Obamagas to drop below $2 a gallon nationwide

I went to three gas stations in my area trying to buy "Obamagas"and not one station had it....
At my last stop I asked the manager why there wasn't a pump for OGas.
While the man was very polite he asked me to leave after a bit.
I ended up getting what they were pumping...Over $2.50 per gallon....

Where is this Obamagas that I hear so much about here? :crybaby:
I know Liberals are fucking morons and lowlifes in general but I find it particularly troubling when the claim Jesus as one of their own.

Well, CrusaderFrank - that's because Yeshua was undoubtedly a true Liberal:

-he fed the poor and asked for nothing in return.
-he healed the sick and asked for nothing in return.
-he said that the rich would not make it to heaven, but those who are rich in spirit would.
-he threw the money-lenders OUT of the Beyt Ha'mikdash (Temple of Solomon, then of David)

Modern day Obamagas-hating Righties would throw Yeshua out of their churches were he to appear and speak with them. For Yeshuah would not say "get the fuck off my lawn, you fucking deportable dustybutts with calves the size of grapefruits." He would not say that.

Well he wasn't a Liberal because he would have been in Rome chiding them, "You didn't built that!" and demanding Romans "pay their fair share".

So again, this is why I find it truly vile and evil when Progressive claim Jesus as one of their own

It's just Evil, no other word for it

You should at least have some passing familiarity with the teaching of Jesus before you talk about him
I wouldn't call him one of us, but I would say that we follow his example better than the right does. Well, lets see... He healed the sick. We have the affordable healthcare act. Republicans have "let him die" healthcare. He fed the hungry multitudes. We have foodstamps, WIC, and other programs. Republicans call them leeches and moochers and would rather they starve. Jesus threw moneychangers out of the temple. Right wing churches and televangelists are all about money. He said "Blessed are the peacemakers..." Rightwingers are a bunch of warmongers. The list goes on and on.
I went to three gas stations in my area trying to buy "Obamagas"and not one station had it....
At my last stop I asked the manager why there wasn't a pump for OGas.
While the man was very polite he asked me to leave after a bit.
I ended up getting what they were pumping...Over $2.50 per gallon....

Where is this Obamagas that I hear so much about here? :crybaby:

You twisted your decoder ring the wrong way.
I went to three gas stations in my area trying to buy "Obamagas"and not one station had it....
At my last stop I asked the manager why there wasn't a pump for OGas.
While the man was very polite he asked me to leave after a bit.
I ended up getting what they were pumping...Over $2.50 per gallon....

Where is this Obamagas that I hear so much about here? :crybaby:

You twisted your decoder ring the wrong way.
Remember to turn it to the left next time.
Ok, that moment was worth preserving for posterity, since these avis are not forever:

Dot and SH - Obamagas.png
With the price of Obamagas continuing to drop, this means that the American people have more money in their pockets to spend on other things, which then increases the profits that companies make and also ups the demand for more transport of goods,which means that more jobs are created, and....
It is unreal how so many liberals seem ignorant of the fact that Obama tried to shut down the very drilling that has done so much to reduce gas prices and to make us a net oil exporter. Luckily for the nation, Obama's EPA lawyers lost their case because they happened to get before a judge who had some common sense.

So the drop in gas prices has happened IN SPITE of Obama, not because of him.

Also, we should not overlook the fact that businesses felt more encouraged to hire and invest again after the Republicans took control of the House, because they knew that no Obama wouldn't be able to ram through more of his socialistic, job-killing programs.

Businesses have been even more encouraged by the GOP takeover of the Senate. Now they can breathe a little bit more easily, although we're far from out of the woods yet.

Questions for liberals: Do you know the average price of gas for the Bush years? Do you know what the average price was when Bush left office? When gas prices began to rise during Bush's last couple years, do you know how he responded? (Hint: He did the opposite of what Obama has been doing and trying to do.)
It is unreal how so many liberals seem ignorant of the fact that Obama tried to shut down the very drilling that has done so much to reduce gas prices and to make us a net oil exporter. Luckily for the nation, Obama's EPA lawyers lost their case because they happened to get before a judge who had some common sense.

So the drop in gas prices has happened IN SPITE of Obama, not because of him.

