Obama's College Classmate: ‘The Obama Scandal Is at Columbia’

Obama's grades were horrible, he almost flunked out of college.

He started a huge mess in a frat house because they wouldn't let him join, the frat house was suspended. That article written at Occidental wasn't his, his roommate wrote it.

Now prove any of this isn't true.


He graduated near the top of his class from Harvard Law School

And you know this how?? Oh snap, he told us that....^^^see what I mean.
"It was as a law student that Obama first made history—and national headlines—when he was elected the first black president of the Harvard Law Review in the spring of 1990. And as a law student, Obama met many professors and classmates who would prove helpful in his meteoric political rise from state senator to president of the United States in five years. Each seems to have a story about how much Obama stood out...." Obama first made history at HLS

"As the decade progressed, the most impressive student I had ever taught was quietly pursuing his own political trajectory. In 1989, I had met Barack Obama and hired him as my research assistant while he was still just a first-year Harvard law student. " Harvard Law Professor Laurence Tribe http://www.law.harvard.edu/news/2008/11/05_tribe.html

"Barack was one of the first people I met nearly 20 years ago at Harvard... " Harvard Law School Professor Kenneth Mack '91http://www.law.harvard.edu/news/2008/02/22_mack.html

When sworn in on Jan. 20, Barack Obama will become the eighth U.S. president to have graduated from Harvard. President-elect Obama is a 1991 graduate of Harvard Law School.Obama joins list of seven presidents with Harvard degrees | Harvard Gazette

BOSTON, Feb. 5— The Harvard Law Review, generally considered the most prestigious in the country, elected the first black president in its 104-year history today. The job is considered the highest student position at Harvard Law School. The new president of the Review is Barack Obama, a 28-year-old graduate of Columbia University who spent four years heading a community development program for poor blacks on Chicago's South Side before enrolling in law school." 1990 NYT article First Black Elected to Head Harvard's Law Review - NYTimes.com

"Harvard Class of ’91 sticks together" http://washingtonexaminer.com/article/134178

"Obama’s leadership style – by colleagues on the Harvard Law Review" http://valkayec.wordpress.com/2008/...tyle-by-colleagues-on-the-harvard-law-review/

"Harvard Law ensconced at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave." Harvard Law ensconced at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. | Muckety - See the news

That good enough for you?
Last edited:

Regardless of what name he used... people would know him. I do fine it interesting that no one seems to remember him at all.

Another lie by the unspooled nutcakes on the right.

Those who have attested to having daily personal experience with him during his time at that school include:

  • Friend and roommate Sohale Siddiqi, whom the Associated Press located and interviewed in May 2008.
  • Roommate Phil Boerner, who provided his recollections of sharing a New York City apartment with classmate Barack Obama to the Columbia College Today alumni publication and the New York Times in early 2009.
  • Michael L. Baron, who taught the year-long honors seminar in American Foreign Policy that Barack Obama took during his senior year at Columbia and recalled in an NBC interview Obama's "easily acing" the class and receiving an A for his senior paper on the topic of nuclear negotiations with the Soviet Union.
snopes.com: Barack Obama at Columbia

Here...more proof Wayne Root is an idiot:

An article by Barack Obama published in the
  • 10 March 1983 edition of Columbia's Sundial school magazine.
And yet, no transcripts which are the ONLY credible proof of even attendance.

What could possibly be so secret?

His grades aren't anywhere near as "stellar" as George W. Bush's?

That he didn't attend at all?

That he gamed the foreign student aid system?

That he gamed the university?

Any is possible, and the more he refuses, the more probable any of these become.

This is not going away.
MOST Birthers believe he attended college on a foreign scholarship under barry soetoro....so anyone who calls and says his name was barry soetoro are simply that, lying birthers....first they said it was Occidental college that he received a foreign scholarship, but then it was factchecked and the scholarship they lyingly claimed he received was a scholarship for graduate students and he was an undergrad....OOPS....poor birthers....so uninformed its pathetic.

Then the group of racists that hate his skin color came out and said he attended college due to Affirmative Action....only because he was black he made it through college....is that what you want to know???

What do college grades from 30 years ago have to do with today or a presidency when we have presidents that never attended college at all? Can't quite figure that one out???:confused:

Sure kerry and bush 2 released their college records because they both attended the same school and people wanted to compare the 2....I understand that....

