Obama's College Classmate: ‘The Obama Scandal Is at Columbia’

They also don't know that when other young men of his age were risking their ass in Vietnam, Romney was prancing around France boinking coe...er...I mean, proselytizing for the Mormons.

Dont try convincing any of us that you give a shit about a candidates service record, because past history shows Dems don't care.
The President went to Colombia as Barry Sotero and now is Barack Hussien Obama ?

That is odd.
They also don't know that when other young men of his age were risking their ass in Vietnam, Romney was prancing around France boinking coe...er...I mean, proselytizing for the Mormons.

Dont try convincing any of us that you give a shit about a candidates service record, because past history shows Dems don't care.

How about how Romney protested in FAVOR of sending young men to VietNam and then hid out in France?
Not only does no one at Columbia remember obozo, but no one anywhere remembers him. Where are the ex girl friends and former teachers that always come forth when a man becomes president.? His whole life is a fraud.
This picture was clearly staged in order that Obama may later run for president claiming he went to Harvard:
President of the Harvard Law Review, not one article in print. Worked as a Constitutional Law professor for 11 years, nothing written by him, not even co-authored by him. We have Dreams From my Father and the Audacity of Hope. That's about it, he's already admitted there are lots of composites there, not real truths.

I still haven't found anything from Harvard saying he graduated Magna............Hello........Bueller, anyone???
By that same token, Romney needs to release NO tax returns...

And by doing so, he's mired in speculation about what he is hiding from his own party. Brilliant strategy.

Tax returns for transcripts, straight across....

69 million people aren't voting for 'not Bush' this time around...

Nor were they in 2008 although George W did alienate most of humanity; especially with that whole Pat Tillman scandal. That is where he lost me.
By that same token, Romney needs to release NO tax returns...

And by doing so, he's mired in speculation about what he is hiding from his own party. Brilliant strategy.

Romney is damned if he does, damned if he doesn't

While nobody outside of FoxNation gives a shit about Obamas undergraduate records from 30 years ago, Where Romney gets his money, whom he is indebted to, what deductions he takes and his effective tax rate are relative to his candidacy and his political platform

You're right.

It would have been a non-issue before Iowa where he wasn't going to compete anyway. The Governor has gotten some very bad advice.
Here is the real truth of why Dirty Harry will outright lie about Romney, as if anyone with half a brain didn't already know.

Obama's College Classmate: ‘The Obama Scandal Is at Columbia’

Root: Obama

By attacking Romney’s tax records, Obama’s socialist cabal creates a problem that doesn’t exist. Is the U.S. Senate Majority Leader making up stories out of thin air? You decide. But the reason for this baseless attack is clear- make Romney defend, so not only is he “off message” but it helps the media ignore the real Obama scandal.

I just read the article and this is as full of hearsay as harry Reids claim that he spoke to someone who said Romney didn't pay taxes, I don't play that, so it doesn't play here.

It is not hearsay;

Obama did claim to be born in Kenya for 17 years.

Obama has not released anything of his college years.

The author attended Columbia at the same time Obama supposidly did and does not remember him.

Obama lived for years in another country under an assumed name.

Obama paid for his college some how.

So no this isn't even close to Reid out right lying.

Barry Soetoro, with mom, stepfather and halfsister. Nice family photo.

Obama's grades were horrible, he almost flunked out of college.

He started a huge mess in a frat house because they wouldn't let him join, the frat house was suspended. That article written at Occidental wasn't his, his roommate wrote it.

Now prove any of this isn't true.

^The rightwing in a nutshell.

Nice work. Have I mentioned that Mitt Romney went to France to bang euros instead of going to Vietnam?

^^^ This shows how the liberal left will believe anything their messiah says. Blinded by hypocrisy.

No, what it shows is that you're completely incapable of logical analysis. You're arguing from ignorance, and demanding proof of negatives, and demanding disproof of contraries, instead of proving your own assertions.

You know Obama never joined the armed services.

And neither did you.

Who wrote college papers condemning war or wrote a book bragging about smoking dope and snorting cocaine??

My guess would be Bush, but none of that matters now.

Nice work, why won't he release his college records??

What on Earth is supposed to be gained from looking at the President's college records, other than ammunition for irrelevant personal attacks? The President has never presented or claimed his college grades as any kind of platform for any of his policies, nor claimed it as a reason to vote for himself instead of Romney. What's next, you want a mapping of his genome too?

Yea, the most transparent President, ever!! :lol:

In fact, his Presidency has been amazingly transparent in comparison to historical predecessors. He's invoked EP fewer times than almost any President in history, he's undertaken significant efforts to produce specialized copies of vital records that are not normally provided to individuals, etc. Of course, Obama has been far from perfect on transparency. But honestly, how is it even remotely an issue for anyone other than the tin-foil hat wearing conspiracy theorists?
How about how Romney protested in FAVOR of sending young men to VietNam and then hid out in France?

