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Obama's African cousin

You might want to look again, if you've looked at all. I saw no documented fact that they were cousins. Only Odinga's claim that they were. Obama has yet to comment.

What IS documented fact is that Obama has supported Odinga politically.

take it to the flame board, if you want to hurl insults. I haven't addressed you in this thread, nor insulted you in this thread. Follow your own board rules.

The fact that you defend bush at every chance you get, means you are a bush worshipper. Sorry. I suspect you have a shrine to bush at your house.
take it to the flame board, if you want to hurl insults. I haven't addressed you in this thread, nor insulted you in this thread. Follow your own board rules.

The fact that you defend bush at every chance you get, means you are a bush worshipper. Sorry. I suspect you have a shrine to bush at your house.

I don't defend Bush at every chance. I defend Bush against moron trolls spewing the same baseless bullshit day after day after day.

A couple of simple points for your simple, single-cell brain:

1. This thread isn't about Bush.

2. You hurled the first insult, goober.

3. If you are going to do for Obama what you claim I do for Bush, STFU and go sit back in your corner when you get it tossed back in your face.

Lastly, how the rules on this board are enforced is not subject to your one-sided, partisan approval, nor open to debate in a public forum.

How about if YOU quit fucking deflecting and address the verysame issues YOU brought up insofar as Obama is concerned instead of whining foul and/or introducing irrelevant hencackle?

The fits of hysteria and gnashing of teeth on this thread are indicative of how much liberals want to control the flow of information in the public sphere. They are not interested in facts nor free speech.

I personally have my doubts about Obama being a real Christian. I think he is really a Muslim underneath it all. He was basically raised as a Muslim. I think his joining Trinity Church was a political move and perhaps a compromise with his wife (a Christian). I believe he and Pastor Wright are basically hand in glove. Trinity Church welcomes black Muslim believers.

Trinity and Pastor Wright are dedicated to Africa and Obama's Kenya connection is part and parcel. Obongo Roy Obama, Barack Obama's brother, is also someone who Obama admires. Roy Obama is a Muslim militant who also supports Odinga. Quite the family affair.

Do you want a President who supports a Marxist radical who agreed to impose Sharia law upon a majority Christian nation?

I believe America deserves to know about these Obama relationships.....but the liberal Pravda media of America has a blackout on this information. I'm sure if this was info about a Republican the liberal media would be shouting it nonstop from the roof tops. I hope the internet and the blogosphere are able to bring it all out into the open eventually....then the libs can kiss Obama goodbye.
throw it on a picket sign and wve it at the people going to cast a vote, dude... It's totally laughable and, for a sec, I thought that maybe EOTS and the other tin foil hat earing dude hijacked a few accounts...

But, if this is the point at which desperate republicans sit then so be it. Just wait for the swiftboating...
What an utter bag of crap.

do you really think anyone will take these links seriously?

From your fown wiki link.

Odinga claims to be a cousin of American Senator and presidential candidate Barack Obama through the latter's father, Barack Obama Sr., who Odinga claims was his maternal uncle.[25] This claim has not been corroborated, but Obama Sr. did come from the same Luo tribe as Odinga.[25]

This is not even in the article you posted you lying sack of shit.

Odinga is a cousin of American Senator and presidential candidate Barack Hussein Obama through the latter's father, Barack Obama Sr., who Odinga claims was his maternal uncle.[25] Obama Sr. did come from the same Luo tribe as Odinga.[25]. Senator Barack Hussein Obama supported his older half-brother Abongo Obama, a militant muslim leader of the Luo tribe of Barack Obama's family and campaigned for his uncle, Raila Odinga during his 2006 visit to Kenya, where the famous picture of Barack in a turbin was taken from.
What an utter bag of crap.

do you really think anyone will take these links seriously?

From your fown wiki link.

Odinga claims to be a cousin of American Senator and presidential candidate Barack Obama through the latter's father, Barack Obama Sr., who Odinga claims was his maternal uncle.[25] This claim has not been corroborated, but Obama Sr. did come from the same Luo tribe as Odinga.[25]

This is not even in the article you posted you lying sack of shit.

Odinga is a cousin of American Senator and presidential candidate Barack Hussein Obama through the latter's father, Barack Obama Sr., who Odinga claims was his maternal uncle.[25] Obama Sr. did come from the same Luo tribe as Odinga.[25]. Senator Barack Hussein Obama supported his older half-brother Abongo Obama, a militant muslim leader of the Luo tribe of Barack Obama's family and campaigned for his uncle, Raila Odinga during his 2006 visit to Kenya, where the famous picture of Barack in a turbin was taken from.

This is what the Wiki link says today.

Odinga claims to be a cousin of American Senator and presidential candidate Barack Obama through the latter's father, Barack Obama Sr., who Odinga claims was his maternal uncle.[25] This claim has not been corroborated, but Obama Sr. did come from the same Luo tribe as Odinga.[25]

Somebody is lying their ass off.
This is what the Wiki link says today.

