Private hospital kills patient because they dont have adequate faciities

It wasn't "fine" it was always headed for ruin... why people in any country would want their idiot leaders who run for elections to be in charge of healthcare for a populous is amazing to me... it will never be free no matter how much you wish it could be...
Someone must pay for it...
If you want good care at affordable prices take the government out of it...
The whole world does the same you dozy provincial fuck.
So if the whole world were to jump off a cliff you would follow?... we in America go our own way and until lately it has worked well for us... until we were saddled with the magic kenyan...
You are just a tool of the insurance companies. They need dupes like you to pay for their private jets.
You are just a tool of the insurance companies. They need dupes like you to pay for their private jets.
Don't look at me... Obama and Pelosi promised an end to health insurance companies if we pass Obamacare... guess that's just one more lie you fell for....
Now there is no way we can get rid of them because the cost of staying healthy has tripled since Obamacare passed... and our nations debt has quadrupled....
Don't look at me... Obama and Pelosi promised an end to health insurance companies if we pass Obamacare... guess that's just one more lie you fell for....

I like that anti-ACA hysteria and right wing propaganda is remembered 15 years later as what “Obama and Pelosi promised.”

Someone was saying dumb stuff like that back then but it wasn’t Obama and Pelosi.
I like that anti-ACA hysteria and right wing propaganda is remembered 15 years later as what “Obama and Pelosi promised.”

Someone was saying dumb stuff like that back then but it wasn’t Obama and Pelosi.
Their promises went the way of the do do bird...I watched Pelosi and Obama say that the days of health insurance are numbered.... and here they are still... raising deductibles to amazing levels... and charging more every year...
Their promises went the way of the do do bird...I watched Pelosi and Obama say that the days of health insurance are numbered.... and here they are still... raising deductibles to amazing levels... and charging more every year...
You need a public health service.
The true cost of nationalized health care is very high. It could cost you an arm and a leg.
I watched Pelosi and Obama say that the days of health insurance are numbered....

Again, you’re confusing right wing scaremongering with Obama/Pelosi promises. Righties were the ones predicting the ACA would end private insurance. Like all their predictions about it, that was wrong.

There’s also no death panels putting seniors to death—that’s not a broken Obama/Pelosi promise, it’s GOP bullshit exposed as such.
Again, you’re confusing right wing scaremongering with Obama/Pelosi promises. Righties were the ones predicting the ACA would end private insurance. Like all their predictions about it, that was wrong.

There’s also no death panels putting seniors to death—that’s not a broken Obama/Pelosi promise, it’s GOP bullshit exposed as such.
I watched them both say it when they were pushing passage of Obamacare.... it was the only part of it I kind of liked... and of course it was a lie....

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