But prior to that, no one running for president had to release their college records that I am aware of...?

Romney hasn't released his college records, has he? How come you all aren't asking for them while whining about Obama's?

on the other hand, releasing tax returns have been requested for our presidential candidates for decades....and with Romney, at the level of income he is at, will give the American people an eye opening revelation on how our tax structure is really messed up and favors the wealthiest....and this is an issue because romney's plans are to lower the taxes even more on the very elite, while raising them on the middle class...class warfare if I ever saw it....

And when you've got someone like romney, paying 13.9% while earning 20 million without even working for a living, and newt gingrich only making 900k a year having to pay 31% effective tax rate, then questioning our tax structure on who truly rules the roost, is only common sense in my opinion....
Another lie by the unspooled nutcakes on the right.

snopes.com: Barack Obama at Columbia

Here...more proof Wayne Root is an idiot:

An article by Barack Obama published in the
  • 10 March 1983 edition of Columbia's Sundial school magazine.
And yet, no transcripts which are the ONLY credible proof of even attendance.

What could possibly be so secret?

His grades aren't anywhere near as "stellar" as George W. Bush's?

That he didn't attend at all?

That he gamed the foreign student aid system?

That he gamed the university?

Any is possible, and the more he refuses, the more probable any of these become.

This is not going away.
MOST Birthers believe he attended college on a foreign scholarship under barry soetoro....so anyone who calls and says his name was barry soetoro are simply that, lying birthers....first they said it was Occidental college that he received a foreign scholarship, but then it was factchecked and the scholarship they lyingly claimed he received was a scholarship for graduate students and he was an undergrad....OOPS....poor birthers....so uninformed its pathetic.

Then the group of racists that hate his skin color came out and said he attended college due to Affirmative Action....only because he was black he made it through college....is that what you want to know???

What do college grades from 30 years ago have to do with today or a presidency when we have presidents that never attended college at all? Can't quite figure that one out???:confused:

Sure kerry and bush 2 released their college records because they both attended the same school and people wanted to compare the 2....I understand that....

But prior to that, no one running for president had to release their college records that I am aware of...?

Romney hasn't released his college records, has he? How come you all aren't asking for them while whining about Obama's?

on the other hand, releasing tax returns have been requested for our presidential candidates for decades....and with Romney, at the level of income he is at, will give the American people an eye opening revelation on how our tax structure is really messed up and favors the wealthiest....and this is an issue because romney's plans are to lower the taxes even more on the very elite, while raising them on the middle class...class warfare if I ever saw it....

And when you've got someone like romney, paying 13.9% while earning 20 million without even working for a living, and newt gingrich only making 900k a year having to pay 31% effective tax rate, then questioning our tax structure on who truly rules the roost, is only common sense in my opinion....

Care 4 All...you and I bopth know dam well why Romney doesnt want top reelease his tax returns and why Obama doesnt want to release his college transcripts.

And it has nothing to do with "what the American People should know"...

It has to do with "what the pundits will spin the information into"

First Romney...he released 2010...and showed his offshore accounts. So what happens? The pundits, in a 24/7 news cycle, referred to him as having "hidden off shore accounts"....lmao....HIDDEN.....he shopws them and yet they are "hidden"....
And Romeny knows dam well that the pundits will spin every dam return of his.

Now for The President.....he was a scholar...his education was important to him...it was his life....but not just a "book"education...he wanted to understand how people of different lives lived....So I have no doubt that he took a variety of "out of the mainstream" courses...maybe courses on socialism...or communism....Marx.....Mao...
And lets be real.....the pundits would have spun him into what many are trying to spin him into now.

This has nothing to do with "hiding from the american people"....it has to do with NOT giving the pundits fodder to confuse the american people.

Seems Harry Reid is just too plain partisan to realize it.

