ObamaCare's architects reap windfall as Washington lobbyists

Its so great that O is granting waivers to all his buddies along with delaying implementation of key aspects of this travesty. Its so great that govt employees want no part of it while the rest of us get fleeced.
Can you read, total dupe? All waivers end next year except some union ones that end by 2017, the end of their contracts. The congress is NOT EXEMPT! Pubdupes!! READ!!:

. Factcheck, Snopes, and everyone else says you're a brainwashed idiot. LOL!!

Explanation:The trouble started in 2009 with a cheap stunt orchestrated by Sen. Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa). While lawmakers already get insurance through the Federal Employees Health Benefits Plan, just like other federal employees, the Iowa Republican pushed a proposal to force members of Congress out of the federal system and into exchanges.The point wasn't to shape policy, but to create a talking point for Republicans. Grassley desperately wanted to say, "Those darn Democrats think the exchanges are good enough for millions of Americans, but not good enough for themselves," and he assumed Dems would balk at his "plan" because they'd be unwilling to give up the generous Federal Employees Health Benefits Plan.But Democrats called Grassley's bluff, embraced his idea, and added it to the Affordable Care Act.And that's where the story gets a little tricky -- Grassley's partisan-stunt-gone-wrong sent members and their aides to get coverage through exchange marketplaces, but never created a mechanism to make that happen.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------As Jonathan Cohn explained yesterday:The federal government, like most large employers, not only provides the opportunity for its workers to get insurance. It also pays a large portion of the premium. Now that lawmakers and their advisers were going into the exchanges, what would happen to that contribution? Would they just lose the money?The answer, the administration decided last week, is no. Lawmakers and their staffs could keep their employer contributions, and apply that money towards the cost of whatever insurance they buy in the exchanges.The policy has nothing to do with "exempting" Congress from the health care law, and everything to do with creating a mechanism through which lawmakers will kick themselves off their own insurance plan and into exchanges without a major premium hike.For Republicans and their allies to whine incessantly about this is ridiculous, even by contemporary conservative standards. We are, after all, talking about an idea pushed by a Republican senator and quietly celebrated away from the cameras by Republican offices.Jon Chait added that the manufactured outrage over an "exemption" for Congress represents "the toxic combination of ignorance and bad faith that has characterized the right's approach to Obamacare."So Grassley's amendment created a situation for government workers that Republicans claimed, falsely, the law would create for everybody else: forcing them off their employer insurance and on to the exchanges. Grassley's amendment didn't even attempt to design a coherent way of changing health-care worker benefits, because, again, it wasn't an attempt to reform health care for Congress and its staff -- it was an attempt to furnish a talking point for Rush Limbaugh and Fox News. It yanked away the subsidized health insurance Congress and its staff get, essentially imposing a massive pay cut on those workers.<.blockquote>It was up to the Obama administration to figure out a resolution to this, and last week, to the relief of lawmakers and their staffers, it did -- offering the patch to a problem a Republican senator inadvertently imposed on lawmakers.Bottom line: has Congress exempted itself from Obamacare? No. Members of the House and Senate, as well as their aides, will be kicked out of the federal system -- all because Grassley played a stupid game -- and will get coverage through exchanges.The exchanges were, of course, designed for Americans who can't get coverage through their employer, but this pool of consumers will have a very notable exception: Congress.Anyone who tells you there's a congressional "exemption" from the law either doesn't know what they're talking about, or assumes you're easily fooled into believing nonsense.Congress isn't 'exempt' from Obamacare -
The Maddow Blog

Don't you EVER get tired of being a haterdupe?

Suuuuuuuure. Don't you ever get tired of defending this shitty law?
So stupid LOL!! Being right and making fools of fools is a ball. So, can you read? My father the doctor wanted ACA since 1940 and couln't believe you GOP a-holes...
I want to better health care that doesn't cost a arm @ leg. If it doesn't do that = fail.

The cost to treat my wife's leukemia was $1.3 million over ten months from 2001 to 2002, and it failed to save her life. How much would it cost today? I'd venture to guess that it would be close to $2 million. Now when we look at wrongful death settlements, we find that the median payout is around $1 million. The average is higher because a smaller number of wrongful death cases receive extraordinary payouts.

My point is that the average person's life is valued somewhere around $1 million, although I truly do not believe in putting a dollar value on a person's life. This is just for demonstration to show what we are spending on medical care can be outlandish to say the least. i do not question the treatment, the need for treatment, or the right of a person to receive treatment. What I do question is the unbelievable cost.
So your wife's life was worth what? If a million was the baseline but she got 1.3 million in treatments she pretty much got what she deserved right? Would 2 million have saved her? Would a government agency cutting down the costs of her care saved her?

