Obama's Approval Rating Sinks Back into the 30's

If Obama's approval rating is almost twice as much as Republicans' approval rating, then should the Republican party really be trying to tell America how terrible Obama is?

Maybe Republicans should try to build their party up instead of trying to tear everyone else down to their level.

The Republican Party is not the president of the United States. Obama is. They arent comparable at all.
But keep beating that horse. Until November, anyway. Dems are in serious trouble this year.
They're not comparable? Americans' approval ratings of government members aren't comparable? We can't compare Democrats' popularity to Republicans' popularity? In what way are they unrelated? The polls generate a consensus on how Americans feel about a particular topic. 35% of Americans say that the Democrats are doing a good job compared to 19% of Americans who think that the Republicans are doing a good job.

Republicans suck almost twice as much as Democrats. Republicans should learn from that.
The ENTIRE Government is in the shitter with the people, isn't it? Guess whom is in charge and has been since '06 (Congress)? Hmmmmm...
If Obama's approval rating is almost twice as much as Republicans' approval rating, then should the Republican party really be trying to tell America how terrible Obama is?

Maybe Republicans should try to build their party up instead of trying to tear everyone else down to their level.

The Republican Party is not the president of the United States. Obama is. They arent comparable at all.
But keep beating that horse. Until November, anyway. Dems are in serious trouble this year.
They're not comparable? Americans' approval ratings of government members aren't comparable? We can't compare Democrats' popularity to Republicans' popularity? In what way are they unrelated? The polls generate a consensus on how Americans feel about a particular topic. 35% of Americans say that the Democrats are doing a good job compared to 19% of Americans who think that the Republicans are doing a good job.

Republicans suck almost twice as much as Democrats. Republicans should learn from that.

You can't compare Barack Obama to the entire GOP. You could compare the Dems to the GOP. In which case the GOP is winning on the important issues.
But logic was never your forte. Not sure exactly what your forte is, but I suspect it takes place in dark places.
I'm shocked....how come people don't like Obama lying to them about keeping their medical insurance/care???

Don't like Obamacare making their medical insurance costs go up?

Don't like the Obama's IRS targeting them if they have a "conservative" name for their group?

Don't like the Obama's ATF giving guns to Mexican drug cartels and losing track of them in order to create a rise in gun violence along the border to help the anti-gun movement?

Don't like Obama telling the public a lie about the massacre in Libya in order to win an election?

Don't like that Obama still hasn't gone after the terrorists that killed 4 Americans in Libya?

Don't like Obama's policies/agencies increasing the costs of energy, food, etc on average Americans all in the name of climate change and wealth distribution?
Personally if I was Obama I would take the poor numbers and tell the haters to shove it. He has given healthcare to everyone and he is avoiding a very stupid war with both Iran and Russia. He is being a leader. Something the right really really hates obviously. We need more war which leads to more death and destruction and more debt! Then they can just blame Obama more!

everyone already HAD health care...He didn't GIVE US anything but some fascist government entitlement insurance scam
you people are so dishonest...but you can bow to Obama if you want

Really EVERYONE? I doubt that. I did and still do. But MILLIONS did not.
You ignorant idiot. There are so many people of all parties and races pissed off over loosing their health care and rate hikes, that Democrats who want to stay in office, are running away from Obama like he is the plague.
everyone already HAD health care...He didn't GIVE US anything but some fascist government entitlement insurance scam
you people are so dishonest...but you can bow to Obama if you want

Really EVERYONE? I doubt that. I did and still do. But MILLIONS did not.
You ignorant idiot. There are so many people of all parties and races pissed off over loosing their health care and rate hikes, that Democrats who want to stay in office, are running away from Obama like he is the plague.

