Obama's College Classmate: ‘The Obama Scandal Is at Columbia’

Smell the desperation?

LOL Who's desperate?? Wouldn't be Barry now would it? Wonder if he'll unseal those sealed transcripts and let the American people see what he's desperate to hide??

Kinda funny you don't think its odd that he sealed all his transcripts. If Romney did the same you'd be screaming like a stuck pig.

Speaking of Romney's transcripts, where are they?

I mean, you guys wouldn't be demanding Obama's college transcripts as a defense against calls for Romney's tax returns when Romney himself hasn't even released his own college transcripts, would you?
Smell the desperation?

LOL Who's desperate?? Wouldn't be Barry now would it? Wonder if he'll unseal those sealed transcripts and let the American people see what he's desperate to hide??

Kinda funny you don't think its odd that he sealed all his transcripts. If Romney did the same you'd be screaming like a stuck pig.

Has Romney released his transcripts?

I mean, he went to Brigham "we do them" Young Unversity, where he took such exciting courses as "Magic Underwear and You 101" and "Just because we a single shred of evidence of Nephites doesn't mean they weren't here 345"

Seriously, I'm always amused what you guys think you'll find in the transcripts? You live in a world where Obama was created in a secret lab in Keyna by George Soros to bring socialism or something...

From the link....

If it’s okay for U.S. Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid to go on a fishing expedition about Romney’s taxes (even though he knows absolutely nothing about them nor will release his own), then I think I can do the same thing. But as Obama’s Columbia Class of ’83 classmate, at least I have more standing to make educated guesses.

I see his point but its just as empty, minus proof. ;)

There is not proof enough for the Obamabots. The only proof that can be had has to come from Obama, so that ain't gonna happen.

Ok, so lets water board him.. then deport him.
If it’s okay for U.S. Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid to go on a fishing expedition about Romney’s taxes (even though he knows absolutely nothing about them nor will release his own), then I think I can do the same thing. But as Obama’s Columbia Class of ’83 classmate, at least I have more standing to make educated guesses.

I see his point but its just as empty, minus proof. ;)

There is not proof enough for the Obamabots. The only proof that can be had has to come from Obama, so that ain't gonna happen.

Ok, so lets water board him.. then deport him.

It would take waterboarding for Obama to release his college records. Why is that?
In a tight race, 10% is everything. Hell, 1% is everything.

Personally, I know the transcripts issue is not going away. The opposition is not going to let that one slide.....again. So, the issue is probably not so much the content of the transcripts, but the principle of his releasing them....willingness to actually BE vetted this time.

It's a gamble. You'll bet on the ball falling on red, and I'll bet on it falling on black and the pot is unknown....

What Obama bets on remains to be seen.

But, this is not going away.

I hope not. Any examination of the candidate's past only favors the incumbent (hence--he's been vetted before and won the election easily). Bring it on.

Cute dog.

Really? When? I haven't seen it, and neither has anyone else. Questions remain unanswered, save for their dismissal as 'irrelevant' and 'unworthy of response'.

And apparently 69,000,000 voters put whatever questions you say are out there aside and pulled a lever next to his name...

Obama has a good record to run on; not great but good. Certainly he's done well enough to make any discussion about college grades irrelevant. But hell, if you want to delve into the past of these two candidates, I'm comfortable with that. The Governor has allowed the tax issue to become a megaton style blast that will drown out his message for a week or two.

He' running out of weeks in case you didn't know. Bring it on.
I actually think there's a less sinister and more broad reason Romney won't release his taxes: Because showing them would give most Americans a peak into the deductions, exemptions, offshore accounts, tax havens etc...that most uber-rich take advantage of. It would demonstrate for all to see just how many loopholes are afforded the very wealthy, killing any plan such as Romney's to reduce taxes on the wealthiest Americans at the expense of the middle class.

Agree. The timing is catastrophic for Republicans

At a time when they are fighting to get tax reductions extended for the wealthy, Romney coming in with a series of tax returns at 5% effective rate will kill them

How can they justify extending lower tax rates for the wealthy when their standard bearer pays so little?

