Obama's College Classmate: ‘The Obama Scandal Is at Columbia’

Hearsay is a statement by a postman delivering mail to Bill Ayers's father's house in the 70's and early 80's, accidentally meeting young Obama and listening to young Obama say "I'm going to be president of the United States"
He is running out of time and we're not discussing the sluggish economy or competing jobs plans for the next 4 years; we're talking about trivia from 30 years ago for Obama and the torpedo headed directly for the SS Romney.

People see the sluggish economy and know there is nothing from Obama but empty rhetoric.

What is there to discuss ?
He is running out of time and we're not discussing the sluggish economy or competing jobs plans for the next 4 years; we're talking about trivia from 30 years ago for Obama and the torpedo headed directly for the SS Romney.

People see the sluggish economy and know there is nothing from Obama but empty rhetoric.

What is there to discuss ?

What (if anything) Governor Romney may do differently than Bush's 3rd term which would just be the same failings of rolling back regulation, allowing Wall Street bankers to run wild with "creative" investement vehicles, cutting taxes on the wealthy, raising them on middle income voters, doing nothing about wage supression and desparity, rolling back any semblence of a nationwide health policy, etc...

But by all means, lets still talk about the Governor's tax records. It's a no-win situation for him which suits me fine.
What (if anything) Governor Romney may do differently

He knows government doesn't build business.

That fundamental philosophy and merely having the keys to the office will move the economy forward based on certain elemental confidence of the markets.
What (if anything) Governor Romney may do differently

He knows government doesn't build business.

That fundamental philosophy and merely having the keys to the office will move the economy forward based on certain elemental confidence of the markets.

You can't really count on him for anything, his actions and opinions are dictated by his surroundings.

The guy initially supported TARP before he decided he needed to go another route.
What (if anything) Governor Romney may do differently

He knows government doesn't build business.

That fundamental philosophy and merely having the keys to the office will move the economy forward based on certain elemental confidence of the markets.

So you don't know what he'll do. Thats good because it proves my point; Governor Romney is being downed out by his his refusal to release tax records...either than or he will simply be Bush's 3rd term and we saw where #2 ended--$700B in TARP and a recession.
You can't really count on him for anything, his actions and opinions are dictated by his surroundings.

The guy initially supported TARP before he decided he needed to go another route.

This is valid.

But doesn't matter in the grand scheme of things out of the two candidates for me as an Indy who needs to work and the markets free'd up to feed my family.

Out of the two its Romney.
So you don't know what he'll do.

I know the foundation and the approach is change enough to vote for him out of the two choices.

He is not a wealth /business is bad - you didnt build it type.

That confidence is what is lacking in the markets.
And you know this how?? Oh snap, he told us that....^^^see what I mean.

No, Harvard's student newspaper told us.

Obama Left Mark on HLS | News | The Harvard Crimson

The presidential hopeful graduated magna cum laude from the Law School in 1991

You know how much Harvard Newspapers lie

Yea, just like that Native American they had working for them, they printed that, too. We know how truthful they really are.
So you don't know what he'll do.

I know the foundation and the approach is change enough to vote for him out of the two choices.
He is not a wealth /business is bad - you didnt build it type.
That confidence is what is lacking in the markets.


Romney...aparently is relying on his Charisma to carry the day. When it comes to being personable; you've got to admit, he's no Walter Mondale.
You can't really count on him for anything, his actions and opinions are dictated by his surroundings.

The guy initially supported TARP before he decided he needed to go another route.

This is valid.

But doesn't matter in the grand scheme of things out of the two candidates for me as an Indy who needs to work and the markets free'd up to feed my family.

Out of the two its Romney.

If Romney won, came in and turned things around, I'd be more than happy even though I disagree with him on virtually everything...at least since he started running for POTUS in '08.

Romney and Obama are a little different, but it's basically two sides of the same coin.

You know how much Harvard Newspapers lie

Yea, just like that Native American they had working for them, they printed that, too. We know how truthful they really are.

First you asked for the link.
You were hit over the head with it--showing exactly what you asked for.
Now you claim they are lying.

So basically, no amount of proof will ever be good enough for you; right? C'mon, at least muster enough integrity to admit it.
So you don't know what he'll do.

I know the foundation and the approach is change enough to vote for him out of the two choices.
He is not a wealth /business is bad - you didnt build it type.
That confidence is what is lacking in the markets.


Romney...aparently is relying on his Charisma to carry the day. When it comes to being personable; you've got to admit, he's no Walter Mondale.

He kind of reminds me of Mike Dukakis......another Governor from Massachusetts that will be just an historical footnote
You know how much Harvard Newspapers lie

Yea, just like that Native American they had working for them, they printed that, too. We know how truthful they really are.

First you asked for the link.
You were hit over the head with it--showing exactly what you asked for.
Now you claim they are lying.

So basically, no amount of proof will ever be good enough for you; right? C'mon, at least muster enough integrity to admit it.

Integrity...from naturegirl? What was I thinking?
So you don't know what he'll do.

I know the foundation and the approach is change enough to vote for him out of the two choices.

He is not a wealth /business is bad - you didnt build it type.

That confidence is what is lacking in the markets.[/


January 2, 2009 9,034.69

August 3, 2012 13,096.17

I'm betting the goal posts are about to be moved once more.

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