Indeed. If you backed Obamacare and you're also a gun grabbing loon.. start packing

everyone already HAD health care...He didn't GIVE US anything but some fascist government entitlement insurance scam
you people are so dishonest...but you can bow to Obama if you want

Really EVERYONE? I doubt that. I did and still do. But MILLIONS did not.
You ignorant idiot. There are so many people of all parties and races pissed off over loosing their health care and rate hikes, that Democrats who want to stay in office, are running away from Obama like he is the plague.

lets not forget some of the collateral damage. like employers laying off full timers to avoid being forced to pay for healthcare insurance. and part timers hours being cut to 28 hours or less to avoid having to provide healthcare.

libs bitch about walmart hiring people for low wages and giving them part time hours so the don't qualify for benefits and are forced to seek government assistance. Well obamacare has spread that model to every retailer, every fast food chain and impacted every part time worker who's hours are now being kept to a minimum.

do we hear any libs bitching about it yet?
If Obama's approval rating is almost twice as much as Republicans' approval rating, then should the Republican party really be trying to tell America how terrible Obama is?

Maybe Republicans should try to build their party up instead of trying to tear everyone else down to their level.

You take any congressional person and poll that person, he/she would poll higher than congress collectively. So you are talking apples to oranges, junior.

Wait- Obama denies he said what the video above says he said. LMAO

Obama denies saying ‘you can keep your health-care plan’ 29 times


(Daily Caller) – President Barack Obama told his enthusiastic supporters Monday night that he never promised what video recordings show him promising at least 29 times.

The videos show Obama promising 300 million Americans that “if you like your health-care plan, you will be able to keep your health-care plan, period.”


Did you lose your healthcare plan?
Yes. Now go fuck yourself.
If Obama's approval rating is almost twice as much as Republicans' approval rating, then should the Republican party really be trying to tell America how terrible Obama is?

Maybe Republicans should try to build their party up instead of trying to tear everyone else down to their level.

You take any congressional person and poll that person, he/she would poll higher than congress collectively. So you are talking apples to oranges, junior.
Except that's not what we're talking about. The poll in question wasn't about any individual except Obama, and his approval rating is twice that of Republicans.

As much as Obama sucks, Republicans are twice as pathetic. Republicans should learn from this but they won't because no matter how often everyone else in America tells you to go fuck yourselves, you'll just call them small-minded liberals and go right back to being retarded assholes.

19% approval rating. That means that 81% of America hates the GOP.

Wait- Obama denies he said what the video above says he said. LMAO

Obama denies saying ‘you can keep your health-care plan’ 29 times


(Daily Caller) – President Barack Obama told his enthusiastic supporters Monday night that he never promised what video recordings show him promising at least 29 times.

The videos show Obama promising 300 million Americans that “if you like your health-care plan, you will be able to keep your health-care plan, period.”


Did you lose your healthcare plan?
Yes. Now go fuck yourself.
Company has told us that we're on our own too...I concur with your statement to that poster.
Yet he is still better than. Bush/McCain/Romney would have ever been or was!

That is non responsive. Delete that post and try again.
Figure it out.
You don't get to say "yeah but your guy sucks worse than my guy"..
The subject matter of the thread is OBAMA'S approval rating. Not what the rating might be for people who've never held the Office.
Stay on point.
The poll listed approval ratings for Obama, Democrats, and Republicans. Republicans scored lowest.
After 5 years of mindless Pub obstruction, you idiots are killing yourselves much worse than Obama...lol.
The brainwashed inmates have taken over the asylum.
My company-provided medical insurance was FREE until last year when obamacare kicked in and now we have to co-pay 5% of the monthly cost. If it increases anymore then I will go join the military Tricare Retired plan....thanks to Obama fucking things up.
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Congressional job approval 11% approve 79.8 disapprove
RealClearPolitics - Election Other - Congressional Job Approval

That makes 39% look absolutely great.
You people cannot defend Obama. You only can attack others in an attempt to make him look better than others.
Americans already think that Obama is better than Republicans. 39% to 19%. Even if 53% of Americans disapprove of Obama's job, 81% of American disapprove of Republicans. Democrats don't make up 81% of the electorate. Including independents might push it up to the 50% range, but where does this other 31% come from? The GOP? Do 31% of Republican voters disapprove of the job that the Republican party is doing? Those must be Teabaggers, right? The people who are so rabidly right-wing that they think that the GOP is "too liberal".

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