Obama's America: The March Backwards

Rain Dancing........LMAO........hey, who knows? This could be the next idea of genius promoted by the left. If the intentions are good, anything is possible with the mental cases.

What is very gratifying is that the last 6 years have turned into a joke in the opinion of most Americans. And that's really important moving forward. People have seen that none of this liberal crap works and moreover, that it makes things far worse. Also gratifying.....with at least 2 years having the ability to do anything it wanted, this government has not even been able to push the football a single yard forward on climate change/green energy.....in fact, oil production is at record highs for this country and coal exports are off the charts ( thanks to the EU realizing how ghey green energy is:D:D). We went through this in the late 70's and time moved forward and people forgot ( and the young didn't have a clue ) of how ineffective liberal public policy is. In any case.....green energy was a laughable joke in 2008.......and still is.:eusa_dance::eusa_dance::up:
Land that capitalism has failed and has been abandoned has now found a new use and this is bad why?
Land that capitalism has failed and has been abandoned has now found a new use and this is bad why?

Bet the Chinese are about to follow your instructions and turn the population back from technology to farming......

How's that 'fundamental transformation' working for America?
how are housing prices doing in Detroit, number of empty houses, housing starts, influx of new people into the city? New businesses moving in? that will tell you the success story
Land that capitalism has failed and has been abandoned has now found a new use and this is bad why?

The sobering reality is.....we have a lot of people in this country who cant take responsibility for their own personal fucked up life decisions that have left them scratching and clawing.......so they go out and start hating their country which if course, is a way to blame somebody else for their fuck-ups. Assholes like Editec and the multitude of other far lefties who lurk around this board.....miserable every day of their lives...... spit on the Constitution.....dream of communism as being the ultimate solution.

The solution of course is to annex a part of the country and let the left have at their dream of a collective society. They can ban all the guns and run all their shit on wind and solar power.:D Drive bikes to work. Let women run everything.....give the gays all positions of high office.:gay: Red lights will mean stop if you want to. Everybody can earn $15/hour and eat a diet mandated by the government......and kids get paid for turning in their parents if they cheat on their government mandated diet. If you get sick and the prognosis looks bleak? "FUCK YOU.......you're out!!".:fu: If you have a disability, "FUCK YOU.....youre out!!!".:fu: You want a family of 3?....."FUCK YOU......only one allowed.....should have taken your government mandated contraception pills!!!!".:up: Oh....no more cell phones.....we're banning fossil fuels.....back to Pony Express for the masses!!". They can ban the military....defend themselves with wiffle ball bats and giant water blasters.....happy now!! :happy-1::happy-1:. Everybody gets a house.....but everybody lives in the same type house: one bathroom, 4 rooms....1/10 of an acre!! Don't like it? Institution for you s0n!! No fireplaces allowed......banned. Air conditioning......banned by the EPA......."FUCK YOU......put ice on your wrists!!". Ban marriage.....open relationships all the time......you can bang whoever the fuck you want ( just remember those contraception pills or else:badgrin:). No breathing zones. Smoke? "Fuck you.....cigarettes are banned!!". Soda? Banned......makes people fat!! Say or write one thing against the government, "FUCK YOU......6 months in jail for you!!!"

Itd be awesome.........go......go.......go!!!:rock::rock::rock:
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Listening to Bloomberg this morn, I was surprised to hear that Detroit, site of the largest municipal bankruptcy....has turned to a "new" industry.

A new old one...that actually has 'shovel-ready jobs.'

1. "Urban farming takes hold in blighted Motor City

2. ...a city with too much abandoned, derelict, and ruined space, Detroiters are fighting back with one of the country’s largest urban agriculture movements.

3. We estimate that there are between 1500 and 2000 gardens in the city of Detroit,” she said. “Some of them are little postage stamp gardens in someone’s backyard, and some of them are full scale urban farms that are growing produce for sale, serving as someone’s primary living.”

4. One farmer, who would identify himself only as Magnetic Sun, said he is a 33-year-old, lifelong Detroit resident.

5. ....neighborhoods are still riddled with ruin. The city used to be home to 1.9 million, but is down to just 700,000 residents, leaving an estimated 30,000 acres of distressed land. So well-kept, carefully tended grounds are a welcome surprise.