Somebody is lying their ass off.

Yeah, somebody is lying….my bet is on Obama….he's about as silver-tongued as any politician can get.

Unfortunately, the media blackout is so severe right now questions cannot even be asked of him about his relationship to Odinga, blood or otherwise.

But no matter whether Obama is a cousin or just a tribal friend…it's known that he gave his support to Raila Odinga. That's much more important than whether or not they are first cousins or tribal cousins or whatever.

Also, let's not forget that Obama's much admired brother is a Muslim militant for Odinga.

Those 2 facts alone are enough to question his viability for election as U.S. President.

Let alone his choice in pastors….etc., etc.
Some Republicans Emerge To Endorse Obama

WASHINGTON — With an eye to the general election and the Pennsylvania primary, some Republicans who oppose President Bush’s war policy are endorsing Senator Obama.

Call them the Obamacans: They are against continuing the Iraq war and reject what they see as Mr. Bush’s unconstitutional buildup of executive power. While the conservative Republican base rejected Senator McCain in the early primaries for his push for bipartisan campaign finance regulation and amnesty for illegal immigrants, the Arizona senator’s hawkish support for the Iraq war has alienated what was once his national constituency, anti-Bush Republicans.

The Obamacans include a former senator of Rhode Island, Lincoln Chafee; a former senior Justice Department official under President Reagan and senior legal adviser to Mitt Romney’s presidential campaign, Douglas Kmiec, and a granddaughter of President Eisenhower, Susan Eisenhower.

The group one day may include Senator Hagel, a Republican of Nebraska, who has co-sponsored Iraq withdrawal legislation with leading Democrats. Asked yesterday on CNN whether he would endorse his party’s presumptive nominee, Mr. Hagel said he would base his support on the candidates’ positions on withdrawing from Iraq.

The Illinois senator’s appeal to anti-war Republicans likely will affect the outcome of the upcoming primaries, especially Pennsylvania, where conservatives are being urged by radio host Rush Limbaugh to vote tactically for Senator Clinton in an effort to prolong the fight for the Democratic nomination.

Of the 140,000 Pennsylvania Republicans and independents who switched registration in the last year to Democrat, the majority are Obama voters, the director of the Franklin and Marshall College poll, G. Terry Madonna, said. Registration for the state’s closed April 22 primary ended March 24. “If 2 million people vote in Pennsylvania, which would be a huge number, I think Obama gets 85,000 to 90,000 switchers,” Mr. Madonna said. “That’s 3 or 4 or 5%, which is a big deal.”

Nearly every presidential campaign in recent history has featured committees of Republicans and Democrats endorsing the presidential nominee of the other’s party. In 2004, Senator Kerry’s Republican endorsers included Mr. Bush’s former Texas Rangers partner, Corner Cottrell; the former CEO of Chrysler Motors, Lee Iacocca; and former Republican senator of New Hampshire, Bob Smith.

Part of Mr. Obama’s appeal to moderate Republicans in this election cycle is his early opposition to the Iraq war. Ms. Eisenhower, who worked on George H.W. Bush’s presidential campaign in 1988, said in an interview that she sees a temporary realignment on the war between the parties in the general election.

“You will see some Democrats voting for McCain and some number of Republicans supporting Obama,” said Ms. Eisenhower, a senior director at Stonebridge International, whose principal partners include a former Republican senator, Warren Rudman, and President Clinton’s second national security adviser, Samuel Berger. “The critical thing about his candidacy is that he has the capacity to attract Republicans in a way Hillary Clinton does not. She does not represent much of a difference with John McCain. The difference between her candidacy and John McCain’s isn’t as stark, especially in the foreign policy area.”

Mr. Kmiec, a senior adviser to Mr. Romney’s presidential campaign before his withdrawal from the race in February, said Mr. Obama could create a reverse Reagan effect and attract anti-war Republicans in the same way President Reagan won the support of Democrats wary of their party’s soft line on the Cold War, management of the economy, and embrace of identity politics.

“People have asked, ‘How can someone who worked for Ronald Reagan support Barack Obama?’” Mr. Kmiec said in an interview. “And the answer is simple: Both are natural leaders and have a great gift for communicating. Ronald Reagan used to tell me that his greatest achievement was to make Americans feel good about themselves again. But there has to be a genuine reason to feel good about ourselves, which there hasn’t been in a while.”

Mr. Kmiec added that Mr. Obama “is calling us to what Ronald Reagan called us to, which is the better nature of our capacities and ourselves.”

Another alumnus of the Reagan Justice Department, however, said he doubts that many conservatives and Republicans will defect to the Obama campaign.