He graduated near the top of his class from Harvard Law School

And you know this how?? Oh snap, he told us that....^^^see what I mean.
"It was as a law student that Obama first made history—and national headlines—when he was elected the first black president of the Harvard Law Review in the spring of 1990. And as a law student, Obama met many professors and classmates who would prove helpful in his meteoric political rise from state senator to president of the United States in five years. Each seems to have a story about how much Obama stood out...." Obama first made history at HLS

"As the decade progressed, the most impressive student I had ever taught was quietly pursuing his own political trajectory. In 1989, I had met Barack Obama and hired him as my research assistant while he was still just a first-year Harvard law student. " Harvard Law Professor Laurence Tribe Professor Laurence Tribe reflects on Obama's victory

"Barack was one of the first people I met nearly 20 years ago at Harvard... " Harvard Law School Professor Kenneth Mack '91http://www.law.harvard.edu/news/2008/02/22_mack.html

When sworn in on Jan. 20, Barack Obama will become the eighth U.S. president to have graduated from Harvard. President-elect Obama is a 1991 graduate of Harvard Law School.Obama joins list of seven presidents with Harvard degrees | Harvard Gazette

BOSTON, Feb. 5— The Harvard Law Review, generally considered the most prestigious in the country, elected the first black president in its 104-year history today. The job is considered the highest student position at Harvard Law School. The new president of the Review is Barack Obama, a 28-year-old graduate of Columbia University who spent four years heading a community development program for poor blacks on Chicago's South Side before enrolling in law school." 1990 NYT article First Black Elected to Head Harvard's Law Review - NYTimes.com

"Harvard Class of ’91 sticks together" Harvard Class of

"Obama’s leadership style – by colleagues on the Harvard Law Review" Obama’s leadership style – by colleagues on the Harvard Law Review | Epiphanyblog

"Harvard Law ensconced at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave." Harvard Law ensconced at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. | Muckety - See the news

That good enough for you?

Nope, it's not proof from Harvard or Obama.........I want to see what Harvard has to say, do you have a link?? In a google search I can find no statement from the school that he graduated Magna cum laude. Just because someone says it, does it make it true. Now tell me no publication has ever printed stuff they were just told.
From NYT 1990

Change in Selection System

Mr. Obama was elected after a meeting of the review's 80 editors that convened Sunday and lasted until early this morning, a participant said.

Until the 1970's the editors were picked on the basis of grades, and the president of the Law Review was the student with the highest academic rank. Among these were Elliot L. Richardson, the former Attorney General, and Irwin Griswold, a dean of the Harvard Law School and Solicitor General under Presidents Lyndon B. Johnson and Richard M. Nixon.

That system came under attack in the 1970's and was replaced by a program in which about half the editors are chosen for their grades and the other half are chosen by fellow students after a special writing competition. The new system, disputed when it began, was meant to help insure that minority students became editors of The Law Review.

First Black Elected to Head Harvard's Law Review - Page 2 - New York Times
And yet, no transcripts which are the ONLY credible proof of even attendance.

What could possibly be so secret?

His grades aren't anywhere near as "stellar" as George W. Bush's?

That he didn't attend at all?

That he gamed the foreign student aid system?

That he gamed the university?

Any is possible, and the more he refuses, the more probable any of these become.

This is not going away.
MOST Birthers believe he attended college on a foreign scholarship under barry soetoro....so anyone who calls and says his name was barry soetoro are simply that, lying birthers....first they said it was Occidental college that he received a foreign scholarship, but then it was factchecked and the scholarship they lyingly claimed he received was a scholarship for graduate students and he was an undergrad....OOPS....poor birthers....so uninformed its pathetic.

Then the group of racists that hate his skin color came out and said he attended college due to Affirmative Action....only because he was black he made it through college....is that what you want to know???

What do college grades from 30 years ago have to do with today or a presidency when we have presidents that never attended college at all? Can't quite figure that one out???:confused:

Sure kerry and bush 2 released their college records because they both attended the same school and people wanted to compare the 2....I understand that....

But prior to that, no one running for president had to release their college records that I am aware of...?

Romney hasn't released his college records, has he? How come you all aren't asking for them while whining about Obama's?

on the other hand, releasing tax returns have been requested for our presidential candidates for decades....and with Romney, at the level of income he is at, will give the American people an eye opening revelation on how our tax structure is really messed up and favors the wealthiest....and this is an issue because romney's plans are to lower the taxes even more on the very elite, while raising them on the middle class...class warfare if I ever saw it....

And when you've got someone like romney, paying 13.9% while earning 20 million without even working for a living, and newt gingrich only making 900k a year having to pay 31% effective tax rate, then questioning our tax structure on who truly rules the roost, is only common sense in my opinion....