The military granted him permission to do so ?

How about the hypocrisy of protesting in favor of other boys your age having to go over there and then using your political connections to hide out in France?

You can be in favor of purpose of the war and the military grant you permission to do something else ?
I didn't read any of this shit, but this whole thing reminds me of the guys that went to school with Romney that most on the right thought could not be taken seriously.

Am I far off?
And by doing so, he's mired in speculation about what he is hiding from his own party. Brilliant strategy.

Romney is damned if he does, damned if he doesn't

While nobody outside of FoxNation gives a shit about Obamas undergraduate records from 30 years ago, Where Romney gets his money, whom he is indebted to, what deductions he takes and his effective tax rate are relative to his candidacy and his political platform

You're right.

It would have been a non-issue before Iowa where he wasn't going to compete anyway. The Governor has gotten some very bad advice.

Romney is getting good advice from the republicans

If he releases returns with a 5% effective tax rate, the whole GOP defense of more tax cuts for the rich goes down the tubes
And you know this how?? Oh snap, he told us that....^^^see what I mean.
"It was as a law student that Obama first made history—and national headlines—when he was elected the first black president of the Harvard Law Review in the spring of 1990. And as a law student, Obama met many professors and classmates who would prove helpful in his meteoric political rise from state senator to president of the United States in five years. Each seems to have a story about how much Obama stood out...." Obama first made history at HLS

"As the decade progressed, the most impressive student I had ever taught was quietly pursuing his own political trajectory. In 1989, I had met Barack Obama and hired him as my research assistant while he was still just a first-year Harvard law student. " Harvard Law Professor Laurence Tribe Professor Laurence Tribe reflects on Obama's victory

"Barack was one of the first people I met nearly 20 years ago at Harvard... " Harvard Law School Professor Kenneth Mack '91http://www.law.harvard.edu/news/2008/02/22_mack.html

When sworn in on Jan. 20, Barack Obama will become the eighth U.S. president to have graduated from Harvard. President-elect Obama is a 1991 graduate of Harvard Law School.Obama joins list of seven presidents with Harvard degrees | Harvard Gazette

BOSTON, Feb. 5— The Harvard Law Review, generally considered the most prestigious in the country, elected the first black president in its 104-year history today. The job is considered the highest student position at Harvard Law School. The new president of the Review is Barack Obama, a 28-year-old graduate of Columbia University who spent four years heading a community development program for poor blacks on Chicago's South Side before enrolling in law school." 1990 NYT article First Black Elected to Head Harvard's Law Review - NYTimes.com

"Harvard Class of ’91 sticks together" Harvard Class of

"Obama’s leadership style – by colleagues on the Harvard Law Review" Obama’s leadership style – by colleagues on the Harvard Law Review | Epiphanyblog

"Harvard Law ensconced at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave." Harvard Law ensconced at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. | Muckety - See the news

That good enough for you?

Nope, it's not proof from Harvard or Obama.........I want to see what Harvard has to say, do you have a link??

This link that paperview has above is from the harvard law school. Obama first made history at HLS

www. law. harvard. edu.

It is from Harvard University. It IS what Harvard has to say.

Anything else?
[What on Earth is supposed to be gained from looking at the President's college records, other than ammunition for irrelevant personal attacks?

He pulled an Elizabeth Warren and claimed he was something he wasn't to gain favor ?

He became an Indonesian citizen as a youngster when his mother married and relocated there and thus can't lawfully be President ?
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Still, there is no reason for anyone to believe that Obama even went to higher ed......no transcripts/.

Are you really this fucking stupid? You really mean to believe me that he would have been the editor of the Harvard Law Review without actually being a student at the school? You really mean believe that Harvard Law School would accept a student for admission that hadn't even finished undergraduate work?

Oh look, here's a 1990 article in Ebony where Obama was interviewed, complete with a picture of Obama, and a notation that he got his Bachelor's at Columbia. But I bet all that is a bunch of phony mumbo-jumbo. All part of the same conspiracy to deceive the American people as the fraudulent birth announcement in the Honolulu newspapers, I'm sure.

Si Modo's track record does speak for itself; not very highly of her but it does speak for itself.
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I didn't read any of this shit, but this whole thing reminds me of the guys that went to school with Romney that most on the right thought could not be taken seriously.

Am I far off?

Content=credibility in Conserve-istan

You'd think that the GOP would understand that any discussion of the past hurts Romney. He is running out of time and we're not discussing the sluggish economy or competing jobs plans for the next 4 years; we're talking about trivia from 30 years ago for Obama and the torpedo headed directly for the SS Romney.

Somewhere David Axelrod is smiling.

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