Obamacare Win In Florida


Tallahassee | A top Florida Blue official said Wednesday that the cancellation of 300,000 individual health insurance policies does not mean affected customers will lose coverage. Rather, it's part of a "transition" to the Affordable Care Act.

Talk about a fucking lemming. From your link you fucking moron, "yes, they were cancelled but we're trying to make it sound better, so they are merely being "moved" to Obummercare.

So yes I was correct, there is no gain of 440,000 you fucking imbecile, there is a net gain (MAYBE) of 140,000.

Next time try pulling your fucking head, out of your stinking ass, and reading what the FUCK you post!

He can't. If he pulled his head out of his ass, he'd become conservative.
I've seen more Blue Florida ads than I've ever seen before. (Maybe I'm watching the wrong channels.) I don't understand why they would be increasing ad spend if they were eviscerating their business.

Really? You can't understand it? It isn't hard.

They dumped all those policies on obamacare, now they want new customers. Easy.
Despite constant Republican obstructionism, a Governor from Mars beholden to Big Insurance with an IQ of 10, and a legislature intent on killing the poor of the state, Obamacare signups in the state that refused to work with the President are breaking records.

Just think what it would have been like if Rick Scott had supported it and accepted federal funds?

Of particular note: Florida "has emerged as a tale of what went right with President Barack Obama's health care overhaul,"

More than 440,000 Florida residents had been enrolled through the federal marketplace through the end of February, putting Florida on pace to exceed the federal government's initial projections by the time enrollment closes March 31.

The numbers are impressive for a state where Republicans control the governor's mansion and both houses of the Legislature. By comparison, Republican-leaning Texas has enrolled 295,000 through the federal site, even though its population is about a third larger than Florida's.

Florida's success is due partly to infrastructure created in the swing state by Democratic-affiliated groups during the last three presidential elections, along with continued investment by the Obama administration and nonprofit advocacy groups in the diverse state that will likely be competitive in November's midterm election.


And one perspective is that the Act is doing amazingly well given the constant, withering attack from the right.

The single, biggest problem with the ACA is republicans.

Had conservatives the courage to put partisanism aside and help implement the ACA and resolve its problems to the benefit of all Americans, significantly more Americans would today have access to affordable healthcare.

You lying piece of shit! Republicans were blocked from adding any input into Obamacare. No discussion was allowed, no debate, no nothing! It was, "My way or the highway" from the Speaker Of The House, Democrat Nancy Pelosi, and Senate Majority Leader, Harry Reid.
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You almost gotta laugh when the desperate left considers a half a million people enrolled in the ironically named "affordable care act" in Florida a freaking victory. The 2012 population of Fla is around 20 million and the illegal alien population is estimated at nearly a million. My guess is that left wing activists recruited their most important base, the ignorant illegal population to latch on to another freebie.

There are so many old people on medicad in Florida I wouldn't be surprised if three quarters of the state was signed up.
I wonder what the age demographic is of people who signed up in Florida.
That is the real determining factor. 'Bobocare' is great for the old and sick. It's the young and healthy 'Bobo' is counting on to make the act work. Good fucking luck with that!
He's attempting a classic Socialist move and he's found it's not going to work in the US.
You almost gotta laugh when the desperate left considers a half a million people enrolled in the ironically named "affordable care act" in Florida a freaking victory. The 2012 population of Fla is around 20 million and the illegal alien population is estimated at nearly a million. My guess is that left wing activists recruited their most important base, the ignorant illegal population to latch on to another freebie.

Yup and you can bet the others are all being subsidized by we the taxpayer as well.
When Obama, Nancy, and Harry sold us this piece of shit, they told us that 40 million people were waiting and most were dying to get obamacare. Looks to me like either they are lying assholes or they are still 34 million short.

Lying fucks.
This how sad our country has become

you have citizen cheerleaders for a new government entitlement program that cost us millions, the majority of the people hate it, but you all don't count so sit down and shut up
I've seen more Blue Florida ads than I've ever seen before. (Maybe I'm watching the wrong channels.) I don't understand why they would be increasing ad spend if they were eviscerating their business.

Really? You can't understand it? It isn't hard.

They dumped all those policies on obamacare, now they want new customers. Easy.

That implies 80% of their book is unprofitable. Again, I don't know, but that seems unusual.

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