Obama's Attack on Fracking is All About Curtailing US Production

Here's another one of those articles the Obamabots will attack because of its source. They will ignore the links and citations and claim its all about “saving the environment.” They will conveniently ignore Obama's continued promises to wipe out the Amnerican coal and oil industry.

Read for yourself @ The Obama Administration s Dishonest Attack on Hydraulic Fracturing
Thanks for the link. I got to post this:

No one can possibly believe this crap. Since Obama has been president, America has become number one in energy production, number one in natural gas and soon to be number one in oil.
That doesn't happen when the president is trying to "disrupt" energy production. Just more "hate Obama for everything even if it's not true".
Just more "hate Obama for everything even if it's not true".

Indeed.......remember a few years ago someone stated that even IF Obama "walked on water" he'd be accused of not being able to swim.
Here's another one of those articles the Obamabots will attack because of its source. They will ignore the links and citations and claim its all about “saving the environment.” They will conveniently ignore Obama's continued promises to wipe out the Amnerican coal and oil industry.

Read for yourself @ The Obama Administration s Dishonest Attack on Hydraulic Fracturing
Thanks for the link. I got to post this:

No one can possibly believe this crap. Since Obama has been president, America has become number one in energy production, number one in natural gas and soon to be number one in oil.
That doesn't happen when the president is trying to "disrupt" energy production. Just more "hate Obama for everything even if it's not true".

Since Obama has been president, America has become number one in energy production, number one in natural gas and soon to be number one in oil.

How much has production increased on Federal land?
On private land?
If it can hurt us Obama is all for it. I think the majority of the people has figured that out by now
The boi just won't face it. His plan to make energy prices skyrocket to help Algore save the planet has failed. Failed.

These recent actions?

Not really intended to accomplish anything.

Just temper tantrums.

"Obama's Attack on Fracking is All About Curtailing US Production"

Yet another lie from the right, the president isn't 'attacking' anything.

The policy applies solely to drilling on Federal land, representing less than 12 percent of the overall industry.
The boi just won't face it. His plan to make energy prices skyrocket to help Algore save the planet has failed. Failed.

These recent actions?

Not really intended to accomplish anything.

Just temper tantrums.

This is why so many Republicans are outright dirty racist creeps. The only time I've heard a gray haired 50 year old man called boy or boi or manchild is if he is black by fucking ignorant right wing racists. Such dirty and nasty people. Worse, I suspect they are the vast majority of the GOP.
This is why so many Republicans are outright dirty racist creeps. The only time I've heard a gray haired 50 year old man called boy or boi or manchild is if he is black by fucking ignorant right wing racists. Such dirty and nasty people. Worse, I suspect they are the vast majority of the GOP.

Some (maybe most right wingers) try to hide their racism as best they can.....others....well, they can't help themselves......
Fracking is inherently dangerous to our water source and leads to earthquakes.........PERIOD!!!

Dingbats like you should realize that you peeing in your own pool.....Obama did not go far enough in banning fracking.
And I thought you were of the "party of science". :slap:
Get educated then get back to us.

A 29 kiloton nuclear device detonated at the bottom of a 4,200 ft. well doesn't even pose a danger to water sources (other than the obvious radioactivity).

The Center for Land Use Interpretation
Here's another one of those articles the Obamabots will attack because of its source. They will ignore the links and citations and claim its all about “saving the environment.” They will conveniently ignore Obama's continued promises to wipe out the Amnerican coal and oil industry.

Read for yourself @ The Obama Administration s Dishonest Attack on Hydraulic Fracturing
Thanks for the link. I got to post this:

No one can possibly believe this crap. Since Obama has been president, America has become number one in energy production, number one in natural gas and soon to be number one in oil.
That doesn't happen when the president is trying to "disrupt" energy production. Just more "hate Obama for everything even if it's not true".

Yes it does happen when the president is trying to disrupt energy production. All the increased production is on private land, where Obama has no control. production on federal lands is down sharply.

You have to be a certified moron to believe Obama deserves any credit for increased oil and gas production. What has he done to promote the production of fossil fuels? The answer is nothing. Everything he has done is designed to reduce the production of fossil fuels.

All you post shows is that liberal turds have an infinite capacity for self-delusion or outright lying.
Here's another one of those articles the Obamabots will attack because of its source. They will ignore the links and citations and claim its all about “saving the environment.” They will conveniently ignore Obama's continued promises to wipe out the Amnerican coal and oil industry.

Read for yourself @ The Obama Administration s Dishonest Attack on Hydraulic Fracturing
Thanks for the link. I got to post this:

No one can possibly believe this crap. Since Obama has been president, America has become number one in energy production, number one in natural gas and soon to be number one in oil.
That doesn't happen when the president is trying to "disrupt" energy production. Just more "hate Obama for everything even if it's not true".

Since Obama has been president, America has become number one in energy production, number one in natural gas and soon to be number one in oil.

How much has production increased on Federal land?
On private land?
OPEC hates US fracking......or is that the fracking US?

Fracking has been an enormous advantage to the American economy and our energy independence. We should be supporting it and not trying to impede it.

Here's another one of those articles the Obamabots will attack because of its source. They will ignore the links and citations and claim its all about “saving the environment.” They will conveniently ignore Obama's continued promises to wipe out the Amnerican coal and oil industry.

Read for yourself @ The Obama Administration s Dishonest Attack on Hydraulic Fracturing
The people doing the most damage to fracking is Saudi Arabia who is quickly bankrupting our fracking companies by breaking with the rest of OPEC's members and maintaining their level of oil production. Low oil prices are bad for fracking.

But good for consumers, why have artificially high prices? Eventually the price will rise again.
Yes that's what the Saudi's want. And they will have badly damaged the U.S. fracking industry by then.
Here's another one of those articles the Obamabots will attack because of its source. They will ignore the links and citations and claim its all about “saving the environment.” They will conveniently ignore Obama's continued promises to wipe out the Amnerican coal and oil industry.

Read for yourself @ The Obama Administration s Dishonest Attack on Hydraulic Fracturing
The people doing the most damage to fracking is Saudi Arabia who is quickly bankrupting our fracking companies by breaking with the rest of OPEC's members and maintaining their level of oil production. Low oil prices are bad for fracking.
Quit trying to deflect the discussion from Obama's deliberate attempts to destroy the fossil fuel industry.

No one is fooled.
During his administration America has become the largest producer of oil on the planet. So GFY.
Only idiots believe Obama had anything to do with it.
Funny you'll blame Obama for everything in the world except this! :laugh:
Here's another one of those articles the Obamabots will attack because of its source. They will ignore the links and citations and claim its all about “saving the environment.” They will conveniently ignore Obama's continued promises to wipe out the Amnerican coal and oil industry.

Read for yourself @ The Obama Administration s Dishonest Attack on Hydraulic Fracturing
The people doing the most damage to fracking is Saudi Arabia who is quickly bankrupting our fracking companies by breaking with the rest of OPEC's members and maintaining their level of oil production. Low oil prices are bad for fracking.
Quit trying to deflect the discussion from Obama's deliberate attempts to destroy the fossil fuel industry.

No one is fooled.
During his administration America has become the largest producer of oil on the planet. So GFY.
Only idiots believe Obama had anything to do with it.
Funny you'll blame Obama for everything in the world except this! :laugh:

Why would any intelligent person believe Obama had anything to with promoting something he had announced his opposition to? Even now he is in the process of passing regulations to cripple the fracking industry.

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