ObamaCare's architects reap windfall as Washington lobbyists

Actually, Congress is enrolled in O-Care, thanks to Grassley trying a scam to get some talking points lol. They just don't have to pay much, no change there. Total pubcrappe, hater dupe.

You're the typical functional moron Sean Rushbeck-bot. Know no actual facts about O-Care...

So, explain who gets free Medicaid and subsidies....very simple.
Congress is in Ocare.

Anybody tells you different, reactionaries? Ask for the exemption bill because it does not exist.
to the hater dupes and fakeys - the whole purpose of ANY reform is to cut costs.

Obama care is all about rationing or cutting anything possible.

Like Medicaid does - contrary to any private insurance.
Congress is in Ocare.

Anybody tells you different, reactionaries? Ask for the exemption bill because it does not exist.

Members of Congress are brazenly insisting the laws they pass apply to everyone but themselves.

Republicans and Democrats, who can agree on almost nothing else, are planning to exempt themselves and their staff from Section 1312 (d) of the Affordable Care Act that requires them to get their health insurance on the newly created insurance exchanges and pay the same premiums the public will have to pay.

Members of Congress and their staff are now covered by plans they chose through the Federal Employees Health Benefit Program, with taxpayers picking up 75% of the tab. The thinking behind the new requirement is what's good enough for the public ought to be good enough for Congress.

Sadly, Washington lawmakers don't agree. They claim that despite their generous salaries (members earn $174,000), they can't afford ObamaCare premiums. What the government deems "affordable" for the rest of us isn't affordable for them.

With ObamaCare, Congress Once Again Makes Law It Doesn't Have To Obey - Investors.com
It's the end of rationing, dumabazz dupes, It's not about rationing AT ALL. It's about having a doctor, free checkups, PREVENTIVE care, ending ridiculously expensive ER care, bankruptcies, going on welfare to get care,, cutting non medical spending by insurers, cutting redundant testing and costs with online medical records, end of life counselling to end ridiculous costs just to add 2 weeks of pain lol etc etc etc. Pubs lie about EVERYTHING involved or ignore it to protect the profits, and dupes are just that- totally misinformed and fear mongered.
Congress is in Ocare.

Anybody tells you different, reactionaries? Ask for the exemption bill because it does not exist.

Members of Congress are brazenly insisting the laws they pass apply to everyone but themselves.

Republicans and Democrats, who can agree on almost nothing else, are planning to exempt themselves and their staff from Section 1312 (d) of the Affordable Care Act that requires them to get their health insurance on the newly created insurance exchanges and pay the same premiums the public will have to pay.

Members of Congress and their staff are now covered by plans they chose through the Federal Employees Health Benefit Program, with taxpayers picking up 75% of the tab. The thinking behind the new requirement is what's good enough for the public ought to be good enough for Congress.

Sadly, Washington lawmakers don't agree. They claim that despite their generous salaries (members earn $174,000), they can't afford ObamaCare premiums. What the government deems "affordable" for the rest of us isn't affordable for them.

With ObamaCare, Congress Once Again Makes Law It Doesn't Have To Obey - Investors.com

Jroc's support of a carefully crafted reactionary hit piece on Ocare fails.

Dems won?t seek ObamaCare exemption - The Hill - covering Congress, Politics, Political Campaigns and Capitol Hill | TheHill.com

In other words, the Dem leadership is making sure the predators in both parties have to stick with Ocare.
It's the end of rationing, dumabazz dupes, It's not about rationing AT ALL. It's about having a doctor, free checkups, PREVENTIVE care, ending ridiculously expensive ER care, bankruptcies, going on welfare to get care,, cutting non medical spending by insurers, cutting redundant testing and costs with online medical records, end of life counselling to end ridiculous costs just to add 2 weeks of pain lol etc etc etc. Pubs lie about EVERYTHING involved or ignore it to protect the profits, and dupes are just that- totally misinformed and fear mongered.

ooooooooooo, it's FREE FREE FREE...how about that? then why are people FORCED to join and if they don't they will be FINED...

all ObamaTax is, is getting your health care paid for off backs of others...some you of don't mind that all as long you wont foot the bill
Steph, it is getting everybody covered so the prices can be driven down.