Mitt will be the poster child for why we need to raise taxes on the wealthy
I actually think there's a less sinister and more broad reason Romney won't release his taxes: Because showing them would give most Americans a peak into the deductions, exemptions, offshore accounts, tax havens etc...that most uber-rich take advantage of. It would demonstrate for all to see just how many loopholes are afforded the very wealthy, killing any plan such as Romney's to reduce taxes on the wealthiest Americans at the expense of the middle class.

Agree. The timing is catastrophic for Republicans

At a time when they are fighting to get tax reductions extended for the wealthy, Romney coming in with a series of tax returns at 5% effective rate will kill them

How can they justify extending lower tax rates for the wealthy when their standard bearer pays so little?

Mitt will be the poster child for why we need to raise taxes on the wealthy

That is precisely the point the President makes in the last frame of the video...

Obama Criticizes Romney Jobs Record In New Ad - YouTube
If it’s okay for U.S. Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid to go on a fishing expedition about Romney’s taxes (even though he knows absolutely nothing about them nor will release his own), then I think I can do the same thing. But as Obama’s Columbia Class of ’83 classmate, at least I have more standing to make educated guesses.

I see his point but its just as empty, minus proof. ;)

There is not proof enough for the Obamabots. The only proof that can be had has to come from Obama, so that ain't gonna happen.

Your right there.

Just the fact that he sealed all his college transcripts should speak volumes to anyone who isn't an Obamabot.

No one and I mean No one seals record for no reason.

Why did Barry seal his?? Big question and one we will probably never get an answer to.

What possible reason is there to see college transcripts?

Is it to see whether he graduated?
Is it to see whether he is qualified to be President?

It has already been established that he has graduated and is currently serving

No, the true reason Republicans want his transcripts is to appease the birther crowd and pick at what courses he took and what grades he received

Its giving Republicans a stick to beat you with

And no....its not the same as Mitts tax returns
Can someone please post the actual transcripts of GHW Bush, GW Bush, Bill Clinton, Dick Cheney, Sarah Palin, John McCain, Bob Dole or any other recent candidate for the highest offices in the land?
Can someone please post the actual transcripts of GHW Bush, GW Bush, Bill Clinton, Dick Cheney, Sarah Palin, John McCain, Bob Dole or any other recent candidate for the highest offices in the land?
We got enough of Chimpola's and McLoser's college transcripts to know that the former was a C student frat boy and the latter was a hard drinking party animal, who finished next-to-last in his graduating class.
According to the U.S. Constitution, Obama doesn't even need kindergarten transcripts.

By that same token, Romney needs to release NO tax returns...

And by doing so, he's mired in speculation about what he is hiding from his own party. Brilliant strategy.

Romney is damned if he does, damned if he doesn't

While nobody outside of FoxNation gives a shit about Obamas undergraduate records from 30 years ago, Where Romney gets his money, whom he is indebted to, what deductions he takes and his effective tax rate are relative to his candidacy and his political platform
Can someone please post the actual transcripts of GHW Bush, GW Bush, Bill Clinton, Dick Cheney, Sarah Palin, John McCain, Bob Dole or any other recent candidate for the highest offices in the land?
We got enough of Chimpola's and McLoser's college transcripts to know that the former was a C student frat boy and the latter was a hard drinking party animal, who finished next-to-last in his graduating class.

That just tells me the meaningless of college transcripts.

McCain finished near the bottom of his graduating class at Anapolis. If his father and grandfather weren't Admirals, he probably wouldn't have done that well.

But when he was in the service, he showed uncommon bravery most of us would never have under the same circumstances. We'd have all cried like little girls if we got tortured at the Hanoi Hilton. He turned down an offer for early release because it was a propaganda move by the enemy.

(Keep in mind, this is when Mitt was in France annoying French folks with the book of Mormon.)

Then he went on to be a Captain and then a Congressman and Senator.

Now, not always a fan of John McCain, but I voted for him in 2008 and think he's a good man. Romney isn't fit to carry his breifcase, and really, neither is Obama, for that matter.

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