the federal Health and Human Services department.

When a doctor provides a service, they submit their bill to an intermediary such as Blue Cross or Blue Shield.

The intermediary has all kinds of actuarial charts to tell them what the service that was rendered has cost on average in the past. If the doctor is billing within that window, the doctor gets "reimbursed" (paid). If the doctor is billing more than that, the doctor's reimbursement is "adjusted" to less than what was billed. The doctor is paid what the actuarial charts say he should be paid.

But it does not end there. At the end of each fiscal year, the doctor must submit to the intermediary a report which details his costs for the services the doctor provided that year.

If it turns out the doctor's costs were higher than what he was reimbursed, the intermediary provides the difference. If it turns out the doctor's costs were much lower than the actuarial tables predicted, the intermediary goes after the doctor for the overpayment. If the doctor tries to dodge paying back the overpayment, the intermediary takes it out of future reimbursements until the overpayment is paid back.

One of the ways Bill Clinton and Newt Gingrich's Congress balanced the budget was to reduce the amount reimbursed to doctors. This amounted to a $115 billion cut over five years, which was a lot of money back then.

The problem is that those cuts have been rolled back every single year since then. An annual ritual known as a "doc fix". The reason for the doc fix is simple. Doctors who take Medicare patients will drop those patients when their reimbursements for services rendered drop.

So that $115 billion "savings" was never realized.

Guess what Obama did to pay for ObamaCare?

That's right. A $716 billion dollar cut to Medicare reimbursements.

So what do you think is going to happen every single year when it comes time to make those cuts?

That's right. Doc Fix Squared™.

That "cut" will never happen. The Congressman in the OP is correct. Hospitals will stop taking Medicare patients, and so will private practice doctors.

So ObamaCare is not budget neutral. Not even close. It will be at least $716 billion in the hole come 2014 when the first cuts are supposed to happen, which will so obviously be stopped.

Obama was hoping this was all too complicated for you to catch on.

Reading the insults from both sides, and the tin foil hat stuff about Agenda 21, I think he may have been correct in that assumption.

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Libulals have already closed most rural hospitals by granting illegals free health care at all hospital ERs.

Obozo can easily end 99% of ER visits by illegals but he won't do it. Lets hope the romster does.
if our healthcare was based on a lower cost free market system there would be hospitals OPENING all over....not closing.....since the number of customers (patients) is increasing with boomer retirements....

Obama (who stole from Medicare to finance Obamacare) is just an example of a socialist elite who is engineering from the top down....

rural hospitals must go because the goal is to "stack 'em and pack 'em" in what are called "human settlement zones".....rural zones for people are not compatible with "sustainable development"....

You are an idiot. Our current health care system is based on the highest profits possible for the private administrators including recieving overpayments from medicare.

hey doofus that would seem like what is happening....but it's much more involved than just that....

why is it there has been really no big increase in demand for healthcare....yet over the past ten years the average family cost for healthcare doubled from about $7k to $15k....?

many things like technology and medical malpractice lawsuits contribute to the rising costs but also the whole problem of too many "middlemen" along with the big push for socialized medicine ala obamacare as well as the surge in medicare is also now contributing to overall costs in because there is no cost transparency, too much waste, new coverage costs, abuse of the system, meddling politicians, etc.
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if our healthcare was based on a lower cost free market system there would be hospitals OPENING all over....not closing.....since the number of customers (patients) is increasing with boomer retirements....

Obama (who stole from Medicare to finance Obamacare) is just an example of a socialist elite who is engineering from the top down....

rural hospitals must go because the goal is to "stack 'em and pack 'em" in what are called "human settlement zones".....rural zones for people are not compatible with "sustainable development"....

You are an idiot. Our current health care system is based on the highest profits possible for the private administrators including recieving overpayments from medicare.

you are fucking clueless Huggy. You regurgitate talking poiints..

Oh...and by the way....you are wrong.

You were made to look like a fool again by your pundits.

Man...you are pathetic Huggy.
Burn Down the Suburbs? - Stanley Kurtz - National Review Online

Obama’s plans to undercut the political and economic independence of America’s suburbs reach back decades. The community organizers who trained him in the mid-1980s blamed the plight of cities on taxpayer “flight” to suburbia. Beginning in the mid-1990s, Obama’s mentors at the Gamaliel Foundation (a community-organizing network Obama helped found) formally dedicated their efforts to the budding fight against suburban “sprawl.” From his positions on the boards of a couple of left-leaning Chicago foundations, Obama channeled substantial financial support to these efforts. On entering politics, he served as a dedicated ally of his mentors’ anti-suburban activism.