Also, we should not overlook the fact that businesses felt more encouraged to hire and invest again after the Republicans took control of the House, because they knew that no Obama wouldn't be able to ram through more of his socialistic, job-killing programs.

Businesses have been even more encouraged by the GOP takeover of the Senate. Now they can breathe a little bit more easily, although we're far from out of the woods yet.

Questions for liberals: Do you know the average price of gas for the Bush years? Do you know what the average price was when Bush left office? When gas prices began to rise during Bush's last couple years, do you know how he responded? (Hint: He did the opposite of what Obama has been doing and trying to do.)

Gas rose to over $4 a gallon in the summer of 2008. So, yes, many of us know how expensive it was back then.
This may be the first time I've ever heard anyone at the pumps say one decent thing about oil companies... usually its aloe about finding any way to get back at them and how to make them suffer somehow, some way.
It is unreal how so many liberals seem ignorant of the fact that Obama tried to shut down the very drilling that has done so much to reduce gas prices and to make us a net oil exporter. Luckily for the nation, Obama's EPA lawyers lost their case because they happened to get before a judge who had some common sense.

So the drop in gas prices has happened IN SPITE of Obama, not because of him.

Also, we should not overlook the fact that businesses felt more encouraged to hire and invest again after the Republicans took control of the House, because they knew that no Obama wouldn't be able to ram through more of his socialistic, job-killing programs.

Businesses have been even more encouraged by the GOP takeover of the Senate. Now they can breathe a little bit more easily, although we're far from out of the woods yet.

Questions for liberals: Do you know the average price of gas for the Bush years? Do you know what the average price was when Bush left office? When gas prices began to rise during Bush's last couple years, do you know how he responded? (Hint: He did the opposite of what Obama has been doing and trying to do.)

Gas rose to over $4 a gallon in the summer of 2008. So, yes, many of us know how expensive it was back then.

It was $3.99 last summer, I expect them back up near there this summer.
It is unreal how so many liberals seem ignorant of the fact that Obama tried to shut down the very drilling that has done so much to reduce gas prices and to make us a net oil exporter. Luckily for the nation, Obama's EPA lawyers lost their case because they happened to get before a judge who had some common sense.

So the drop in gas prices has happened IN SPITE of Obama, not because of him.

Also, we should not overlook the fact that businesses felt more encouraged to hire and invest again after the Republicans took control of the House, because they knew that no Obama wouldn't be able to ram through more of his socialistic, job-killing programs.

Businesses have been even more encouraged by the GOP takeover of the Senate. Now they can breathe a little bit more easily, although we're far from out of the woods yet.

Questions for liberals: Do you know the average price of gas for the Bush years? Do you know what the average price was when Bush left office? When gas prices began to rise during Bush's last couple years, do you know how he responded? (Hint: He did the opposite of what Obama has been doing and trying to do.)

Yeah um, sorry, gasoline doesn't work that way. The Widgets Works of Wackadoodleville works that way but not gasoline. It has very little to do with what "we" produce or are doing and very much to do with what the world as a whole is doing. And more than that, with what those who push pencils moving money around think the world is doing.

And secondly, "we" don't do that drilling and producing anyway --- oil companies do that, and they don't work for "us" but for their shareholders and their bottom line. So if the health of that bottom line says "send this product to China", that's where it goes.

And that's the way it worked in 2012, and 2008, and 1998 and on back. And we all knew that.

You see Mike, the reason for this thread, and the Fox News thread, is to mock those disingenuous hacks, Mitt Romney at the head of the parade, who tried to pin a gas price "rise" (it was actually a correction) on a politician who's actually powerless to make that happen. Now that the price has plummeted, they're hoist with their own rhetorical petard. The most entertaining part of which of course is those hacks who now have to shift their entire bases of reasoning around 180° to get themselves into position to claim that, although when gas prices change to the higher value it's TheEvilObama® behind it, yet somehow when those prices change to a lower value it suddenly isn't.

And that right there is pure entertainment. :thup:
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I went to three gas stations in my area trying to buy "Obamagas"and not one station had it....
At my last stop I asked the manager why there wasn't a pump for OGas.
While the man was very polite he asked me to leave after a bit.
I ended up getting what they were pumping...Over $2.50 per gallon....

Where is this Obamagas that I hear so much about here? :crybaby:

It's $2.15 in Hempstead.