“I think this is a lot of nonsense,” Mark Levin, who served as chief of staff to Attorney General Meese and now hosts a nationally syndicated talk radio program, said. “I don’t see a lot of movement of Republicans or conservatives to Barack Obama. Whether or not they vote for McCain, though, is another story. It will be clear by then that Obama’s agenda is an extremely hard left agenda on domestic and foreign policy. It will be clear the courts will be in great danger. Once all that crystallizes, and it will, he may get the usual Republicans who are not that serious, but it won’t be enough to matter.”

The president of Americans for Tax Reform and a conservative activist, Grover Norquist, said he agreed. “What you are going to get is people like Doug Kmiec, who are concerned about the accumulation of power in the executive branch and want to speak to it,” he said. “It’s all about too much power in the executive branch, which is a conservative principle. Because of the war in Iraq and partisan division, Bush and Cheney convinced Republicans that this is something you should be for. But guys who went to law school know better than that. This is a very important thing, and they are frustrated and they feel they can’t get focused on it. So how do you get attention?” By “saying something dramatic, like ‘I am endorsing Barack Obama.’”

The president of the Nixon Center, Dmitri Simes, also said he does not foresee many Republicans or conservatives voting for Mr. Obama. “The real issue is not whether they will vote for Obama, it is whether many conservatives will vote for McCain or stay home,” he said.

Mr. Simes added that Mr. McCain’s foreign policy, which he said commits America to democracy promotion and “confrontation with a number of foreign powers,” would likely end up forcing him to raise taxes, despite his pledge not to.

Recent polls support the view of Messrs. Levin, Norquist, and Simes. The latest Rasmussen poll has Mr. McCain at 51% against Mr. Obama, who polls at 41%. According to a Gallup survey from early March, 28% of Mrs. Clinton’s supporters would vote for Mr. McCain instead of supporting Mr. Obama in the general election.

But those numbers come in the middle of the most contested Democratic presidential primary since Hubert Humphrey took on Eugene McCarthy in 1968. In Pennsylvania, where campaigning has been heated, Mrs. Clinton on average enjoys a lead of more than 17%. She also has the support of the Democratic governor, Edward Rendell, and the Democratic mayors of Philadelphia and Pittsburgh, Michael Nutter and Luke Ravenstahl.

In this environment, the Republicans who support Mr. Obama may make a difference. Since January, 98,840 Republicans and independents have changed their party affiliation, according to the latest statistics from the Pennsylvania Department of State. “We have seen one of the highest — if not the highest — number of people switch from one party to another in one week, the week leading up to the deadline: 29,060 who switched to the Democratic Party from March 17 to March 24,” a spokeswoman for the department, Rebecca Halton, said in an interview. New, revised tallies are scheduled to be released today.

Meanwhile, the Obama campaign in Pennsylvania is touting the endorsements of some Pennsylvania Republicans. One is Lou Thieblemont, former mayor of Camp Hill, Pa., population 8,000, a suburb of the state capital, Harrisburg.

In an interview, Mr. Thieblemont, a former pilot for TWA and American Airlines, said proudly that he has never voted for a Bush. “Since I was able to vote at 18, I didn’t vote for any Bush,” he said. “I voted for Reagan, I voted for Dole, but never a Bush. I don’t like the way they do business.”

Another Pennsylvania Republican who supports Mr. Obama is retired Major General Walter Stewart, a township supervisor in Burks County who says he has given money both to an anti-Bush Texas Republican, Rep. Ron Paul, and Mr. Hagel, who he said was his first choice for president this election season.

General Stewart said he was supporting Mr. Obama because he could not endorse a candidate who voted to authorize the war in Iraq, which he compared to King George’s decision to send the British army and Hessian mercenaries into New York Harbor in the Revolutionary War. In 2004, General Stewart said, he supported Mr. Kerry, the Democratic nominee, over Mr. Bush. “I think there is a general feeling in the military that this war in Iraq has been a catastrophe,” he said.

A spokesman for the Pennsylvania Republican Party, Michael Barley, said the elevated number of party switchers was expected, given the national attention his state’s primary has received. “There is a lot of attention on this race. If we had a contested primary on the Republican side, we would expect our rolls to increase by similar margins as the Democrats. They have gained a pretty substantial amount of voters for the last few months,” he said.

A spokesman for the Obama campaign’s Pennsylvania operation, Sean Smith, said many Republicans had approached his campaign about registering to vote in the primary, and not the other way around.

“This is a close race. Our first goal was to make sure everyone who wanted to vote for Obama would be registered to do so. Other states have shown that when Republicans and independents have a chance to vote in primaries, they tend to vote in large numbers for us,” Mr. Smith said.


Yeah, somebody is lying….my bet is on Obama….he's about as silver-tongued as any politician can get.

Unfortunately, the media blackout is so severe right now questions cannot even be asked of him about his relationship to Odinga, blood or otherwise.

