Obama's Approval Rating Sinks Back into the 30's

Personally if I was Obama I would take the poor numbers and tell the haters to shove it. He has given healthcare to everyone and he is avoiding a very stupid war with both Iran and Russia. He is being a leader. Something the right really really hates obviously. We need more war which leads to more death and destruction and more debt! Then they can just blame Obama more!

He has given healthcare to everyone

What fantasy you living in?

The ACA hasn't even made a dent in the number of uninsured.
Blacks vote dem in such high numbers because the republican party is racist.

racist.., racist.., racist.., racist.., racist.., racist.., racist.., racist. is that the only fucking word you know ?

when it comes to racism, the dummyRAT party is the most racist bunch of fools ever, one of their leaders was a fucking KKK grand phony, you libs put up a good false front, you wish you could go back to the days of
you fucking people are 100% sick in the head, or you have no fucking brains at all :up:

She's just pointing out that white people are the same, we all hate blacks. And she can't understand how we can fail to grasp that people within a community are actually different and not the same.
why do blacks vote 90%+ for dems guys?

tell us you theory?

Statistically, other than Jews, within every group as they become more prosperous they become more fiscally conservative, including blacks.

Unfortunately blacks as a group are poorer than whites. You won't grasp this, but we both want to do something about that. I want to do that with economic opportunity, you want to do it with handouts. The problem with your solution is that it keeps them there.

that's not true, just look at the commercials on TV where blacks are portrayed as prosperous, wealthy, living in homes that appear to be at the very least $500.000.00+ in neighborhoods with other high income individuals.

which brings me to another observation, whenever a commercial with both black and white, they ALWAYS portray the white to be stupid or ignorant.., ALWAYS, the black is elevated above WHITES !! BUT !! according to truthnevermatters THAT would not be racism.
why do blacks vote 90%+ for dems guys?

tell us you theory?

Statistically, other than Jews, within every group as they become more prosperous they become more fiscally conservative, including blacks.

Unfortunately blacks as a group are poorer than whites. You won't grasp this, but we both want to do something about that. I want to do that with economic opportunity, you want to do it with handouts. The problem with your solution is that it keeps them there.

that's not true, just look at the commercials on TV where blacks are portrayed as prosperous, wealthy, living in homes that appear to be at the very least $500.000.00+ in neighborhoods with other high income individuals.

which brings me to another observation, whenever a commercial with both black and white, they ALWAYS portray the white to be stupid or ignorant.., ALWAYS, the black is elevated above WHITES !! BUT !! according to truthnevermatters THAT would not be racism.

Advertising also employs gender bias in large amounts, EVERYONE in the Family is smarter than Dad.
Personally if I was Obama I would take the poor numbers and tell the haters to shove it. He has given healthcare to everyone and he is avoiding a very stupid war with both Iran and Russia. He is being a leader. Something the right really really hates obviously. We need more war which leads to more death and destruction and more debt! Then they can just blame Obama more!

everyone already HAD health care...He didn't GIVE US anything but some fascist government entitlement insurance scam
you people are so dishonest...but you can bow to Obama if you want
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The radical liberal fools only play in the rain so long.. then the sun comes out.



Report: Low Obama Ratings, GOP Moves Worry Democrats as Fall Elections Near

President Barack Obama's plunging approval ratings have Democrats running for Congress this fall so worried that one party lawmaker described him as "poisonous," while others said his political operation has done little to help candidates, The New York Times reports.

They're also fretting over this week's Republican victory in the special House election in Florida and the millions of dollars conservative groups are spending to attack Democrats for supporting Obamacare, the Times reports.

“I’m a prolific fundraiser, but I can’t compete with somebody who has got 50-some-odd billion dollars,” Rep. Joe Garcia told the Times.

Report: Low Obama Ratings, GOP Moves Worry Democrats as Fall Elections Near
Personally if I was Obama I would take the poor numbers and tell the haters to shove it. He has given healthcare to everyone and he is avoiding a very stupid war with both Iran and Russia. He is being a leader. Something the right really really hates obviously. We need more war which leads to more death and destruction and more debt! Then they can just blame Obama more!

everyone already HAD health care...He didn't GIVE US anything but some fascist government entitlement insurance scam
you people are so dishonest...but you can bow to Obama if you want

Really EVERYONE? I doubt that. I did and still do. But MILLIONS did not.
Personally if I was Obama I would take the poor numbers and tell the haters to shove it. He has given healthcare to everyone and he is avoiding a very stupid war with both Iran and Russia. He is being a leader. Something the right really really hates obviously. We need more war which leads to more death and destruction and more debt! Then they can just blame Obama more!

everyone already HAD health care...He didn't GIVE US anything but some fascist government entitlement insurance scam
you people are so dishonest...but you can bow to Obama if you want
The people are being BILKED by their Government for the sake of CONTROL. All this amounts to.
If Obama's approval rating is almost twice as much as Republicans' approval rating, then should the Republican party really be trying to tell America how terrible Obama is?

Maybe Republicans should try to build their party up instead of trying to tear everyone else down to their level.
...Obama has YET to submit a balanced budget...GOOD to be the King, eh?

Obama tells man who can't afford ObamaCare to get rid of cable, cell phone

Fiscal responsibility, PRIORITIES, don't you know? Obama doesn't and NEVER has lived in the real world. The economy is stagnant...millions out of work, millions losing their healthcare that they were happy with...Any wonder why his ratings continue to fall?

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If Obama's approval rating is almost twice as much as Republicans' approval rating, then should the Republican party really be trying to tell America how terrible Obama is?

Maybe Republicans should try to build their party up instead of trying to tear everyone else down to their level.

The Republican Party is not the president of the United States. Obama is. They arent comparable at all.
But keep beating that horse. Until November, anyway. Dems are in serious trouble this year.
If Obama's approval rating is almost twice as much as Republicans' approval rating, then should the Republican party really be trying to tell America how terrible Obama is?

Maybe Republicans should try to build their party up instead of trying to tear everyone else down to their level.

The Republican Party is not the president of the United States. Obama is. They arent comparable at all.
But keep beating that horse. Until November, anyway. Dems are in serious trouble this year.
The Democrats have an albatross around their collective necks, and it is ObamaCare...and they can't escape it.
If Obama's approval rating is almost twice as much as Republicans' approval rating, then should the Republican party really be trying to tell America how terrible Obama is?

Maybe Republicans should try to build their party up instead of trying to tear everyone else down to their level.

The Republican Party is not the president of the United States. Obama is. They arent comparable at all.
But keep beating that horse. Until November, anyway. Dems are in serious trouble this year.
They're not comparable? Americans' approval ratings of government members aren't comparable? We can't compare Democrats' popularity to Republicans' popularity? In what way are they unrelated? The polls generate a consensus on how Americans feel about a particular topic. 35% of Americans say that the Democrats are doing a good job compared to 19% of Americans who think that the Republicans are doing a good job.

Republicans suck almost twice as much as Democrats. Republicans should learn from that.

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