Obama's campaign falling apart.. but Obama smarter right???

Imagine how sunk they would be if the media just reported the news rather than stumping for him while ignoring anything that doesn't make him smell like roses.
Obama's Narcissistic Personality Disorder will not allow him to believe people are not blindly following him. His past was locked away but for a couple of problems that he quickly distanced himself from, Reverend Wright for one.

More people know who he is, know what he stands for, knows he doesn't even like America. He won't just give up, it's gonna get worse, hang on to your hats.

Worth reviewing:
Voting and Registration in the Election of November 2010 - Tables - Census Bureau
In the 2008 election there were 131 million voters:
76.3% of the 131 million voters or 99,953,000 were white.
of that total 44% voted Democrat for Obama
BUT in 2012 of the white voters less then 38% would vote today for Obama.

In 2008
12.1% or 15,851,000 voters or 91% voted for Obama
But today 87% would vote or down by 4% would vote for Obama
7.4% or 9,694,000 voters were Hispanics and of that 67% voted for Obama.. and today no change at 67%
2.5% or 3,275,000 were Asians and not sure who they voted for.

So in 2012 if there are 6% less white voters this puts Obama's re-election at risk with 6 million less voters.
And if there are 4% less black voters not a huge number but still no votes for Obama.
Hispanics stay the same so only hope is MORE Hispanics which explains current amnesty for illegals UNDER age 30!

Dissecting the 2008 Electorate: Most Diverse in U.S. History | Pew Hispanic Center
Obama is a puppet and hard as this is for people to believe, OBama had no say as to his election in 2008. He'll have no say in 2012 either.

C'mon, you know it was a fix in 2008, just look back at how McCain acted during his campaign. He knew what the outcome was gonna' be. But he's a career Military man and not any good at acting.

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