Obama's approval rating hits 50%

Well great, you Obots should be crawl ing to him and kiss the ground he walks on or his ring on his boney finger.

If you believe this you Deserve too be lied to

the truth folks
Obama Has Decimated His Own Party Unlike Any Other Modern President
913 lost legislature seats. 11 lost governorships. And a partridge in a pear tree.

much more of the truth found just by Google
Obama Has Decimated His Own Party Unlike Any Other Modern President

It's funny how Republicans keep claiming they're winning so much, but nothing their voters want ever gets done.

Republicans win but Obamacare lives on. Republicans win but same sex marriage equality becomes the law of the land.
Republicans win, but there's no new all out major war in the Middle East. Republicans win but the government doesn't default on its debt.
Republicans win but Medicare as we know it isn't destroyed. Republicans win but Social Security isn't privatized.
And so on...

Get it?
That is why Trump is so popular. He represents the best hope for shaking up the useless leadership.

Are you serious? I guess you think Trump is going to acquire something resembling dictatorial powers to advance his agenda.
the truth folks
Obama Has Decimated His Own Party Unlike Any Other Modern President
913 lost legislature seats. 11 lost governorships. And a partridge in a pear tree.

much more of the truth found just by Google
Obama Has Decimated His Own Party Unlike Any Other Modern President

It's funny how Republicans keep claiming they're winning so much, but nothing their voters want ever gets done.

Republicans win but Obamacare lives on. Republicans win but same sex marriage equality becomes the law of the land.
Republicans win, but there's no new all out major war in the Middle East. Republicans win but the government doesn't default on its debt.
Republicans win but Medicare as we know it isn't destroyed. Republicans win but Social Security isn't privatized.
And so on...

Get it?
That is why Trump is so popular. He represents the best hope for shaking up the useless leadership.
Trump is popular because he represents the hope of white males reinstating white affirmative action since they cant compete on their own even with a 400 year head start. Practically everyone knows that.
You say that like you actually believe it.
You say that like you think I doubt it.
I say that like I think you should doubt it very strongly. A lot of people are very angry at the political establishment, and that anger goes a lot further back than Obama. It's an intellectually lazy cop-out to yell "racism!" every time someone opposes a democrat, and does nothing but obscure the true issues. democrat politicians know this and encourage it specifically to fire up one of their captive grievance groups and keep them from addressing things that would actually improve their lives.
Well great, you Obots should be crawl ing to him and kiss the ground he walks on or his ring on his boney finger.

If you believe this you Deserve too be lied to

the truth folks
Obama Has Decimated His Own Party Unlike Any Other Modern President
913 lost legislature seats. 11 lost governorships. And a partridge in a pear tree.

much more of the truth found just by Google
Obama Has Decimated His Own Party Unlike Any Other Modern President

It's funny how Republicans keep claiming they're winning so much, but nothing their voters want ever gets done.

Republicans win but Obamacare lives on. Republicans win but same sex marriage equality becomes the law of the land.
Republicans win, but there's no new all out major war in the Middle East. Republicans win but the government doesn't default on its debt.
Republicans win but Medicare as we know it isn't destroyed. Republicans win but Social Security isn't privatized.
And so on...

Get it?
That is why Trump is so popular. He represents the best hope for shaking up the useless leadership.

Are you serious? I guess you think Trump is going to acquire something resembling dictatorial powers to advance his agenda.
Nonsense. He's simply going to be someone that is not easy to control. Think about it, they can't threaten to withhold funding from his campaign or his library or his charity if he doesn't toe the line.
Well great, you Obots should be crawl ing to him and kiss the ground he walks on or his ring on his boney finger.

If you believe this you Deserve too be lied to

the truth folks
Obama Has Decimated His Own Party Unlike Any Other Modern President
913 lost legislature seats. 11 lost governorships. And a partridge in a pear tree.

much more of the truth found just by Google
Obama Has Decimated His Own Party Unlike Any Other Modern President

It's funny how Republicans keep claiming they're winning so much, but nothing their voters want ever gets done.

Republicans win but Obamacare lives on. Republicans win but same sex marriage equality becomes the law of the land.
Republicans win, but there's no new all out major war in the Middle East. Republicans win but the government doesn't default on its debt.
Republicans win but Medicare as we know it isn't destroyed. Republicans win but Social Security isn't privatized.
And so on...

Get it?
That is why Trump is so popular. He represents the best hope for shaking up the useless leadership.

