Obama’s Chickens Coming Home to Roost

What the hell did that moron Obama think the Irainians were going to do with the barrels of cash that he gave them?

Didn't any of his handlers bother to tell him that it might wind up in the hands of Islamic terrorists?

Did Obama even give a shit?

If you had a brain, you would understand that the older hard liners would soon be replaced with younger people who wanted Iran to be an accepted country in the world. Obama working with other countries stopped Iran's nuclear weapon development. Sanctions were lifted, Iranians would get a taste of life without their leaders being assholes. Iran could become abetter country.

Along comes Trump & he ends the Iran nuclear deal & pouts Iran back where it was & will now get Americans & other civilians killed all because Trump is a fucking asshole who knows nothing.

Are you suggesting Obama was such an idiot he didn't know that his Mullah buddies were still in charge of the country? You are really a dumbass, aren't you? Typical for a Moon Bat to be confused.

That asshole had the chance to come down on the side of the moderates in Iran during the Green Revolution but like everything else he chickenshitted out.

If you really want to know why the dipshit gave the money to Iran then just look ay Obama's mega mansion and think about what kind of kickbacks he got when he sent the cash. Kerry's daughter married the son of one of Iran's big shots and no telling what corruption went on in Obama's administration with that terrible deal.
Look, assfuck, Obama knew who was in charge at that time,.

Unlike your fat assed buddy, he was looking in the future.

Obama made millions selling books you stupid fuck. Book? Have you ever read one?
Obama the Muslim is in the history books as the worst POTUS ever.

These Moon Bats were absolute idiots electing Obama. They need to beg this country for forgiveness.
Former President Obama was elected by America....the majority of voters...twice. Nothing to forgive. A hundred times better than the orange fattie.
The Democrat filth in this country hates Trump so much because of their TDS mental illness that they can't even unite behind the President for taking action against a terrorist scumbag that orchestrated an attack on our embassy.

They are the scum of this country. They prove it every day.

Former President Obama was elected by America....the majority of voters...twice. Nothing to forgive. A hundred times better than the orange fattie.

Obama was elected by all the scum in America. Blacks that voted their race and welfare check, queers, environmental wackos, Illegals, anti gun nuts, welfare queens, greedy union bosses, Feminazis, Moon Bats and confused college kids and their bat shit crazy Marxists professors.
Iranian asshole are marching in the streets of Tehran today chanting "Death to America". They do that a lot. They are joined by Democrats here in the US.
Oh really? Well, since you said it, it must be true, eh? Show us some links of American Democrats marching in the streets chanting "Death to America"....since you are telling the truth and all...........................

Former President Obama was elected by America....the majority of voters...twice. Nothing to forgive. A hundred times better than the orange fattie.

Obama was elected by all the scum in America. Blacks that voted their race and welfare check, queers, environmental wackos, Illegals, anti gun nuts, welfare queens, greedy union bosses, Feminazis, Moon Bats and confused college kids and their bat shit crazy Marxists professors.
I sure don't understand why CRC trumpanzees get a rep as being racist, misogynist scum. Do you?
The Democrat filth in this country hates Trump so much because of their TDS mental illness that they can't even unite behind the President for taking action against a terrorist scumbag that orchestrated an attack on our embassy.

They are the scum of this country. They prove it every day.
Proud to be Democrat. :2up:

Former President Obama was elected by America....the majority of voters...twice. Nothing to forgive. A hundred times better than the orange fattie.

Obama was elected by all the scum in America. Blacks that voted their race and welfare check, queers, environmental wackos, Illegals, anti gun nuts, welfare queens, greedy union bosses, Feminazis, Moon Bats and confused college kids and their bat shit crazy Marxists professors.
You aren't American, are you? You sound more like one of those foaming-at-the-mouth Iranians.


The Trump Derangement Syndrome mental illness that all you Moon Bats have is resulting in the asshole Libtards condemning Trump for retribution against an attack on our embassy.

The Ayatollah is being defended by the American Liberal filth.

Fuck off. No one is defending Iran or defending the official killed.

They are talking about how reckless it was.
Remember when Trump was saying how Obama would start a war with Iran in order to win the election.............,
Killing civilians is cool for CRC trumpanzees....they are post-born.
Trumpies are only pro life pre-birth?

How many civilians did Trump kill in drone strikes last year?

"If civilian deaths from drone strikes are anything similar, Trump’s team is killing five to ten times as many civilians as Obama did.

"I’m a little surprised that they aren’t proud of this and eager to share that data, but I guess even the Trumpies have their limits."

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