Care 4 All...you and I bopth know dam well why Romney doesnt want top reelease his tax returns and why Obama doesnt want to release his college transcripts.

And it has nothing to do with "what the American People should know"...

It has to do with "what the pundits will spin the information into"

First Romney...he released 2010...and showed his offshore accounts. So what happens? The pundits, in a 24/7 news cycle, referred to him as having "hidden off shore accounts"....lmao....HIDDEN.....he shopws them and yet they are "hidden"....
And Romeny knows dam well that the pundits will spin every dam return of his.

Now for The President.....he was a scholar...his education was important to him...it was his life....but not just a "book"education...he wanted to understand how people of different lives lived....So I have no doubt that he took a variety of "out of the mainstream" courses...maybe courses on socialism...or communism....Marx.....Mao...
And lets be real.....the pundits would have spun him into what many are trying to spin him into now.

This has nothing to do with "hiding from the american people"....it has to do with NOT giving the pundits fodder to confuse the american people.

Seems Harry Reid is just too plain partisan to realize it.
Romney brought this in to play himself by saying he wants to cut taxes on the very top and raise them on the middle class....

so be it...then show us how burdened with taxes the wealthiest truly are....13.9% doesn't quite fit with his concerns for the very wealthiest being burdened by income taxes, does it?

I have no problem with Obama releasing his college transcripts as long as Romney releases all of his as well.

And I have no problem with Romney releasing years of tax returns, because they are relative to today's political posturing, and because the president has released all of his....

And we the people, have a right to know all of the tax right offs and tax havens that are legal, in which the very wealthiest can use to lower their own taxable income....disclosure is the best policy imho.

In no way is Romney responsible for this tax structure, previous congresses wrote the loopholes and rules....he just took advantage of the legal system already in place....but he does support this unfair position and even wants to give more tax breaks to the very wealthiest, like himself....and I do find this very telling....in a negative way....

What romney or obama's school records have to do with today or with us is irrelevant, but our tax structure IS an issue in this presidential race.

And yes, I'm certain it could be 'uncomfortable' to take the 'heat' from this...but IF Romney BELIEVES in the tax structure he utilized then he certainly can talk his way through it....

Republicans made his tax returns an issue in the primaries....not Democrats but the republican candidates....and they are the ones that started this ball rolling....not harry reid, republicans.

That being said, I too believe Reid should supply his source or shut up.

From the link....

Here’s my gut belief: Obama got a leg up by being admitted to both Occidental and Columbia as a foreign exchange student. He was raised as a young boy in Indonesia. But did his mother ever change him back to a U.S. citizen? When he returned to live with his grandparents in Hawaii or as he neared college-age preparing to apply to schools, did he ever change his citizenship back? I’m betting not.

If you could unseal Obama’s Columbia University records I believe you’d find that:

A) He rarely ever attended class.

B) His grades were not those typical of what we understand it takes to get into Harvard Law School.

C) He attended Columbia as a foreign exchange student.

D) He paid little for either undergraduate college or Harvard Law School because of foreign aid and scholarships given to a poor foreign students like this kid Barry Soetoro from Indonesia.

If you think I’m “fishing” then prove me wrong. Open up your records Mr. President. What are you afraid of?

If it’s okay for U.S. Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid to go on a fishing expedition about Romney’s taxes (even though he knows absolutely nothing about them nor will release his own), then I think I can do the same thing. But as Obama’s Columbia Class of ’83 classmate, at least I have more standing to make educated guesses.

It’s time for Mitt to go on the attack and call Obama’s bluff.

And we all know how you pub/pots/rw idiots hate FACTS.
Yet, no transcripts....the ONLY credible record of academic attendance.

Alright then, no-mojo, if he didn't go to Colombia, where did he go? Why hasn't some other school jumped up and "claimed" him as their own?
Carville was right, America will be ungovernable after the election.
The first thing you should do is download the Obama campaign's mobile app that allows you to locate the Obamabots near you and make a permanent record of who and where they are for your own private use after the election.
Still, there is no reason for anyone to believe that Obama even went to higher ed......no transcripts/.

