Obama’s Chickens Coming Home to Roost

Obama was a incompetent affirmative action "community organizer. Absolutely worthless to be in charge of American foreign policy. He was as incompetent with foreign policy as he was domestic economic policies.

It is obvious that during the Obama Administration Valarie Jarrett was Obama's foreign policy handler. An Iranian born Left Wing asshole.
Iranian asshole are marching in the streets of Tehran today chanting "Death to America". They do that a lot. They are joined by Democrats here in the US.
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Hard to believe everyone thinks Obama helped the Iranian terrorist regime.

Thomas Joscelyn on Twitter

Not just that guy either...

Barack Obama welcomed leader of US embassy attack at the White House | Daily Mail Online
Hadi al-Amiri was Iraq's minister of transport under then-Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki and stood in the Oval Office as part of Maliki's delegation on a visit to the White House in December 2011.

On Tuesday, al-Amiri was among those leading the charge against the US embassy in Baghdad when it was stormed and set alight by pro-Iran militants. US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo shared a photograph of Amiri amid the rioters, condemning him as an 'Iranian proxy,' and calling those shoulder-to-shoulder with him 'terrorists.'

Lets get those pics of Rummy & Sadam under Reagan.

And Rummy later squashed Saddam.

Obama gave the Iranians a billion dollars and signed a deal to allow them to pursue a nuclear program and is very upset his friends were killed.
Pottery Barn rules.
What the hell did that moron Obama think the Irainians were going to do with the barrels of cash that he gave them?

Didn't any of his handlers bother to tell him that it might wind up in the hands of Islamic terrorists?

Did Obama even give a shit?
They paid Obama in Bitcoins
Do these Democrat idiots even know that Trump authorized the hit because Soleimani orchestrated an attack against an American embassy, in addition to killing American contractors? That is in addition to the 17% American military deaths caused by Iranian backed forces.

American leaders’ highest priority is to protect American lives and interests. But we cannot put the lives of American service members, diplomats and others further at risk by engaging in provocative and disproportionate actions. Pelosi Statement on Airstrike in Iraq Against High-Level Iranian Military Officials

Nancy Pelosi (@SpeakerPelosi) January 3, 2020

Our world has been set on edge by an erratic, unstable, and dangerously incompetent commander in chief. The stakes could not be higher. Every day that Donald Trump directs American national security is a dangerous day for the United States and the world. pic.twitter.com/EoWjabVp3u

Joe Biden (@JoeBiden) January 3, 2020

It is the Trump Derangement Syndrome mental illness that puts the interest of the terrorist Mullahs ahead of American security.

TDS fucks up the mind in many ways.

Real Americans are damn glad the sonofabitch is dead.

God bless Trump for aggressively going after all these terrorist leaders.

It is good to have military and intelligence assets to get "yes" from the Trump White House instead of a "no, don't do harm to my Muslim soul brothers" from Obama.

I think with the democrats it's really "ADS," America Derangement Syndrome. What democrats truly hate is the United States Constitution. Get rid of Trump and the war the democrats wage against America will continue.
Trump warned the Iranians not not kill Americans or attack any more American assets, like our embassies.

The stupid sonofabitches didn't listen, did they?

Actions have consequences.

The Iranians don't understand that Trump keeps his promises, do they?

Trump is not a weak Obama. The Iranians don't understand that because they have been reading too much of the TDS Libtard press, haven't they?
Claiming that this is all Trump's or all on Obama is completely ignoring the history of Iran.

This goes back to the early 1950s when the US and the UK helped overthrow the gov't and Prime Minister and install the Shah.
Iranian asshole are marching in the streets of Tehran today chanting "Death to America". They do that a lot. They are joined by Democrats here in the US.
Fuck off. Just because some people are smart enough to know why you don't assassinate your enemy's leaders in such a manner does not mean we are not Americans.

It is the Trump Derangement Syndrome mental illness that puts the interest of the terrorist Mullahs ahead of American security.

TDS fucks up the mind in many ways.

Real Americans are damn glad the sonofabitch is dead.

God bless Trump for aggressively going after all these terrorist leaders.

It is good to have military and intelligence assets to get "yes" from the Trump White House instead of a "no, don't do harm to my Muslim soul brothers" from Obama.

I think with the democrats it's really "ADS," America Derangement Syndrome. What democrats truly hate is the United States Constitution. Get rid of Trump and the war the democrats wage against America will continue.
I have news for all you Trumpettes, Trump is not America.
Obama was a incompetent affirmative action "community organizer. Absolutely worthless to be in charge of American foreign policy. He was as incompetent with foreign policy as he was domestic economic policies.

It is obvious that during the Obama Administration Valarie Jarrett was Obama's foreign policy handler. An Iranian born Left Wing asshole.
Notice how easily the racism flows from the Trumpettes. Calling Obama Affirmative Action just because he is black is racist.

Valerie Jarret was born in Iran to American doctors helping children in that country./

The only thng obvious is how big of a racist, ignorant, uneducated piece of shit you are.
What the hell did that moron Obama think the Irainians were going to do with the barrels of cash that he gave them?

Didn't any of his handlers bother to tell him that it might wind up in the hands of Islamic terrorists?

Did Obama even give a shit?

If you had a brain, you would understand that the older hard liners would soon be replaced with younger people who wanted Iran to be an accepted country in the world. Obama working with other countries stopped Iran's nuclear weapon development. Sanctions were lifted, Iranians would get a taste of life without their leaders being assholes. Iran could become abetter country.

Along comes Trump & he ends the Iran nuclear deal & pouts Iran back where it was & will now get Americans & other civilians killed all because Trump is a fucking asshole who knows nothing.

Are you suggesting Obama was such an idiot he didn't know that his Mullah buddies were still in charge of the country? You are really a dumbass, aren't you? Typical for a Moon Bat to be confused.

That asshole had the chance to come down on the side of the moderates in Iran during the Green Revolution but like everything else he chickenshitted out.

If you really want to know why the dipshit gave the money to Iran then just look ay Obama's mega mansion and think about what kind of kickbacks he got when he sent the cash. Kerry's daughter married the son of one of Iran's big shots and no telling what corruption went on in Obama's administration with that terrible deal.
Look, assfuck, Obama knew who was in charge at that time,.

Unlike your fat assed buddy, he was looking in the future.

Obama made millions selling books you stupid fuck. Book? Have you ever read one?

Look dumbshit, that asshole Obama passed on supporting the moderates in the Green Revolution because the Neggra was too busy trying to figure out the college basketball playoff brackets, or something. He was a lazy worthless Neggra that was way over his head in that job.. That is just the kind of worthless piece of affirmative action shit you idiot Moon Bats elected.

There was no reason for Obama to give the goddamn Iranians one cent but the stupid sonofabitch loaded up barrels of cash and flew it over to his Mullah buddies.
I want to know how the foreign policy advisors advised Trump.

Trump just decides shit.

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