Obama's College Classmate: ‘The Obama Scandal Is at Columbia’

I think releasing his records will expose him as someone who lied about his birthplace to get scholastic aid, a felony.

Or he got the aid legitimately as a foreign student and lied to get elected President.

You "think" that?


What else does your magic crystal ball tell you?

Because nothing less explains the need to spend hundreds of thousands of dollars on attorneys to keep them private.

Personally, I think he scammed the system for the foreign aid money myself... :D

Obama hasn't spent any money on lawyers to "keep them private".

They stay "private" unless he releases them. His lawyers don't need to "keep them private".
Romney has NOTHING to gain by releasing tax returns UNLESS Obama agrees to release transcripts.
Since Mr. Root and the 400 surveyed Columbia classmates also have problems remembering Barry, Romney can milk this forever ..as he SHOULD!

When you read the article and the CV of Root it is much harder to believe Romney has more to fear then Obama does! I mean after all I went to a school with 26,000 students and I can have a half a dozen or more vouch I went to school there.

Now with Columbia having approximately 4,500 students TODAY how difficult must it be to find 400 that can vouch for Barry???
Don't know about that. As I said, if he thinks he can still get the "he's not Bush" votes that won the election for him last time, then sure.

At this point, that novelty is beyond stale.

It's late in the cycle. 90% of Americans have already made a decision as to who they're planning to vote for.

How many people in that 10% do you think care about his college records?

Do you think releasing his records will cause anyone to change their vote to him?
In a tight race, 10% is everything. Hell, 1% is everything.

Personally, I know the transcripts issue is not going away. The opposition is not going to let that one slide.....again. So, the issue is probably not so much the content of the transcripts, but the principle of his releasing them....willingness to actually BE vetted this time.

It's a gamble. You'll bet on the ball falling on red, and I'll bet on it falling on black and the pot is unknown....

What Obama bets on remains to be seen.

But, this is not going away.

I hope not. Any examination of the candidate's past only favors the incumbent (hence--he's been vetted before and won the election easily). Bring it on.

Cute dog.
Speaking of scandal...

The Washington Post is reporting that back in 2010, Obama advisor David Plouffe accepted a $100,000 speaking engagement from a subsidiary of a company in business with Iran.

Funny how the left demonizes business but is more than happy to take obscene amounts of money from it...
It's late in the cycle. 90% of Americans have already made a decision as to who they're planning to vote for.

How many people in that 10% do you think care about his college records?

Do you think releasing his records will cause anyone to change their vote to him?
In a tight race, 10% is everything. Hell, 1% is everything.

Personally, I know the transcripts issue is not going away. The opposition is not going to let that one slide.....again. So, the issue is probably not so much the content of the transcripts, but the principle of his releasing them....willingness to actually BE vetted this time.

It's a gamble. You'll bet on the ball falling on red, and I'll bet on it falling on black and the pot is unknown....

What Obama bets on remains to be seen.

But, this is not going away.

I hope not. Any examination of the candidate's past only favors the incumbent (hence--he's been vetted before and won the election easily). Bring it on.

Cute dog.

Really? When? I haven't seen it, and neither has anyone else. Questions remain unanswered, save for their dismissal as 'irrelevant' and 'unworthy of response'.
You "think" that?


What else does your magic crystal ball tell you?

Because nothing less explains the need to spend hundreds of thousands of dollars on attorneys to keep them private.

Personally, I think he scammed the system for the foreign aid money myself... :D

Obama hasn't spent any money on lawyers to "keep them private".

They stay "private" unless he releases them. His lawyers don't need to "keep them private".

My bad, I got them confused with his Birth Certificate...LOL!
Because nothing less explains the need to spend hundreds of thousands of dollars on attorneys to keep them private.

Personally, I think he scammed the system for the foreign aid money myself... :D

Obama hasn't spent any money on lawyers to "keep them private".

They stay "private" unless he releases them. His lawyers don't need to "keep them private".

My bad, I got them confused with his Birth Certificate...LOL!

No, the birth certificate stays private too. Obama has paid no money to any lawyers to "seal" his birth certificate either.
I would think that a black man at Columbia at that time would be unique and easy to remember.

Even if we take this as true, and it's highly suspect as it is, why should anyone assume that "that random black guy" from some point in their history was Obama?

I remember back in high school there were these two Puerto Rican girls. They were the only Puerto Ricans in the entire school. Sure, they stood out of that reason and I distinctly remember their existence. But if either one of them walked up to me right now, I wouldn't have the slightest knowledge as to who they were. If either of them were to be elected President, I wouldn't have the slightest clue that I went to school with them.
OK, I'll play along...

How about both men present their past documents simultaneously?

Here is my logic:

1. Clearly, Romney is scared sh#tless of what will happen if his pre-2010 tax documents go public. Mark my words; this represents the meltdown of the Romney campaign--whether he releases the documents or not. He obviously has something he needs to hide and has made every effort to push the issue under the rug. If Romney has nothing to hide, then why not show us those docs? It's a presidential "credential" as far as I'm concerned...

2. Although I have not heard any serious news media address the Columbia transcripts issue (and no, I would not consider FOX a serious news agency, c'mon...), I am willing to bet it's another baseless Right wing-nut conspiracy.

The Right could certainly take this ball and run with it, but so far, they have not. I for one would love to see if Obama is hiding something. Bring it on!

