Obama's Arrogant, Elitist, Narcissist, Self Rears It's Ugly Head Again...

Just WHAT does this ARROGANT little SHIT think he's going to do? ARREST someone for SPEAKING AGAINST HIM?

FUCK OBAMA! He makes me want to PUKE. I would PISS on the sons a bitch if he was on FIRE.

grow a pair, i've met girl scouts that have bigger balls.

ooooooh, obam said something almost mean about my ricky.

man the fuck up
Yeah, girlscouts probably do have a bigger set than obamaturd, and you.

How often do you check?
Obama To Perry: "Be A Little More Careful About What You Say"

WOLF BLITZER, HOST, CNN'S "THE SITUATION ROOM": Rick Perry, the governor of Texas, Republican presidential candidate now, says, the men and women of the United States military want someone who's worn the uniform. He says he served in the Air Force.

Do you see a comment like that, that he makes, referring to you, as disrespectful to the commander in chief?

BARACK OBAMA, PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES: You know, Mr. Perry just got into the presidential race. I think that everybody who runs for president, it probably takes them a little bit of time before they start realizing that this isn't like running for governor or running for senator or running for Congress, and you've got to be a little more careful about what you say.

Obama To Perry: "Be A Little More Careful About What You Say" | RealClearPolitics

Holy crap--Obama is telling Perry to be "careful" about what he says---:lol: Just how much authority does Barack Obama think he has? How many times has Barack Obama insulted the tea party in this country--with comments that he wasn't "careful" saying--:cuckoo:

Are you kidding??? Obama has insulted the tea party??? If he has, good for him!!! He has put up with insults and innuendos since the 2008 campaign. The things that have been said about him are terrible, not to mention untruthful. Screw the tea party and the horses they rode in on. They are nothing but low information voters with not an ounce of common sense.
The teapartiers have more common sense and intelligence than obamaturd.
links please where their life and the people around them where placed under the political microscope. wshen did you hewar about the media going through clintons trash cans at 3 in the morning or reno's?

link please??? You have your nerve!!! You shouldn't need a link, you idiot. Everybody knows what happened to hillary in the 90's. Also, you bagheads are always making outrageous statements and provide no proof whatsoever. Yet you're the first ones to whine, "link please". Stfu!!!

not correcting your typos makes your words hard to decipher.
but i guess you wouldn't know that, working at burger king and all.

i bet your stamping your foot right now and sucking your thub. Your wasting your time link or shut the fuck up.

Ame®icano;4019648 said:
You don't talk shit without reason...

Stuff about the knives is made up so they could bring the guns.

I guess that's pretty horrible then, right? Using weaponry references?

No, it's only 'horrible' that some people use it as a serious reference. Those evil right wingers might bring weapons - cuz they all crazzzzeee people. See how that works? Demonizing people for the sake of political expediency is never a good idea.
Hey, they're just "typical white persons", "who cling to their guns and religion".

Come on CG, ya' didn't know that?

Really it's true. Obama said so, so it must be.
this thread has made me wonder if all of you who use the big bad words you learned when you were about 10 would walk up to another member of
the board face to face and say these things. I don't think you would. Being annonymus on a computer is really very brave of you.

Remember that the difference between men and boy is: Men to when to cuss and boys know how.
this thread has made me wonder if all of you who use the big bad words you learned when you were about 10 would walk up to another member of
the board face to face and say these things. I don't think you would. Being annonymus on a computer is really very brave of you.

Remember that the difference between men and boy is: Men to when to cuss and boys know how.

I wouldn't have a problem doing it.
link please??? You have your nerve!!! You shouldn't need a link, you idiot. Everybody knows what happened to hillary in the 90's. Also, you bagheads are always making outrageous statements and provide no proof whatsoever. Yet you're the first ones to whine, "link please". Stfu!!!

not correcting your typos makes your words hard to decipher.
but i guess you wouldn't know that, working at burger king and all.

i bet your stamping your foot right now and sucking your thub. Your wasting your time link or shut the fuck up.

View attachment 14791

Tic Toc tic toc
well to be honest I have a knife I carry, but I also carry a gun.

That's just like giving dynamite to a fool. A gun. That friggin' figures. All the idiots need guns. :cuckoo:
The idiots are the ones who rail against the 2nd amendment. If he wants to carry a gun, as I do, then he is protected, no matter what the socialist idiots say.

I think it's idiotic. How are you going to reach for a gun while you're in the process of being robbed or attacked?? Also, how many times have you heard of people being arrested for protecting themselves?? They have all these cuckoo rules that do not protect the victim. Lastly, people lose their tempers in domestic situations all the time. And somebody gets hurt. Guns are just not a good idea for many reasons.
Oh too funny!!!

Mr. Civility. Mr. "they acted stupidly" .

They did act stupidly tinydimwit...