In July of 2011, Kruglik’s Building One America held a conference at the White House. Orfield and Rusk made presentations, and afterwards Kruglik personally met with the president in the Oval Office. The ultimate goal of the movement led by Kruglik, Rusk, and Orfield is quite literally to abolish the suburbs. Knowing that this could never happen through outright annexation by nearby cities, they’ve developed ways to coax suburbs to slowly forfeit their independence.

One approach is to force suburban residents into densely packed cities by blocking development on the outskirts of metropolitan areas, and by discouraging driving with a blizzard of taxes, fees, and regulations.

Shuttering rural hospitals is nothing compared to what liberals intend to do.
What's Romney's plan for keeping hospitals open? Where's that money in his budget?

He's not explained how he's going to implement the pre-existing conditions clause of ObamaCare in his plan.

Romney will never repeal the Affordable Care Act if he's elected. That was one of his lies to the Right so he could get nominated.
[why is it there has been really no big increase in demand for healthcare....yet over the past ten years the average family cost for healthcare doubled from about $7k to $15k....?


Mine has gone from $2000 to $3,500 in 10 years but it would have been much higher if i hadn't raised the deductible. It's just awful. The big culprit is the way illegals get free health care at ERs for everything. Obozo could stop that overnight but refuses to do so.
I will attempt to bring some sanity and some facts into this insult-o-rama tin foil hatfest.

Please read all the way to the end so you can understand the deception Obama has pulled.

Part A of the Medicare program pays for inpatient hospital services, home health services, and nursing services. Part B pays for outpatient hospital services, doctors office visits, and various other services.

If a doctor is willing to accept Medicare patients, he or she must sign an agreement with the federal Health and Human Services department.

When a doctor provides a service, they submit their bill to an intermediary such as Blue Cross or Blue Shield.

The intermediary has all kinds of actuarial charts to tell them what the service that was rendered has cost on average in the past. If the doctor is billing within that window, the doctor gets "reimbursed" (paid). If the doctor is billing more than that, the doctor's reimbursement is "adjusted" to less than what was billed. The doctor is paid what the actuarial charts say he should be paid.

But it does not end there. At the end of each fiscal year, the doctor must submit to the intermediary a report which details his costs for the services the doctor provided that year.

If it turns out the doctor's costs were higher than what he was reimbursed, the intermediary provides the difference. If it turns out the doctor's costs were much lower than the actuarial tables predicted, the intermediary goes after the doctor for the overpayment. If the doctor tries to dodge paying back the overpayment, the intermediary takes it out of future reimbursements until the overpayment is paid back.

One of the ways Bill Clinton and Newt Gingrich's Congress balanced the budget was to reduce the amount reimbursed to doctors. This amounted to a $115 billion cut over five years, which was a lot of money back then.

The problem is that those cuts have been rolled back every single year since then. An annual ritual known as a "doc fix". The reason for the doc fix is simple. Doctors who take Medicare patients will drop those patients when their reimbursements for services rendered drop.

So that $115 billion "savings" was never realized.

Guess what Obama did to pay for ObamaCare?

That's right. A $716 billion dollar cut to Medicare reimbursements.

So what do you think is going to happen every single year when it comes time to make those cuts?

That's right. Doc Fix Squared™.

That "cut" will never happen. The Congressman in the OP is correct. Hospitals will stop taking Medicare patients, and so will private practice doctors.

So ObamaCare is not budget neutral. Not even close. It will be at least $716 billion in the hole come 2014 when the first cuts are supposed to happen, which will so obviously be stopped.

Obama was hoping this was all too complicated for you to catch on.

Reading the insults from both sides, and the tin foil hat stuff about Agenda 21, I think he may have been correct in that assumption.


you are right about the "doc fixes" in the past but i suspect if the radicals have their way they will not continue along those lines but just let seniors either have to pay for the difference or fall into medicaid (aka obamacare)......as the ultimate goal is to create one universal care system....

...note that BO already stole from Medicare to operate his new Obamacare program...

also....Agenda 21 is not a "tin foil hat" idea....it's already a project in motion...Clinton got it officially started....it's time to wake up and confront their heinous anti-American agenda...
There's nothing in Obamacare that closes hospitals.

Hospital administrators will decide to close their doors if they can't keep increasing profits

Fixed it for ya.
Hopefully he'll stop illegals from bankrupting hospitals. The president can easily do that but none so far have.

Which hospitals have the illegals bankrupted?

Now that just shows how ignorant you are. Ever hear of the EMTALA Act? It was passed 25 years ago and mandates free ER treatment for illegals. That would be bad enough but illegals use ERs for ALL their health care needs. Get these brown locusts out of america,

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