3. I believe this will go the way of the Birther issue. But hey, I could be wrong. I will admit I'm wrong if there is something fishy about Obama's education.
The phony birther issue is all wingnuts have, because there are zero education requirements to be president.

Birthers remind me of that old Timex watch commercial: "It takes a licking and keeps on ticking"
Obama hasn't spent any money on lawyers to "keep them private".

They stay "private" unless he releases them. His lawyers don't need to "keep them private".

My bad, I got them confused with his Birth Certificate...LOL!

No, the birth certificate stays private too. Obama has paid no money to any lawyers to "seal" his birth certificate either.

Then who IS paying them? Lawyers don't work for free, you know...
Then you live in a weird place. I hadn't pegged you for a birther, but welcome to the club. Tell the nice lady your hat size and the tin foil will be right up.
Well, I'm not a birther,

Then what do you think Obama meant when he said it was good to be back home in Kenya?

What do you think Michelle meant?

Yeah, you're not a birther. You just believe he was born in Kenya, that's all:lol:


I'm not a birther, I don't believe he was born in Kenya, I know damn well he was born in the US. But I hates the Obama so much, I'll say anything just to have an excuse to criticize him.
OK, I'll play along...

How about both men present their past documents simultaneously?

Here is my logic:

1. Clearly, Romney is scared sh#tless of what will happen if his pre-2010 tax documents go public. Mark my words; this represents the meltdown of the Romney campaign--whether he releases the documents or not. He obviously has something he needs to hide and has made every effort to push the issue under the rug. If Romney has nothing to hide, then why not show us those docs? It's a presidential "credential" as far as I'm concerned...

2. Although I have not heard any serious news media address the Columbia transcripts issue (and no, I would not consider FOX a serious news agency, c'mon...), I am willing to bet it's another baseless Right wing-nut conspiracy.

The Right could certainly take this ball and run with it, but so far, they have not. I for one would love to see if Obama is hiding something. Bring it on!

3. I believe this will go the way of the Birther issue. But hey, I could be wrong. I will admit I'm wrong if there is something fishy about Obama's education.

Have you ever wondered WHY you don't hear about this stuff from the MSM? They won't touch ANY of it with a 10 foot pole! The VAST majority of people in the US have NO IDEA that Obama lived in Indonesia as a child or that he attended Muslim schools there for 5 years. They don't know about his relationship with Frank Marshall Davis, or even WHO he is.

Any other Presidential candidate gets a probe shoved up their ass but Obama gets a total pass.

My first reaction to this email was that this is just another crazy Internet rumor. I mean, if President Obama didn't really go to Columbia, wouldn't it have come out during the campaign? So I did a little research and here's what I found.

If Obama's classmates don't remember him, it might be because he only attended Columbia for two years before graduating. He transferred from Occidental College in California before his junior year. At Columbia, he lived off-campus. He also spent most of his time studying. "Mostly, my years at Columbia were an intense period of study," Obama told Columbia College Today in 2005. "When I transferred, I decided to buckle down and get serious. I spent a lot of time in the library. I didn't socialize that much. I was like a monk." Read the whole thing here: Columbia College Today

Moreover, one of Obama's professors at Columbia remembers him well. Michael Baron told the New York Times that he wrote Obama a recommendation for law school. (In the same interview, Baron inadvertently fueled another Internet rumor about Obama's "fake thesis.")
PolitiFact | Obama's Columbia 'thesis' is all fiction, dreamed up by blogger

Finally, it should be noted that the source of this rumor is Wayne Allyn Root, who was the Libertarian nominee for Vice President. He made similar claims in an interview with Reason magazine, saying that "maybe" Obama "was involved in some sort of black radical politics." Clearly, Root has political motivation to try to make Obama look bad. Wayne Allyn Root's Million-Dollar Challenge - Reason.com

Hopefully, this will help clear up your concerns. If anybody sends you another email like this, make sure you get the facts before sending it to more people. That way people won't get all worked up over nothing.

More: Email: Evidence Of Obama's Past | Media Matters Action Network
Finally, it should be noted that the source of this rumor is Wayne Allyn Root, who was the Libertarian nominee for Vice President. He made similar claims in an interview with Reason magazine, saying that "maybe" Obama "was involved in some sort of black radical politics." Clearly, Root has political motivation to try to make Obama look bad. Wayne Allyn Root's Million-Dollar Challenge - Reason.com

Wayne Allyn Root is not a nice person...
Root is no fan of the Democratic nominee: "A vote for Obama is four years of Karl Marx, and no one should be happy about that," he told us and a few genial young libertarian activists over cocktails. "He's a communist! I don't care what anybody says. The guy's a communist.... And his mother was a card-carrying communist, and he says she's the most important person in his entire life; he learned everything from her."

But the thing Root really wanted to talk about was Obama's grades. Specifically, he was willing to bet a million dollars that he earned a better grade point average at Columbia than his old classmate, and that the only reason Obama went on to Harvard Law School was the color of his skin.

Some excerpts from the conversation:

More: Wayne Allyn Root's Million-Dollar Challenge - Reason.com

Sounds like Root is bitter and pissed that Obama got into Harvard and he didn't. Root sounds as nutty and bitter as Alan Keyes - another jealous Obama hater.

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