Obamagas to drop below $2 a gallon nationwide

Takes a Democrat President to "git 'er done" :afro: Those on the Left knew that all along :2up:

Yep! Proof that trying to argue with the racist far left drones is like trying to do so with a two year old..
Pretty funny to see the same posters who blamed Obama for high gas prices NOW saying he has nothing to do with it.

Not hard at all to draw out the hypocrites, huh?

Guess he has NOTHING to do with lower unemployment rates

or the five-year climb of the DOW

Bigger forces than POTUS are at work and POTUS always gets more credit or blame than deserved.

It's just HILARIOUS to see the hypocrites blame him when they are bad and disassociate him when they improve.

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Here's a nice thread to go with this one, but should not be merged into this one, cuz it's a different angle with lots of information:

Remember when FOX blamed Obama for high gas prices US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

Dear mods: please do NOT merge these two threads together. I know that y'all are kind of merge-happy right now, which is just hunky-dory, I guess, but rightwinger 's thread is about the price of Obamagas going down, while mine is about how FOX news treats the issue of Obamagas over the years. Similar but not the same. If we could have 50 Bundy threads, then I think we can have 2 Obamagas threads, n'est ce pas? Thanks!

Bill Clinton knew how to get the price of Clintongas below $1 a gallon.

If we want to return to $1 a gallon Clintongas, we will have to elect Hillary

RW's are laying the groundwork for her now. They love cheap gas.

Hope they book Mitt Romney to make their case...

I know Liberals are fucking morons and lowlifes in general but I find it particularly troubling when the claim Jesus as one of their own.

Well, CrusaderFrank - that's because Yeshua was undoubtedly a true Liberal:

-he fed the poor and asked for nothing in return.
-he healed the sick and asked for nothing in return.
-he said that the rich would not make it to heaven, but those who are rich in spirit would.
-he threw the money-lenders OUT of the Beyt Ha'mikdash (Temple of Solomon, then of David)

Modern day Obamagas-hating Righties would throw Yeshua out of their churches were he to appear and speak with them. For Yeshuah would not say "get the fuck off my lawn, you fucking deportable dustybutts with calves the size of grapefruits." He would not say that.
Why is this trolls thread that is CLEAR TROLLING still on the first page of politics?

Dunno who's more pathetic, all the respondents or the useless mods

Ahem, do you deny that Obamagas is now at $2 or less throughout the Union?
It's a political issue because the Right has made it a political issue for the last 6 years, incessantly. Now that Obamagas prices are going down and his approval ratings are going up, you object to this being in "politics"? :lol:

And why would it be "trolling" to make a thread about it?

And why are you attacking mods on this thread?

You seem angry. Do you need help? Are you in pain? Is there someone you can talk with about your problems? Well, at any rate, I hope you get to feeling better, brotch.

Love it!!! Obama only responsible for good news


Oh, please, Frank. You have it backwards. President Obama was totally responsible for out of control gas prices, remember?? But he is in no way responsible for the current low gas prices. That is typical right wing logic. Nice try though.

You forgot, "Obama, praise be his holy name..."

Actually, according to dead-ender Righties, it's "peace be unto him" (PBUH)!!!

Synthaholic - right???

I know Liberals are fucking morons and lowlifes in general but I find it particularly troubling when the claim Jesus as one of their own.

Well, CrusaderFrank - that's because Yeshua was undoubtedly a true Liberal:

-he fed the poor and asked for nothing in return.
-he healed the sick and asked for nothing in return.
-he said that the rich would not make it to heaven, but those who are rich in spirit would.
-he threw the money-lenders OUT of the Beyt Ha'mikdash (Temple of Solomon, then of David)

Modern day Obamagas-hating Righties would throw Yeshua out of their churches were he to appear and speak with them. For Yeshuah would not say "get the fuck off my lawn, you fucking deportable dustybutts with calves the size of grapefruits." He would not say that.

Well he wasn't a Liberal because he would have been in Rome chiding them, "You didn't built that!" and demanding Romans "pay their fair share".