Are you really this fucking stupid? You really mean to believe me that he would have been the editor of the Harvard Law Review without actually being a student at the school? You really mean believe that Harvard Law School would accept a student for admission that hadn't even finished undergraduate work?

Oh look, here's a 1990 article in Ebony where Obama was interviewed, complete with a picture of Obama, and a notation that he got his Bachelor's at Columbia. But I bet all that is a bunch of phony mumbo-jumbo. All part of the same conspiracy to deceive the American people as the fraudulent birth announcement in the Honolulu newspapers, I'm sure.
No, the true reason Republicans want his transcripts is to appease the birther crowd and pick at what courses he took and what grades he received

If Obama is smart, he'll wait until about 10 days before the election, and he'll release copies of his transcripts, and challenge the Republicans to find an issue with them. Hammer it home for 10 days leading up to the election. It could neutralize any last minute deal sealing the GOP might attempt to pull off.

Of course, he'd have been better to do something similar with his long form BC too. He doesn't seem interested in exactly that kind of political maneuver, I guess. What's with the guy, is he transparent or something?
No, the true reason Republicans want his transcripts is to appease the birther crowd and pick at what courses he took and what grades he received

If Obama is smart, he'll wait until about 10 days before the election, and he'll release copies of his transcripts, and challenge the Republicans to find an issue with them. Hammer it home for 10 days leading up to the election. It could neutralize any last minute deal sealing the GOP might attempt to pull off.

Of course, he'd have been better to do something similar with his long form BC too. He doesn't seem interested in exactly that kind of political maneuver, I guess. What's with the guy, is he transparent or something?

He already did that with his birth certificate

What good did it do?
Just reminding y'all he didn't become editor of the Law Review because of his grades. ;)
Change in Selection System

Mr. Obama was elected after a meeting of the review's 80 editors that convened Sunday and lasted until early this morning, a participant said.

Until the 1970's the editors were picked on the basis of grades, and the president of the Law Review was the student with the highest academic rank. Among these were Elliot L. Richardson, the former Attorney General, and Irwin Griswold, a dean of the Harvard Law School and Solicitor General under Presidents Lyndon B. Johnson and Richard M. Nixon.

That system came under attack in the 1970's and was replaced by a program in which about half the editors are chosen for their grades and the other half are chosen by fellow students after a special writing competition. The new system, disputed when it began, was meant to help insure that minority students became editors of The Law Review.
Joe, can you show me a Presidential candidate in the last 30 years that DIDN'T release their college records OTHER than Obama?

And again, it's not about what he did or didn't write, it's about who he said he was at the time. Did he get aid as a foreign student? I think he did, and that is FRAUD!

If they all did so, I'd be interested in seeing someone post Bush's transcripts from both Harvard and Yale as well as Dole's.

And Clinton's.

And Gores.

Your request, minus Clinton, is available here... Dig this: Media actually probed other candidates
Those are not official transcripts, sorry. Try again.
OK, I'll play along...

How about both men present their past documents simultaneously?

Here is my logic:

1. Clearly, Romney is scared sh#tless of what will happen if his pre-2010 tax documents go public. Mark my words; this represents the meltdown of the Romney campaign--whether he releases the documents or not. He obviously has something he needs to hide and has made every effort to push the issue under the rug. If Romney has nothing to hide, then why not show us those docs? It's a presidential "credential" as far as I'm concerned...

2. Although I have not heard any serious news media address the Columbia transcripts issue (and no, I would not consider FOX a serious news agency, c'mon...), I am willing to bet it's another baseless Right wing-nut conspiracy.

The Right could certainly take this ball and run with it, but so far, they have not. I for one would love to see if Obama is hiding something. Bring it on!

3. I believe this will go the way of the Birther issue. But hey, I could be wrong. I will admit I'm wrong if there is something fishy about Obama's education.

Have you ever wondered WHY you don't hear about this stuff from the MSM? They won't touch ANY of it with a 10 foot pole! The VAST majority of people in the US have NO IDEA that Obama lived in Indonesia as a child or that he attended Muslim schools there for 5 years. They don't know about his relationship with Frank Marshall Davis, or even WHO he is.

They also don't know that when other young men of his age were risking their ass in Vietnam, Romney was prancing around France boinking coe...er...I mean, proselytizing for the Mormons.

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