But no matter whether Obama is a cousin or just a tribal friend…it's known that he gave his support to Raila Odinga. That's much more important than whether or not they are first cousins or tribal cousins or whatever.

Also, let's not forget that Obama's much admired brother is a Muslim militant for Odinga.

Those 2 facts alone are enough to question his viability for election as U.S. President.

Let alone his choice in pastors….etc., etc.


Like you were considering voting for Obama anyway. I'm quite sure that, if you could, you would vote for the clueless Bush to have a third term over virtually any democrat in the nation.

So, fish around for "reasons" you can't support obama. If it takes some guy in africa to "convince" you obama isn't up to the job, have fun!
"Operation chaos" gone crazy. I agree with what Levin said:
Shogun said:
“I think this is a lot of nonsense,” Mark Levin, who served as chief of staff to Attorney General Meese and now hosts a nationally syndicated talk radio program, said. “I don’t see a lot of movement of Republicans or conservatives to Barack Obama. Whether or not they vote for McCain, though, is another story. It will be clear by then that Obama’s agenda is an extremely hard left agenda on domestic and foreign policy. It will be clear the courts will be in great danger. Once all that crystallizes, and it will, he may get the usual Republicans who are not that serious, but it won’t be enough to matter.”

DeadCanDance said:

Like you were considering voting for Obama anyway. I'm quite sure that, if you could, you would vote for the clueless Bush to have a third term over virtually any democrat in the nation.

So, fish around for "reasons" you can't support obama. If it takes some guy in africa to "convince" you obama isn't up to the job, have fun!
Wrong, I would not want to vote for Bush again...he has been a big liberal disappointment. I also can't stand McPain. However, the very fact that this information about Obama doesn't give you pause let's me know what a blind idiot follower YOU are.
meh.. you had your 8 years.

pass the gavel and go sit down.
"Operation chaos" gone crazy. I agree with what Levin said:

Wrong, I would not want to vote for Bush again...he has been a big liberal disappointment. I also can't stand McPain. However, the very fact that this information about Obama doesn't give you pause let's me know what a blind idiot follower YOU are.

Uh, okay. You've got some guy in africa no one's ever heard of, who may or may not be obama's cousin, and you have a few youtube snippets of some pastor in chicago. LOL

Good luck with your blind, bush worshipping partisanship! This election will be decided on the economy and on your war in iraq. Not on some obscure guy in africa! :rofl:
Uh, okay. You've got some guy in africa no one's ever heard of, who may or may not be obama's cousin, and you have a few youtube snippets of some pastor in chicago. LOL

Good luck with your blind, bush worshipping partisanship! This election will be decided on the economy and on your war in iraq. Not on some obscure guy in africa! :rofl:

And you've got some smooth-talking politician who is so far to the marxist/socialist left that he makes Hillary look good...

....but he's got your vote because, geewillikers, he looks and talks better than Bush....and oh, he opposed the war from the beginning....in fact he, via his pastor, blamed 9-11 on America...

...yeah, that's the kinda guy we want as our President........NOT :eusa_hand:
And you've got some smooth-talking politician who is so far to the marxist/socialist left that he makes Hillary look good...

....but he's got your vote because, geewillikers, he looks and talks better than Bush....and oh, he opposed the war from the beginning....in fact he, via his pastor, blamed 9-11 on America...

...yeah, that's the kinda guy we want as our President........NOT :eusa_hand:

Here's what you CLAIMED your wiki link said:

Odinga is a cousin of American Senator and presidential candidate Barack Hussein Obama through the latter's father, Barack Obama Sr., who Odinga claims was his maternal uncle.[25] Obama Sr. did come from the same Luo tribe as Odinga.[25]. Senator Barack Hussein Obama supported his older half-brother Abongo Obama, a militant muslim leader of the Luo tribe of Barack Obama's family and campaigned for his uncle, Raila Odinga during his 2006 visit to Kenya, where the famous picture of Barack in a turbin was taken from.


Here's what your link ACTUALLY says:

Raila Odinga is married to Ida Odinga (born Ida Anyango Oyoo). They have four children - two sons and two daughters. His oldest son, Fidel, is named after Fidel Castro.[23] Their youngest child, Winnie, is named after Winnie Mandela.[23] Raila lives in Nairobi but has a second home in Bondo District. Raila Odinga is an Anglican.[24]

Odinga claims to be a cousin of American Senator and presidential candidate Barack Obama through the latter's father, Barack Obama Sr., who Odinga claims was his maternal uncle.[25] This claim has not been corroborated, but Obama Sr. did come from the same Luo tribe as Odinga.[25]

He briefly played soccer for Luo Union[23] (later known as Re-Union) as a midfielder.

Did you just make up your quote? Seriously, did you just pull it out of your ass?

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