So again, this is why I find it truly vile and evil when Progressive claim Jesus as one of their own

It's just Evil, no other word for it

You should at least have some passing familiarity with the teaching of Jesus before you talk about him
Why is this trolls thread that is CLEAR TROLLING still on the first page of politics?

Dunno who's more pathetic, all the respondents or the useless mods

I know Liberals are fucking morons and lowlifes in general but I find it particularly troubling when the claim Jesus as one of their own.

Well, CrusaderFrank - that's because Yeshua was undoubtedly a true Liberal:

-he fed the poor and asked for nothing in return.
-he healed the sick and asked for nothing in return.
-he said that the rich would not make it to heaven, but those who are rich in spirit would.
-he threw the money-lenders OUT of the Beyt Ha'mikdash (Temple of Solomon, then of David)

Modern day Obamagas-hating Righties would throw Yeshua out of their churches were he to appear and speak with them. For Yeshuah would not say "get the fuck off my lawn, you fucking deportable dustybutts with calves the size of grapefruits." He would not say that.
^ that CrusaderFrank
I know Liberals are fucking morons and lowlifes in general but I find it particularly troubling when the claim Jesus as one of their own.

Well, CrusaderFrank - that's because Yeshua was undoubtedly a true Liberal:

-he fed the poor and asked for nothing in return.
-he healed the sick and asked for nothing in return.
-he said that the rich would not make it to heaven, but those who are rich in spirit would.
-he threw the money-lenders OUT of the Beyt Ha'mikdash (Temple of Solomon, then of David)

Modern day Obamagas-hating Righties would throw Yeshua out of their churches were he to appear and speak with them. For Yeshuah would not say "get the fuck off my lawn, you fucking deportable dustybutts with calves the size of grapefruits." He would not say that.

Well he wasn't a Liberal because he would have been in Rome chiding them, "You didn't built that!" and demanding Romans "pay their fair share".

So again, this is why I find it truly vile and evil when Progressive claim Jesus as one of their own

It's just Evil, no other word for it

You should at least have some passing familiarity with the teaching of Jesus before you talk about him
YEAH!!! :mad: He was a conservative!!! :rolleyes-41:

I know Liberals are fucking morons and lowlifes in general but I find it particularly troubling when the claim Jesus as one of their own.
Oh hush, Frank.

I think Frankie got up on the wrong side of the bed today.
Maybe the problem is that Frank only gets up on the Right side of the bed.

If he tried the Left side, his eyes would open, no longer clogged with the sleepy gunk of tired wingnut talking points.
Love it!!! Obama only responsible for good news


Oh, please, Frank. You have it backwards. President Obama was totally responsible for out of control gas prices, remember?? But he is in no way responsible for the current low gas prices. That is typical right wing logic. Nice try though.

You forgot, "Obama, praise be his holy name..."

Actually, according to dead-ender Righties, it's "peace be unto him" (PBUH)!!!

Synthaholic - right???

Thank you President Obama (praise be unto Him!)
Love it!!! Obama only responsible for good news


Oh, please, Frank. You have it backwards. President Obama was totally responsible for out of control gas prices, remember?? But he is in no way responsible for the current low gas prices. That is typical right wing logic. Nice try though.

You forgot, "Obama, praise be his holy name..."

Actually, according to dead-ender Righties, it's "peace be unto him" (PBUH)!!!

Synthaholic - right???

Thank you President Obama (praise be unto Him!)

There ya go!!!
Love it!!! Obama only responsible for good news


Oh, please, Frank. You have it backwards. President Obama was totally responsible for out of control gas prices, remember?? But he is in no way responsible for the current low gas prices. That is typical right wing logic. Nice try though.

You forgot, "Obama, praise be his holy name..."

Actually, according to dead-ender Righties, it's "peace be unto him" (PBUH)!!!

Synthaholic - right???

Thank you President Obama (praise be unto Him!)
Can't be said enough about our TWO-TERM Obamessiah :)

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