Obama's Attack on Fracking is All About Curtailing US Production

Here's another one of those articles the Obamabots will attack because of its source. They will ignore the links and citations and claim its all about “saving the environment.” They will conveniently ignore Obama's continued promises to wipe out the Amnerican coal and oil industry.

Read for yourself @ The Obama Administration s Dishonest Attack on Hydraulic Fracturing
The people doing the most damage to fracking is Saudi Arabia who is quickly bankrupting our fracking companies by breaking with the rest of OPEC's members and maintaining their level of oil production. Low oil prices are bad for fracking.

But good for consumers, why have artificially high prices? Eventually the price will rise again.
Yes that's what the Saudi's want. And they will have badly damaged the U.S. fracking industry by then.

The fracking industry can rebound as quickly as it grew in the first place - faster even.

Cumulative count of earthquakes with a magnitude ≥ 3.0 in the central and eastern United States,1970-2013. The dashed line corresponds to the long-term rate of 20.2 earthquakes per year, with an increase in the rate of earthquake events starting around 2009.
The number of earthquakes has increased dramatically over the past few years within the central and eastern United States. Nearly 450 earthquakes magnitude 3.0 and larger occurred in the four years from 2010-2013, over 100 per year on average, compared with an average rate of 20 earthquakes per year observed from 1970-2000.

This increase in earthquakes prompts two important questions: Are they natural, or man-made? And what should be done in the future as we address the causes and consequences of these events to reduce associated risks? USGS scientists have been analyzing the changes in the rate of earthquakes as well as the likely causes, and they have some answers.

USGS scientists have found that at some locations the increase in seismicity coincides with the injection of wastewater in deep disposal wells. Much of this wastewater is a byproduct of oil and gas production and is routinely disposed of by injection into wells specifically designed for this purpose.

Man-Made Earthquakes Update Science Features

As the cost of the earthquakes created by the energy industry increases, you may see an economic reason for the decline in fracking.

Cumulative count of earthquakes with a magnitude ≥ 3.0 in the central and eastern United States,1970-2013. The dashed line corresponds to the long-term rate of 20.2 earthquakes per year, with an increase in the rate of earthquake events starting around 2009.
The number of earthquakes has increased dramatically over the past few years within the central and eastern United States. Nearly 450 earthquakes magnitude 3.0 and larger occurred in the four years from 2010-2013, over 100 per year on average, compared with an average rate of 20 earthquakes per year observed from 1970-2000.

This increase in earthquakes prompts two important questions: Are they natural, or man-made? And what should be done in the future as we address the causes and consequences of these events to reduce associated risks? USGS scientists have been analyzing the changes in the rate of earthquakes as well as the likely causes, and they have some answers.

USGS scientists have found that at some locations the increase in seismicity coincides with the injection of wastewater in deep disposal wells. Much of this wastewater is a byproduct of oil and gas production and is routinely disposed of by injection into wells specifically designed for this purpose.

Man-Made Earthquakes Update Science Features

As the cost of the earthquakes created by the energy industry increases, you may see an economic reason for the decline in fracking.

Releasing energy early = less damage.

Cumulative count of earthquakes with a magnitude ≥ 3.0 in the central and eastern United States,1970-2013. The dashed line corresponds to the long-term rate of 20.2 earthquakes per year, with an increase in the rate of earthquake events starting around 2009.
The number of earthquakes has increased dramatically over the past few years within the central and eastern United States. Nearly 450 earthquakes magnitude 3.0 and larger occurred in the four years from 2010-2013, over 100 per year on average, compared with an average rate of 20 earthquakes per year observed from 1970-2000.

This increase in earthquakes prompts two important questions: Are they natural, or man-made? And what should be done in the future as we address the causes and consequences of these events to reduce associated risks? USGS scientists have been analyzing the changes in the rate of earthquakes as well as the likely causes, and they have some answers.

USGS scientists have found that at some locations the increase in seismicity coincides with the injection of wastewater in deep disposal wells. Much of this wastewater is a byproduct of oil and gas production and is routinely disposed of by injection into wells specifically designed for this purpose.

Man-Made Earthquakes Update Science Features

As the cost of the earthquakes created by the energy industry increases, you may see an economic reason for the decline in fracking.

From the article:

Big Earthquakes Double in 2014 But They re Not Linked

The rise in earthquakes is statistically similar to the results of flipping a coin, Parsons said: Sometimes heads or tails will repeat several times in a row, even though the process is random.

"Basically, we can't prove that what we saw during the first part of 2014, as well as since 2010, isn't simply a similar thing to getting six tails in a row," he said.

Cumulative count of earthquakes with a magnitude ≥ 3.0 in the central and eastern United States,1970-2013. The dashed line corresponds to the long-term rate of 20.2 earthquakes per year, with an increase in the rate of earthquake events starting around 2009.
The number of earthquakes has increased dramatically over the past few years within the central and eastern United States. Nearly 450 earthquakes magnitude 3.0 and larger occurred in the four years from 2010-2013, over 100 per year on average, compared with an average rate of 20 earthquakes per year observed from 1970-2000.

