Obama's Attack on Fracking is All About Curtailing US Production

Thank you for your clear admission of defeat, bripat.
Fracking companies have run of the mill... the attack on them is about as legit as the attack on women. To heck with them they are doing fine.
Here's another one of those articles the Obamabots will attack because of its source. They will ignore the links and citations and claim its all about “saving the environment.” They will conveniently ignore Obama's continued promises to wipe out the Amnerican coal and oil industry.

Read for yourself @ The Obama Administration s Dishonest Attack on Hydraulic Fracturing
Notice how Obama has no shame in taking credit for the drop in gas prices while doing everything he can in secret to get rid of the reason for the drop in prices.
Here's another one of those articles the Obamabots will attack because of its source. They will ignore the links and citations and claim its all about “saving the environment.” They will conveniently ignore Obama's continued promises to wipe out the Amnerican coal and oil industry.

Read for yourself @ The Obama Administration s Dishonest Attack on Hydraulic Fracturing
Notice how Obama has no shame in taking credit for the drop in gas prices while doing everything he can in secret to get rid of the reason for the drop in prices.

Taking credit for stuff he didn't do is one of his main skills. Pointing the finger of blame at others is his other main skill.
The nonsense above from guys who do not contribute to a better America.
There should be no regulations right? If it were in my back yard I'd throw up such a stink they'd have wished they'd never thought about it. Fracking should not occur within 50 miles of any town. Its not meant for that.
There should be no regulations right? If it were in my back yard I'd throw up such a stink they'd have wished they'd never thought about it. Fracking should not occur within 50 miles of any town. Its not meant for that.

That would pretty much eliminate fracking.

Fracking is as safe as baking bread. If someone can demonstrate harm, they are free to sue.
Tough. We get an election in November next year, and I bet you he won't be on the ticket.
Fracking is inherently dangerous to our water source

How many water sources have been damaged?

and leads to earthquakes.....

There were no earthquakes before fracking?

Obama did not go far enough in banning fracking.

His green supporters will never be satisfied.

Fracking Led to Ohio Earthquakes

How big were these earthquakes? Did they even make the china rattle? Were any deaths or injuries reported?

The whole "fracking earthquake" thing is just another fuex crisis.

My take is simple, I'm not a physical scientist and I don't believe anything you or the rest of your kind post. I'll listen to the science, since you and the other clowns on the right have an agenda; a real scientist seeks understanding - they have an open mind and our curious, you lack both.

No one is suggesting a crisis exists, but having experienced the 1989 Loma Prieta quake, and a dozen smaller ones over the years, I'd prefer fracking be restricted in California, especially near large and known faults.

Actually, if claims are right, fracking produces minor slippage in faults which reduce the overall probability of having a major one.

Most earthquakes are nothing more than abrupt movement of teutonic plates when the stress becomes strong enough. Allow minor movements and it makes sense that stronger movement would be eased.

I remember way back when I was a kid that scientists in California proposed injecting millions of gallons of sea water into major faults to reduce the probability of major quakes

I was born the year in the massive quake in the Los Angeles area - 1939. An omen?

I couldn't find a massive quake in SoCal in 1939, in my search I found this related fact, just today Perry, OK had two shocks over 3.0

see: Earthquakes
Sorry it was the Torrance/Gardena quake of 41 - did a lot of damage and I remember my Dad driving me through to see the damage.
longknife, are you like 90? I am not making fun. Just wow. Congrats on living so long and seeing so much.
longknife, are you like 90? I am not making fun. Just wow. Congrats on living so long and seeing so much.

Actually only 75 -76 in June - but I have an amazing clear memory. I can clearly remember Auction City in the south basin along with all the dairies where my parents bought fresh milk and butter right after the war.
Here's another one of those articles the Obamabots will attack because of its source. They will ignore the links and citations and claim its all about “saving the environment.” They will conveniently ignore Obama's continued promises to wipe out the Amnerican coal and oil industry.

Read for yourself @ The Obama Administration s Dishonest Attack on Hydraulic Fracturing
Although Obama is now against fracking, it remains a dangerous and crazy venture. This is not a political issue to be used for bashing but a serious problem, America´s future generations will pay for.

Pennsylvania Finally Reveals Fracking Has Contaminated Drinking Water Hundreds Of Times ThinkProgress
Fracking-Harmed Residents Confront EPA and Demand Reopened Investigation Environmental Action
Here's another one of those articles the Obamabots will attack because of its source. They will ignore the links and citations and claim its all about “saving the environment.” They will conveniently ignore Obama's continued promises to wipe out the Amnerican coal and oil industry.

Read for yourself @ The Obama Administration s Dishonest Attack on Hydraulic Fracturing
Although Obama is now against fracking, it remains a dangerous and crazy venture. This is not a political issue to be used for bashing but a serious problem, America´s future generations will pay for.

Pennsylvania Finally Reveals Fracking Has Contaminated Drinking Water Hundreds Of Times ThinkProgress
Fracking-Harmed Residents Confront EPA and Demand Reopened Investigation Environmental Action

Those are both hoaxes. No one's drinking water has been contaminated by fracking. There has never been a shortage of kooks who claim they have been contaminated by some industry. There are also plenty of opportunist who are too shy to lie and launch frivolous lawsuits to extort money from corporations.
Here's another one of those articles the Obamabots will attack because of its source. They will ignore the links and citations and claim its all about “saving the environment.” They will conveniently ignore Obama's continued promises to wipe out the Amnerican coal and oil industry.

Read for yourself @ The Obama Administration s Dishonest Attack on Hydraulic Fracturing
Although Obama is now against fracking, it remains a dangerous and crazy venture. This is not a political issue to be used for bashing but a serious problem, America´s future generations will pay for.

Pennsylvania Finally Reveals Fracking Has Contaminated Drinking Water Hundreds Of Times ThinkProgress
Fracking-Harmed Residents Confront EPA and Demand Reopened Investigation Environmental Action

Those are both hoaxes. No one's drinking water has been contaminated by fracking. There has never been a shortage of kooks who claim they have been contaminated by some industry. There are also plenty of opportunist who are too shy to lie and launch frivolous lawsuits to extort money from corporations.
I saw a documentation on TV. The water around the wells is deadly and the companies exchange drinking water for "silence".
Industry illegally injected about 3 billion gallons of fracking wastewater into central California drinking-water and farm-irrigation aquifers, the state found after the US Environmental Protection Agency ordered a review of possible contamination.

According to documents obtained by the Center for Biological Diversity, the California State Water Resources Board found that at least nine of the 11 hydraulic fracturing, or fracking, wastewater injection sites that were shut down in July upon suspicion of contamination were in fact riddled with toxic fluids used to unleash energy reserves deep underground. The aquifers, protected by state law and the federal Safe Water Drinking Act, supply quality water in a state currently sufferingunprecedented drought.

The documents also show that the Central Valley Water Board found high levels of toxic chemicals - including arsenic, thallium, and nitrates - in water-supply wells near the wastewater-disposal sites.

Arsenic is a carcinogen that weakens the immune system, and thallium is a common component in rat poison.

“Arsenic and thallium are extremely dangerous chemicals,” said Timothy Krantz, a professor of environmental studies at the University of Redlands, according to the Center for Biological Diversity.

“The fact that high concentrations are showing up in multiple water wells close to wastewater injection sites raises major concerns about the health and safety of nearby residents.

California aquifers contaminated with billions of gallons of fracking wastewater RT USA

Only a few billion gallons.

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