Obamagas to drop below $2 a gallon nationwide

It is unreal how so many liberals seem ignorant of the fact that Obama tried to shut down the very drilling that has done so much to reduce gas prices and to make us a net oil exporter. Luckily for the nation, Obama's EPA lawyers lost their case because they happened to get before a judge who had some common sense.

So the drop in gas prices has happened IN SPITE of Obama, not because of him.

Also, we should not overlook the fact that businesses felt more encouraged to hire and invest again after the Republicans took control of the House, because they knew that no Obama wouldn't be able to ram through more of his socialistic, job-killing programs.

Businesses have been even more encouraged by the GOP takeover of the Senate. Now they can breathe a little bit more easily, although we're far from out of the woods yet.

Questions for liberals: Do you know the average price of gas for the Bush years? Do you know what the average price was when Bush left office? When gas prices began to rise during Bush's last couple years, do you know how he responded? (Hint: He did the opposite of what Obama has been doing and trying to do.)

Gas rose to over $4 a gallon in the summer of 2008. So, yes, many of us know how expensive it was back then.

The highest gas prices recorded happened in 2012, so I'm not sure why you fixate on 2008.

I fact Obama gas is now so low, it is effecting the low prices worldwide! What a guy.
From 2008...

ObamaGas might go way down in price...

Get ready for $10 oil

At about $50 a barrel, crude oil prices are down by more than half from their June 2014 peak of $107. They may fall more, perhaps even as low as $10 to $20.​
Yea, I just paid $2 bucks down here with the lowest gas taxes in the country, it is going back up
Yes it is.

But don't expect Rightwinger to post a thread thanking Obama for higher gas prices.
I think Fox News is projecting $20 a gallon by January, 2016 but most intelligent forecasters are saying around $2.50 by January, 2016.
Fox News is really, really retarded, but I doubt they are that retarded.

Maybe you misheard. $20 a barrel for oil, maybe.

Maybe you are really, really retarded. Sarah G. is lying - it's what democrats do. Fox never said anything - a leftist with zero integrity made shit up and posted it as fact - it's what you leftists do.
This Fox News story is dated a month ago: Get Ready for $5-a-Gallon Gas in 2016

I think they predicted $5.00 gas by the 2012 election, too.

They are such optimists at Fox News.

So, you're lying through your fucking teeth again;

{But John Hofmeister, the former president of Shell Oil, believes that the big dip will be short-lived, with prices soaring as high as $5 a gallon by late 2016. }

So, not FOX, but the former president of Shell Oil made the prediction - you just lied because you're a democrats, and have no integrity....
Faux predicted a Romney win too, sooooo

a 5.00 prediction is pretty safe .. sooner or later Faux can tell all the RW idiots that they were right

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