This increase in earthquakes prompts two important questions: Are they natural, or man-made? And what should be done in the future as we address the causes and consequences of these events to reduce associated risks? USGS scientists have been analyzing the changes in the rate of earthquakes as well as the likely causes, and they have some answers.

USGS scientists have found that at some locations the increase in seismicity coincides with the injection of wastewater in deep disposal wells. Much of this wastewater is a byproduct of oil and gas production and is routinely disposed of by injection into wells specifically designed for this purpose.

Man-Made Earthquakes Update Science Features

As the cost of the earthquakes created by the energy industry increases, you may see an economic reason for the decline in fracking.

Releasing energy early = less damage.
Sheesh. Someday, sometime, idiots like you will learn to look up things like how the Richter scale works.
Fracking is inherently dangerous to our water source and leads to earthquakes.........PERIOD!!!

Dingbats like you should realize that you peeing in your own pool.....Obama did not go far enough in banning fracking.

You're such a parrot of nothing. A walking talking expert on everything. zzzzz
Fracking is inherently dangerous to our water source and leads to earthquakes.........PERIOD!!!

Dingbats like you should realize that you peeing in your own pool.....Obama did not go far enough in banning fracking.

Fracking is inherently dangerous to our water source

How many water sources have been damaged?

and leads to earthquakes.....

There were no earthquakes before fracking?

Obama did not go far enough in banning fracking.

His green supporters will never be satisfied.

Fracking Led to Ohio Earthquakes

How big were these earthquakes? Did they even make the china rattle? Were any deaths or injuries reported?

The whole "fracking earthquake" thing is just another fuex crisis.

My take is simple, I'm not a physical scientist and I don't believe anything you or the rest of your kind post. I'll listen to the science, since you and the other clowns on the right have an agenda; a real scientist seeks understanding - they have an open mind and our curious, you lack both.

No one is suggesting a crisis exists, but having experienced the 1989 Loma Prieta quake, and a dozen smaller ones over the years, I'd prefer fracking be restricted in California, especially near large and known faults.

Actually, if claims are right, fracking produces minor slippage in faults which reduce the overall probability of having a major one.

Most earthquakes are nothing more than abrupt movement of teutonic plates when the stress becomes strong enough. Allow minor movements and it makes sense that stronger movement would be eased.

I remember way back when I was a kid that scientists in California proposed injecting millions of gallons of sea water into major faults to reduce the probability of major quakes

I was born the year in the massive quake in the Los Angeles area - 1939. An omen?

Cumulative count of earthquakes with a magnitude ≥ 3.0 in the central and eastern United States,1970-2013. The dashed line corresponds to the long-term rate of 20.2 earthquakes per year, with an increase in the rate of earthquake events starting around 2009.
The number of earthquakes has increased dramatically over the past few years within the central and eastern United States. Nearly 450 earthquakes magnitude 3.0 and larger occurred in the four years from 2010-2013, over 100 per year on average, compared with an average rate of 20 earthquakes per year observed from 1970-2000.

This increase in earthquakes prompts two important questions: Are they natural, or man-made? And what should be done in the future as we address the causes and consequences of these events to reduce associated risks? USGS scientists have been analyzing the changes in the rate of earthquakes as well as the likely causes, and they have some answers.

USGS scientists have found that at some locations the increase in seismicity coincides with the injection of wastewater in deep disposal wells. Much of this wastewater is a byproduct of oil and gas production and is routinely disposed of by injection into wells specifically designed for this purpose.

Man-Made Earthquakes Update Science Features

As the cost of the earthquakes created by the energy industry increases, you may see an economic reason for the decline in fracking.

Releasing energy early = less damage.
Sheesh. Someday, sometime, idiots like you will learn to look up things like how the Richter scale works.

The Richter scale has nothing to do with what he said. Furthermore, your map shows that most of these Earthquakes are occurring in areas where there is no fracking occurring.

Cumulative count of earthquakes with a magnitude ≥ 3.0 in the central and eastern United States,1970-2013. The dashed line corresponds to the long-term rate of 20.2 earthquakes per year, with an increase in the rate of earthquake events starting around 2009.
The number of earthquakes has increased dramatically over the past few years within the central and eastern United States. Nearly 450 earthquakes magnitude 3.0 and larger occurred in the four years from 2010-2013, over 100 per year on average, compared with an average rate of 20 earthquakes per year observed from 1970-2000.

This increase in earthquakes prompts two important questions: Are they natural, or man-made? And what should be done in the future as we address the causes and consequences of these events to reduce associated risks? USGS scientists have been analyzing the changes in the rate of earthquakes as well as the likely causes, and they have some answers.

USGS scientists have found that at some locations the increase in seismicity coincides with the injection of wastewater in deep disposal wells. Much of this wastewater is a byproduct of oil and gas production and is routinely disposed of by injection into wells specifically designed for this purpose.

Man-Made Earthquakes Update Science Features

As the cost of the earthquakes created by the energy industry increases, you may see an economic reason for the decline in fracking.