Are you serious? I guess you think Trump is going to acquire something resembling dictatorial powers to advance his agenda.
Nonsense. He's simply going to be someone that is not easy to control. Think about it, they can't threaten to withhold funding from his campaign or his library or his charity if he doesn't toe the line.

Control from doing what? Is he going to ignore Congress?
the truth folks
Obama Has Decimated His Own Party Unlike Any Other Modern President
913 lost legislature seats. 11 lost governorships. And a partridge in a pear tree.

much more of the truth found just by Google
Obama Has Decimated His Own Party Unlike Any Other Modern President

It's funny how Republicans keep claiming they're winning so much, but nothing their voters want ever gets done.

Republicans win but Obamacare lives on. Republicans win but same sex marriage equality becomes the law of the land.
Republicans win, but there's no new all out major war in the Middle East. Republicans win but the government doesn't default on its debt.
Republicans win but Medicare as we know it isn't destroyed. Republicans win but Social Security isn't privatized.
And so on...

Get it?
That is why Trump is so popular. He represents the best hope for shaking up the useless leadership.

Are you serious? I guess you think Trump is going to acquire something resembling dictatorial powers to advance his agenda.
Nonsense. He's simply going to be someone that is not easy to control. Think about it, they can't threaten to withhold funding from his campaign or his library or his charity if he doesn't toe the line.

Control from doing what? Is he going to ignore Congress?
He's hoping we will elect a Putin.
the truth folks
Obama Has Decimated His Own Party Unlike Any Other Modern President
913 lost legislature seats. 11 lost governorships. And a partridge in a pear tree.

much more of the truth found just by Google
Obama Has Decimated His Own Party Unlike Any Other Modern President

It's funny how Republicans keep claiming they're winning so much, but nothing their voters want ever gets done.

Republicans win but Obamacare lives on. Republicans win but same sex marriage equality becomes the law of the land.
Republicans win, but there's no new all out major war in the Middle East. Republicans win but the government doesn't default on its debt.
Republicans win but Medicare as we know it isn't destroyed. Republicans win but Social Security isn't privatized.
And so on...

Get it?
That is why Trump is so popular. He represents the best hope for shaking up the useless leadership.

Are you serious? I guess you think Trump is going to acquire something resembling dictatorial powers to advance his agenda.
Nonsense. He's simply going to be someone that is not easy to control. Think about it, they can't threaten to withhold funding from his campaign or his library or his charity if he doesn't toe the line.

Control from doing what? Is he going to ignore Congress?
Obama basically ignores Congress, so why should a president Trump do otherwise? A president can influence Congress if he can appeal to the people and get enough pressure to make them move, and there are things he can do without them.
It's funny how Republicans keep claiming they're winning so much, but nothing their voters want ever gets done.

Republicans win but Obamacare lives on. Republicans win but same sex marriage equality becomes the law of the land.
Republicans win, but there's no new all out major war in the Middle East. Republicans win but the government doesn't default on its debt.
Republicans win but Medicare as we know it isn't destroyed. Republicans win but Social Security isn't privatized.
And so on...

Get it?
That is why Trump is so popular. He represents the best hope for shaking up the useless leadership.

Are you serious? I guess you think Trump is going to acquire something resembling dictatorial powers to advance his agenda.
Nonsense. He's simply going to be someone that is not easy to control. Think about it, they can't threaten to withhold funding from his campaign or his library or his charity if he doesn't toe the line.

Control from doing what? Is he going to ignore Congress?
He's hoping we will elect a Putin.
Putin? Why would I want that? We already have dictatorial ego maniacs in Washington as it is.
He'd probably win re-election in a landslide against that group of nutjobs the GOP is putting up. At this point in Dubya's Presidency he was at 32%.

5 Reasons President Obama's Approval Rating Is At a 3-Year High - The National Memo - Smart. Sharp. Funny. Fearless.
The number One reason should be that he's leaving in a few months
Thats weird because Dubs went down the closer he got to leaving.
Why wold you think I care about Bush?

He was no better than Obama
Who said you cared about Bush? I just pointed out that your logic is flawed because Bushs numbers went down as he ended his term.

So what? Just because one guy is up because people are happy he is leaving and one guy was down because the economy crashed is hardly enough to base any trends on
Thats dumb. Why would you say you approve of the job he is doing if you are happy he is living? I hear bone gristle popping in your head from continuous grinding.

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