If conservatives didn't lie they would have nothing to say.
It is unreal how so many liberals seem ignorant of the fact that Obama tried to shut down the very drilling that has done so much to reduce gas prices and to make us a net oil exporter. Luckily for the nation, Obama's EPA lawyers lost their case because they happened to get before a judge who had some common sense.

So the drop in gas prices has happened IN SPITE of Obama, not because of him.

Also, we should not overlook the fact that businesses felt more encouraged to hire and invest again after the Republicans took control of the House, because they knew that no Obama wouldn't be able to ram through more of his socialistic, job-killing programs.

Businesses have been even more encouraged by the GOP takeover of the Senate. Now they can breathe a little bit more easily, although we're far from out of the woods yet.

Questions for liberals: Do you know the average price of gas for the Bush years? Do you know what the average price was when Bush left office? When gas prices began to rise during Bush's last couple years, do you know how he responded? (Hint: He did the opposite of what Obama has been doing and trying to do.)

Gas rose to over $4 a gallon in the summer of 2008. So, yes, many of us know how expensive it was back then.

The highest gas prices recorded happened in 2012, so I'm not sure why you fixate on 2008.

I fact Obama gas is now so low, it is effecting the low prices worldwide! What a guy.
It is unreal how so many liberals seem ignorant of the fact that Obama tried to shut down the very drilling that has done so much to reduce gas prices and to make us a net oil exporter. Luckily for the nation, Obama's EPA lawyers lost their case because they happened to get before a judge who had some common sense.

So the drop in gas prices has happened IN SPITE of Obama, not because of him.

Also, we should not overlook the fact that businesses felt more encouraged to hire and invest again after the Republicans took control of the House, because they knew that no Obama wouldn't be able to ram through more of his socialistic, job-killing programs.

Businesses have been even more encouraged by the GOP takeover of the Senate. Now they can breathe a little bit more easily, although we're far from out of the woods yet.

Questions for liberals: Do you know the average price of gas for the Bush years? Do you know what the average price was when Bush left office? When gas prices began to rise during Bush's last couple years, do you know how he responded? (Hint: He did the opposite of what Obama has been doing and trying to do.)

Gas rose to over $4 a gallon in the summer of 2008. So, yes, many of us know how expensive it was back then.

The highest gas prices recorded happened in 2012, so I'm not sure why you fixate on 2008.

Nope. The record of (US average) $4.11 on July 7 2008 still stands as the highest ever.

That was in fact the whole reason it became a campaign "issue" (in quotes because of being a fake issue) with McCain and Palin trying to appeal to the low-infos with the "drill baby drill" malarkey.

Memories are short in politics...
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It is unreal how so many liberals seem ignorant of the fact that Obama tried to shut down the very drilling that has done so much to reduce gas prices and to make us a net oil exporter. Luckily for the nation, Obama's EPA lawyers lost their case because they happened to get before a judge who had some common sense.

So the drop in gas prices has happened IN SPITE of Obama, not because of him.

Also, we should not overlook the fact that businesses felt more encouraged to hire and invest again after the Republicans took control of the House, because they knew that no Obama wouldn't be able to ram through more of his socialistic, job-killing programs.

Businesses have been even more encouraged by the GOP takeover of the Senate. Now they can breathe a little bit more easily, although we're far from out of the woods yet.

Questions for liberals: Do you know the average price of gas for the Bush years? Do you know what the average price was when Bush left office? When gas prices began to rise during Bush's last couple years, do you know how he responded? (Hint: He did the opposite of what Obama has been doing and trying to do.)

Gas rose to over $4 a gallon in the summer of 2008. So, yes, many of us know how expensive it was back then.

The highest gas prices recorded happened in 2012, so I'm not sure why you fixate on 2008.

Nope. The record of (US average) $4.11 on July 7 2008 still stands as the highest ever.

That was in fact the whole reason it became a campaign "issue" (in quotes because of being a fake issue) with McCain and Palin trying to appeal to the low-infos with the "drill baby drill" malarkey.

Memories are short in politics...

Gas prices and politics aren't related, they go up and down with world supply and demand. I was traveling a lot in 2011-2012, sorry it's that 2011-2012 effected my pocketbook and they were very close in price.

I also wasn't going to vote for McCain or Obama, so I really considered all they said was BS! That I was right about.

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