Releasing energy early = less damage.
Sheesh. Someday, sometime, idiots like you will learn to look up things like how the Richter scale works.

The Richter scale means an earthquake now, instead of a larger earthquake later, is worse? LOL!
Fracking is inherently dangerous to our water source and leads to earthquakes.........PERIOD!!!

Dingbats like you should realize that you peeing in your own pool.....Obama did not go far enough in banning fracking.

Fracking is inherently dangerous to our water source

How many water sources have been damaged?

and leads to earthquakes.....

There were no earthquakes before fracking?

Obama did not go far enough in banning fracking.

His green supporters will never be satisfied.

Fracking Led to Ohio Earthquakes

How big were these earthquakes? Did they even make the china rattle? Were any deaths or injuries reported?

The whole "fracking earthquake" thing is just another fuex crisis.

My take is simple, I'm not a physical scientist and I don't believe anything you or the rest of your kind post. I'll listen to the science, since you and the other clowns on the right have an agenda; a real scientist seeks understanding - they have an open mind and our curious, you lack both.

No one is suggesting a crisis exists, but having experienced the 1989 Loma Prieta quake, and a dozen smaller ones over the years, I'd prefer fracking be restricted in California, especially near large and known faults.

Actually, if claims are right, fracking produces minor slippage in faults which reduce the overall probability of having a major one.

Most earthquakes are nothing more than abrupt movement of teutonic plates when the stress becomes strong enough. Allow minor movements and it makes sense that stronger movement would be eased.

I remember way back when I was a kid that scientists in California proposed injecting millions of gallons of sea water into major faults to reduce the probability of major quakes

I was born the year in the massive quake in the Los Angeles area - 1939. An omen?

I couldn't find a massive quake in SoCal in 1939, in my search I found this related fact, just today Perry, OK had two shocks over 3.0

see: Earthquakes
There is more oil than money can buy right now.....this article DID NOT PROVIDE much in information...

But it did say this was for federal land....not State or privately owned land....and I am fine with that....let's save what oil is in Federally owned land for our reserve, for the time we may really need it.
I suppose it will take a major quake, and even then the crazy right wing on this message board will still be sure this form of oil extraction is safe, and it's just the liberals who hate billionaires who believe fracking isn't benign.
Fracking is inherently dangerous to our water source

How many water sources have been damaged?

and leads to earthquakes.....

There were no earthquakes before fracking?

Obama did not go far enough in banning fracking.

His green supporters will never be satisfied.

Fracking Led to Ohio Earthquakes

How big were these earthquakes? Did they even make the china rattle? Were any deaths or injuries reported?

The whole "fracking earthquake" thing is just another fuex crisis.

My take is simple, I'm not a physical scientist and I don't believe anything you or the rest of your kind post. I'll listen to the science, since you and the other clowns on the right have an agenda; a real scientist seeks understanding - they have an open mind and our curious, you lack both.

No one is suggesting a crisis exists, but having experienced the 1989 Loma Prieta quake, and a dozen smaller ones over the years, I'd prefer fracking be restricted in California, especially near large and known faults.

Actually, if claims are right, fracking produces minor slippage in faults which reduce the overall probability of having a major one.

Most earthquakes are nothing more than abrupt movement of teutonic plates when the stress becomes strong enough. Allow minor movements and it makes sense that stronger movement would be eased.

I remember way back when I was a kid that scientists in California proposed injecting millions of gallons of sea water into major faults to reduce the probability of major quakes

I was born the year in the massive quake in the Los Angeles area - 1939. An omen?

I couldn't find a massive quake in SoCal in 1939, in my search I found this related fact, just today Perry, OK had two shocks over 3.0

see: Earthquakes

You mean they were 3.3? Anything under 5 is barely detectable. Again, was any body injured? Was there any damage? Otherwise, shut the fuck up.
I suppose it will take a major quake, and even then the crazy right wing on this message board will still be sure this form of oil extraction is safe, and it's just the liberals who hate billionaires who believe fracking isn't benign.
Yes, it will take a quake that actually injures someone or causes any kind of damage. Otherwise, no one gives a flying fuck. It's just a bunch of kooks shouting "the sky is falling."
There is more oil than money can buy right now.....this article DID NOT PROVIDE much in information...

But it did say this was for federal land....not State or privately owned land....and I am fine with that....let's save what oil is in Federally owned land for our reserve, for the time we may really need it.

Remember when you enviro-kooks used to say we couldn't drill our way of the problem of high oil prices?

Why should anyone believe a thing you say about the issue now?

Fracking Fingered 100 Earthquakes In Oklahoma CleanTechnica

Oklahoma Earthquakes

I suppose bripat has some explanation which defies reality but supports his biases. We don't know if fracking is causing these events, but he sure as hell has nothing but his opinions to support his usual bullshit.

What caused all the Earth quakes in Missouri and Arkansas? How about the ones in Souther Illinois? Did fracking cause those?

Will eco-nutburgers ever learn that their idiot theories have no scentific basis?

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