Private insurance is driven by stockholders demands not those of the market.
The Political insiders love Obamacare as I've been saying ,if you know somebody in politics I'm sure you'll get excellent care the rest of us?

ObamaCare has become big business for an elite network of Washington lobbyists and consultants who helped shape the law from the inside.

More than 30 former administration officials, lawmakers and congressional staffers who worked on the healthcare law have set up shop on K Street since 2010.

Major lobbying firms such as Fierce, Isakowitz & Blalock, The Glover Park Group, Alston & Bird, BGR Group and Akin Gump can all boast an ObamaCare insider on their lobbying roster — putting them in a prime position to land coveted clients.

“When [Vice President] Biden leaned over [during healthcare signing] and said to [President] Obama, ‘This is a big f'n deal,’” said Ivan Adler, a headhunter at the McCormick Group, “he was right.”

Veterans of the healthcare push are now lobbying for corporate giants such as Delta Airlines, UPS, BP America and Coca-Cola, and for healthcare companies including GlaxoSmithKline, UnitedHealth Group and the Blue Cross Blue Shield Association.

Ultimately, the clients are after one thing: expert help in dealing with the most sweeping overhaul of the country’s healthcare system in decades.

"Healthcare lobbying on K Street is as strong as it ever was, and it's due to the fact that the Affordable Care Act seems to be ever-changing," Adler said. "What's at stake is huge. ... Whenever there's a lot of money at stake, there's a lot of lobbying going on."

ObamaCare's architects reap windfall as Washington lobbyists - The Hill - covering Congress, Politics, Political Campaigns and Capitol Hill | TheHill.com

Google Liz Fowler
Fellow nazi Bill Moyers on Liz Fowler and the PPACA revolving door:

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hZ5tj4cN9Jk]Liz Fowler the Destroyer of the Public Option - YouTube[/ame]
ObamaCare looks a lot like the Bush/Republican Medicare Drug Bill.

It was written under massive lobbying pressure and the result was bill that fleeced taxpayers. Eli Lilly, whose lobbying ranks are filled with former senators, secured a no-bid contract to charge above market prices at the taxpayer's expense.

ObamaCare is no different. It forces poor consumers to buy monopolized health care. It is a "screw the poor" program that is designed to increase the profits of the businesses and investors whose lobbyists wrote the bill.

Business has captured the state.

When Clinton turned his back on Labor in order to get Wall Street money, the takeover was complete.

The country is run on behalf of the large corporations which fund our elections and write our laws.

Talk Radio tells us that Government persecutes business only to feed itself. However, once you see the lobbying process up close, you realize that the centralized power of government has been captured by business, which has turned Washington into a subsidy and bailout machine. As a results, nearly every law benefits the concentrated wealth that wields the concentrated power of Washington. And our great citizens cannot see what has happened because those same corporations which own government fund a message machine which is designed to distract the poor with communist socialist Islam-lesbo gay terrorists atheist demons.

Game over.

Corporations don't work for we the people, the government does. Shame on those 545 who bend over and take what the corporations offer (not excusing the corps here).
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[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hdX5dSlLaYg]Obama Promised Lobbyists Won't Run the White House! - YouTube[/ame]
The Liar N Chief

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bhYD8_L0nV8]Barack Obama on Lobbyists and His Campaign - YouTube[/ame]
Doesn't everyone miss Tim Russert and how he didn't allow politics to stop him from asking those tough questions?? When he died, journalism on the left died with him..
Doesn't everyone miss Tim Russert and how he didn't allow politics to stop him from asking those tough questions?? When he died, journalism on the left died with him..

We've still got Glenn Greenwald. But, yeah. Mostly died with 9/11.
I want to better health care that doesn't cost a arm @ leg. If it doesn't do that = fail.

start with getting lawyers out of it unless it's A REAL mistake..

you see these class action lawsuits advertised on T.v for stuff like scars, they sue all the drugs that are out there for one or another...and it adds to the high cost for health care..

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