6. ...at the core of Detroit’s problems: with so much abandoned space, Detroit’s land has lost its value, eroding the city’s tax base and making it even harder for the city to maintain neighborhoods or keep empty lots from decaying further.

7. In March, the city rewrote an old ordinance, legalizing urban agriculture in hopes of encouraging the green movement. Now, growing and selling produce in your backyard is allowed."
Urban farming takes hold in blighted Motor City | MSNBC

Most astounding line in the piece:

8. "Making money is not the driver here, this is an investment in helping Detroit move into the future,”....

Can rain dancing be far behind?

Seems like little miss Saigon is morphing into Tokyo Rose
Or, as is more likely, you're just a moron.
Hey Dave.....see the Quinnipiac poll this week? "Worst presidents since WWII?"

LOL.....Obama was "wOrSt in 70 years"

Most stunning?

He beat Carter!!! Who EVER thought we'd see that??:eusa_dance::eusa_dance::coffee:
Beautiful story of the self-healing and self-organizing properties of freedom and free markets.

This is guaranteed to kick local commerce into gear AND satisfy a need for ORGANIC LOCAL produce at the same time. Green solutions don't HAVE TO be RED on the inside..

The healthiest unemployed folks in the country will be farming Detroit in the next decade. Until the city figures out how to tax it into oblivion.. But your title is wrong PC. It WAS DEFINITELY the garden prowess of the 1st Lady that inspired this revolution..

Wait.....do I detect a tongue firmly placed in cheek???

Only because the tongue is not sampling the utter joy of Michelle's arugula. That lady single handedly CREATED a market for arugula.. She DID BUILD THAT !!! So that middle school waste bins could be composted more efficiently.. NEVER have I been prouder to be an enviromentalist..
Beautiful story of the self-healing and self-organizing properties of freedom and free markets.

This is guaranteed to kick local commerce into gear AND satisfy a need for ORGANIC LOCAL produce at the same time. Green solutions don't HAVE TO be RED on the inside..

The healthiest unemployed folks in the country will be farming Detroit in the next decade. Until the city figures out how to tax it into oblivion.. But your title is wrong PC. It WAS DEFINITELY the garden prowess of the 1st Lady that inspired this revolution..

Wait.....do I detect a tongue firmly placed in cheek???

Only because the tongue is not sampling the utter joy of Michelle's arugula. That lady single handedly CREATED a market for arugula.. She DID BUILD THAT !!! So that middle school waste bins could be composted more efficiently.. NEVER have I been prouder to be an enviromentalist..

If only the mass population could get into the same....I've been doing it for decades and get no notoriety, but then again, I was never looking to receive as such...
Listening to Bloomberg this morn, I was surprised to hear that Detroit, site of the largest municipal bankruptcy....has turned to a "new" industry.

A new old one...that actually has 'shovel-ready jobs.'

1. "Urban farming takes hold in blighted Motor City

2. ...a city with too much abandoned, derelict, and ruined space, Detroiters are fighting back with one of the country’s largest urban agriculture movements.

3. We estimate that there are between 1500 and 2000 gardens in the city of Detroit,” she said. “Some of them are little postage stamp gardens in someone’s backyard, and some of them are full scale urban farms that are growing produce for sale, serving as someone’s primary living.”

4. One farmer, who would identify himself only as Magnetic Sun, said he is a 33-year-old, lifelong Detroit resident.

5. ....neighborhoods are still riddled with ruin. The city used to be home to 1.9 million, but is down to just 700,000 residents, leaving an estimated 30,000 acres of distressed land. So well-kept, carefully tended grounds are a welcome surprise.

6. ...at the core of Detroit’s problems: with so much abandoned space, Detroit’s land has lost its value, eroding the city’s tax base and making it even harder for the city to maintain neighborhoods or keep empty lots from decaying further.

7. In March, the city rewrote an old ordinance, legalizing urban agriculture in hopes of encouraging the green movement. Now, growing and selling produce in your backyard is allowed."
Urban farming takes hold in blighted Motor City | MSNBC

Most astounding line in the piece:

8. "Making money is not the driver here, this is an investment in helping Detroit move into the future,”....

Can rain dancing be far behind?

Good for them! Maybe, just maybe, we can win back even more of what our lives should be like. Nothing like growing you own food, and each small farm is a poke in the eye of Big Ag.

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