I feel bad for you and hate to be an *sshole but your wife got far more treatment before obiecare than she could ever hope to get beginning the first of next year. And that's based on your own definition of the value of a life being 1 million. Why after going through what you did would you ever put her life in the hands of the government? They aren't there to spend more or have better quality. They are there to spend less and not even get you the year you got with her.
I want to better health care that doesn't cost a arm @ leg. If it doesn't do that = fail.

The cost to treat my wife's leukemia was $1.3 million over ten months from 2001 to 2002, and it failed to save her life. How much would it cost today? I'd venture to guess that it would be close to $2 million. Now when we look at wrongful death settlements, we find that the median payout is around $1 million. The average is higher because a smaller number of wrongful death cases receive extraordinary payouts.

My point is that the average person's life is valued somewhere around $1 million, although I truly do not believe in putting a dollar value on a person's life. This is just for demonstration to show what we are spending on medical care can be outlandish to say the least. i do not question the treatment, the need for treatment, or the right of a person to receive treatment. What I do question is the unbelievable cost.
So your wife's life was worth what? If a million was the baseline but she got 1.3 million in treatments she pretty much got what she deserved right? Would 2 million have saved her? Would a government agency cutting down the costs of her care saved her?

I feel bad for you and hate to be an *sshole but your wife got far more treatment before obiecare than she could ever hope to get beginning the first of next year. And that's based on your own definition of the value of a life being 1 million. Why after going through what you did would you ever put her life in the hands of the government? They aren't there to spend more or have better quality. They are there to spend less and not even get you the year you got with her.

You are a stupid a-hole, or you'd know O-Care ends lifetime caps and all the other insurer BS. Give us some more silly Rush Seanbeck BS, brainwashed functional MORON. Read something.
The "architects" of Obamacare were Big Insurance.

They always were lobbyists. This isn't something new.
Wrong again doctor. OP is total bs. They're not lobbyists at all- Temporary CONSULTANTS.
The cost to treat my wife's leukemia was $1.3 million over ten months from 2001 to 2002, and it failed to save her life. How much would it cost today? I'd venture to guess that it would be close to $2 million. Now when we look at wrongful death settlements, we find that the median payout is around $1 million. The average is higher because a smaller number of wrongful death cases receive extraordinary payouts.

My point is that the average person's life is valued somewhere around $1 million, although I truly do not believe in putting a dollar value on a person's life. This is just for demonstration to show what we are spending on medical care can be outlandish to say the least. i do not question the treatment, the need for treatment, or the right of a person to receive treatment. What I do question is the unbelievable cost.
So your wife's life was worth what? If a million was the baseline but she got 1.3 million in treatments she pretty much got what she deserved right? Would 2 million have saved her? Would a government agency cutting down the costs of her care saved her?

I feel bad for you and hate to be an *sshole but your wife got far more treatment before obiecare than she could ever hope to get beginning the first of next year. And that's based on your own definition of the value of a life being 1 million. Why after going through what you did would you ever put her life in the hands of the government? They aren't there to spend more or have better quality. They are there to spend less and not even get you the year you got with her.

You are a stupid a-hole, or you'd know O-Care ends lifetime caps and all the other insurer BS. Give us some more silly Rush Seanbeck BS, brainwashed functional MORON. Read something.

Really? So let the money flow! Nobody can be denied! Umm...while we're dancing around partying why is there such a thing as the IPAB? I don't mean to be a party pooper here but if there's no limit to how much we will pay for healthcare why is there a board that is in charge keeping those costs as close to zero as possible by denying healthcare?

I get I'm just a stupid a-hole but please help me out here. No more caps for spending on my illness, no pre-existing conditions...everything is free and unlimited right? Then why would we need a panel of people to keep costs under control? It's all f*cking free right? Nobody can be denied the caddy of healthcare because it's all there for the taking...why do we need an IPAB?
You mean VOLUNTARY, not MANDATORY end of life counsellor to talk with the patient, family, doctors? That's just intelligence. Right now, you have the majority of a person's health costs in the last 3 weeks, because they have no help. But thanks for the fear mongering propaganda, dupes.
Oh, you mean medical professionals making medical decisions instead of bought off insurance bureaucrats? LOL

The Critics Are Wrong About IPAB | The Health Care Blog
thehealthcareblog.com/blog/2013/.../the-critics-are-wrong-about-ipab/ - Cached
Jul 31, 2013 ... The functions that IPAB are intended to perform are now performed quietly by
insurance companies and self-insured employers every single ...

Give it up dupes, Dems are tryin to help...Pubs, not so much. The pander to the greedy rich and corps Pubs....with their total bs propaganda machine...
The best you can up with in defense of obiecare is...Bush? Really?