Face it, the only reason anyone feigned outrage at the comment is because it was Obama that said it.
Unflappable means "hard to upset; imperturbable; calm; composed."

Sounds like Sarah Palin.

Never have we seen a woman who's been so viciously attacked, along with her family, remain so "hard to upset; imperturbable; calm; composed."

Yep, even her special needs child has been trashed by lefty scum, while her husband and daughter have been accused of incest by lefty scum, and she refuses to play into their dirty lil' hands.

No wonder the lefty scum hate she and her family so much. Their typical, disgusting left wing tactics aren't working.

See, kids, this poster is an example of someone who is not unflappable.

Does that mean he could be aptly described as... flappable?
I guess that's pretty horrible then, right? Using weaponry references?

No, it's only 'horrible' that some people use it as a serious reference. Those evil right wingers might bring weapons - cuz they all crazzzzeee people. See how that works? Demonizing people for the sake of political expediency is never a good idea.
Hey, they're just "typical white persons", "who cling to their guns and religion".

Come on CG, ya' didn't know that?

Really it's true. Obama said so, so it must be.

Yep because you know, Blacks, Hispanics, Asians, they never carry guns. :) lol
No, it's only 'horrible' that some people use it as a serious reference. Those evil right wingers might bring weapons - cuz they all crazzzzeee people. See how that works? Demonizing people for the sake of political expediency is never a good idea.
Hey, they're just "typical white persons", "who cling to their guns and religion".

Come on CG, ya' didn't know that?

Really it's true. Obama said so, so it must be.

Yep because you know, Blacks, Hispanics, Asians, they never carry guns. :) lol

or go to church
Oh too funny!!!

Mr. Civility. Mr. "they acted stupidly" .

They did act stupidly tinydimwit...

Face it, the only reason anyone feigned outrage at the comment is because it was Obama that said it.
No they didn't....Obama's uppity buddy acted stupidly.

Words of wisdom.......Don't act stupidly when the cops are actually there trying to protect YOUR property......And if you do, don't expect to be treated like a non-idiot.
That's just like giving dynamite to a fool. A gun. That friggin' figures. All the idiots need guns. :cuckoo:
The idiots are the ones who rail against the 2nd amendment. If he wants to carry a gun, as I do, then he is protected, no matter what the socialist idiots say.

I think it's idiotic. How are you going to reach for a gun while you're in the process of being robbed or attacked??

People do it all the time. Sum Punk with a knife is going to bolt if you reach into your coat and come up with a Gun instead of your Wallet.

Also, how many times have you heard of people being arrested for protecting themselves?
Many, Just one example the man out west who had about 3 Gang members on his lawn. He Asked them to leave repeatedly, and when they did not he fired an AK47 into the air and they split. people get into Legal trouble all the time for exercising their right to bear arms and use them in self defense. Though most of the time it is because they were not properly Permitted or something like that. But sometimes people do get into legal trouble, and get sued. For defending themselves, even in their own home, With a gun.

They have all these cuckoo rules that do not protect the victim. Lastly, people lose their tempers in domestic situations all the time. And somebody gets hurt. Guns are just not a good idea for many reasons.

Ridicules. People will be people. With our with out guns. They will pick up a knife, or Baseball bat or use their fists. It makes no sense to give up one of our most important rights, Because some people will commit crimes with guns. The facts are the facts. the Vast Majority of Gun Crimes are carried out with unlicensed,un Permitted guns. Yes sometimes Normally law abiding people do use their Guns to do harm, But then if they did not have the gun they would use something else.

If you take away our Legal Right to Bear arms. Then the only people who will have guns will be Criminals, and the Government. Criminals are not going to stop carrying guns just because you pass a law banning legal Gun Ownership.

Me Personally I own 1 hand gun and a couple Rifles and Shot Guns. I only Used a gun in self defense once, and it was not against a person lol. We were camping in Canada long time ago. Just their fishing but I did have my Hand gun. Sure enough one night a bear got a bit close. A couple shots in the air scared him off.

A peaceful Gun Self Defense story for ya :)
Oh too funny!!!

Mr. Civility. Mr. "they acted stupidly" .

They did act stupidly tinydimwit...

Face it, the only reason anyone feigned outrage at the comment is because it was Obama that said it.
No they didn't....Obama's uppity buddy acted stupidly.

Words of wisdom.......Don't act stupidly when the cops are actually there trying to protect YOUR property......And if you do, don't expect to be treated like a non-idiot.

Uppity ain't a crime dumbass. Even if we're to believe the officer's story - Which I don't - No crime was committed.

And let's get the Obama quote into context, mmkay?

' I don't know, not having been there and not seeing all the facts, what role race played in that. But I think it's fair to say, number one, any of us would be pretty angry; number two, that the Cambridge police acted stupidly in arresting somebody when there was already proof that they were in their own home.'

Sounds a lot different than just a terse 'The police acted stupidly,' huh?

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