When 17% of the nations economy becomes up for grabs for the lobbyists and their cronies there will be a huge fight for that money. None of that being in the best interests of the people. Obiecare isn't about peoples health or getting them healthcare. It's people lining up for their share of the mandate money.

Thats Jake's famous comeback... He doesn't have much else

fakey is blaming boooooosh and calling himself a "mainstream GOP" at the same time :lol:

it is grotesque :D

Grotesque is Vox and Jroc and the other fauxpubs thinking that by posting and defending this OP that folks are doing anything else except laughing at them.
Thats Jake's famous comeback... He doesn't have much else

fakey is blaming boooooosh and calling himself a "mainstream GOP" at the same time :lol:

it is grotesque :D

Grotesque is Vox and Jroc and the other fauxpubs thinking that by posting and defending this OP that folks are doing anything else except laughing at them.

You can laugh at the loss of your liberty Jake...I don't find it funny
I want to better health care that doesn't cost a arm @ leg. If it doesn't do that = fail.

The cost to treat my wife's leukemia was $1.3 million over ten months from 2001 to 2002, and it failed to save her life. How much would it cost today? I'd venture to guess that it would be close to $2 million. Now when we look at wrongful death settlements, we find that the median payout is around $1 million. The average is higher because a smaller number of wrongful death cases receive extraordinary payouts.

My point is that the average person's life is valued somewhere around $1 million, although I truly do not believe in putting a dollar value on a person's life. This is just for demonstration to show what we are spending on medical care can be outlandish to say the least. i do not question the treatment, the need for treatment, or the right of a person to receive treatment. What I do question is the unbelievable cost.
So your wife's life was worth what? If a million was the baseline but she got 1.3 million in treatments she pretty much got what she deserved right? Would 2 million have saved her? Would a government agency cutting down the costs of her care saved her?

I feel bad for you and hate to be an *sshole but your wife got far more treatment before obiecare than she could ever hope to get beginning the first of next year. And that's based on your own definition of the value of a life being 1 million. Why after going through what you did would you ever put her life in the hands of the government? They aren't there to spend more or have better quality. They are there to spend less and not even get you the year you got with her.

the whole purpose of obamacare is to cut costs - by RATIONING.

too bad the libtard statists do not understand it
The cost to treat my wife's leukemia was $1.3 million over ten months from 2001 to 2002, and it failed to save her life. How much would it cost today? I'd venture to guess that it would be close to $2 million. Now when we look at wrongful death settlements, we find that the median payout is around $1 million. The average is higher because a smaller number of wrongful death cases receive extraordinary payouts.

My point is that the average person's life is valued somewhere around $1 million, although I truly do not believe in putting a dollar value on a person's life. This is just for demonstration to show what we are spending on medical care can be outlandish to say the least. i do not question the treatment, the need for treatment, or the right of a person to receive treatment. What I do question is the unbelievable cost.
So your wife's life was worth what? If a million was the baseline but she got 1.3 million in treatments she pretty much got what she deserved right? Would 2 million have saved her? Would a government agency cutting down the costs of her care saved her?

I feel bad for you and hate to be an *sshole but your wife got far more treatment before obiecare than she could ever hope to get beginning the first of next year. And that's based on your own definition of the value of a life being 1 million. Why after going through what you did would you ever put her life in the hands of the government? They aren't there to spend more or have better quality. They are there to spend less and not even get you the year you got with her.

the whole purpose of obamacare is to cut costs - by RATIONING.

too bad the libtard statists do not understand it
I think they do understand that, and is why they are saying (now) they used the republicans ideas in creating it.
The cost to treat my wife's leukemia was $1.3 million over ten months from 2001 to 2002, and it failed to save her life. How much would it cost today? I'd venture to guess that it would be close to $2 million. Now when we look at wrongful death settlements, we find that the median payout is around $1 million. The average is higher because a smaller number of wrongful death cases receive extraordinary payouts.

My point is that the average person's life is valued somewhere around $1 million, although I truly do not believe in putting a dollar value on a person's life. This is just for demonstration to show what we are spending on medical care can be outlandish to say the least. i do not question the treatment, the need for treatment, or the right of a person to receive treatment. What I do question is the unbelievable cost.
So your wife's life was worth what? If a million was the baseline but she got 1.3 million in treatments she pretty much got what she deserved right? Would 2 million have saved her? Would a government agency cutting down the costs of her care saved her?

I feel bad for you and hate to be an *sshole but your wife got far more treatment before obiecare than she could ever hope to get beginning the first of next year. And that's based on your own definition of the value of a life being 1 million. Why after going through what you did would you ever put her life in the hands of the government? They aren't there to spend more or have better quality. They are there to spend less and not even get you the year you got with her.

the whole purpose of obamacare is to cut costs - by RATIONING.

too bad the libtard statists do not understand it

Rationing? Like the bean counters at private industry did?

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