Obama's disrespect for the masses on display versus Bush respect for everyone!!!

This is nothing compared to the OP's last rant about the nerve of the President of the United States not eating M&Ms and instead, offering them to someone else.

And who can forget when she was unable to get on line because, she said, Obama had gotten into her router?

And now, we have a poster who says reporters' time is more valuable than the time of the leader of the free world, another who says he's the same as a dinner party guest, and best of all, the intellectual power house OP says the President of the United States should be 10 minutes early.




Mine ain't been ah "shiftin' right" heresa lately. Wonders ifnhe'd a take a look at it????
Funny people.
The best qualiy of Bush was that he was punctual?

As President of the United States he never had to delay an appearance because of issues with higher priority?

Is that why he had to finish "My Pet Goat"?
He didn't want to frighten the children. If Obama was president when 911 happened, he wouldn't of known till the local news. I'm glad you were stupid enough to support Obama. Because it has made you and all the other stupid supporters with no credibility.
Gruber is a Republican, praised by Bishop Willard.

Gruber is a Republican, praised by Bishop Willard.

Gruber also stated your stupid, and you support it. Lol

I wasn't stupid enough to vote for either corporate Party, like you probably did. I'm a lifelong registered Independent who always votes 3rd Party or write-in.
Instead, he said the electorate was stupid.

That is arrogance.
Except when the Right says it!!!!!

August 5, 2009
RUSH: It's only a low-information voter (we used to have call 'em "morons") ... The new stupid America

“You want to see how stupid our fellow citizens are? Take a look at last Tuesday night”
- Trey Gowdy, November 11, 2014

July 23, 2013
RUSH: The country is stupid.
NO Rush/Trey are identifying those people like you that have so little information about what a crap load you people
swallow from Obama! IT took the stupidity of idiots like you to pass Obamacare!
How many times does your MessiahRushie have to call you stupid for being an American before it bothers you?

December 10, 2008
DEMINT: Americans are not stupid.

RUSH: Yes, they are.
Rush is talking about people like yourself, and he is right.
The best qualiy of Bush was that he was punctual?

As President of the United States he never had to delay an appearance because of issues with higher priority?

Is that why he had to finish "My Pet Goat"?
He didn't want to frighten the children. If Obama was president when 911 happened, he wouldn't of known till the local news. I'm glad you were stupid enough to support Obama. Because it has made you and all the other stupid supporters with no credibility.

So, Let me get this straight

Bush did not want to be late for a meeting with a bunch of First Graders
So, when he is informed the nation is under attack, he must be punctual with the children

I can see where Conservatives admire Bush's punctuality
The best qualiy of Bush was that he was punctual?

As President of the United States he never had to delay an appearance because of issues with higher priority?

Is that why he had to finish "My Pet Goat"?
He didn't want to frighten the children. If Obama was president when 911 happened, he wouldn't of known till the local news. I'm glad you were stupid enough to support Obama. Because it has made you and all the other stupid supporters with no credibility.

So, Let me get this straight

Bush did not want to be late for a meeting with a bunch of First Graders
So, when he is informed the nation is under attack, he must be punctual with the children

I can see where Conservatives admire Bush's punctuality
They were gathering information while Bush finished what he was doing. He did an extraordinary thing by shutting down all flights. He did exactly what he should've done. Even everyone in the class said he handled himself well and did the right thing that morning. Like one of the second graders said when he was seventeen. What would've you wanted him to do, get up and storm out of the room? He did the right thing, but we know you are a pecker head. Bush took charge and handled the situation the right way. Lets see how Obama handles a similar situation. He finds out about it on the local news, then the next day lies about it. Then leaves hops on a flight to Vegas for fundraisers and golfing.
Secret Service Agent: Mr President! Mr President! We are under attack!

Bush: Sorry, I have a 9:00 appointment with these kids....must be punctual

Now, children, the name of the story is My Pet Goat
The best qualiy of Bush was that he was punctual?

As President of the United States he never had to delay an appearance because of issues with higher priority?

Is that why he had to finish "My Pet Goat"?
He didn't want to frighten the children. If Obama was president when 911 happened, he wouldn't of known till the local news. I'm glad you were stupid enough to support Obama. Because it has made you and all the other stupid supporters with no credibility.

So, Let me get this straight

Bush did not want to be late for a meeting with a bunch of First Graders
So, when he is informed the nation is under attack, he must be punctual with the children

I can see where Conservatives admire Bush's punctuality
They were gathering information while Bush finished what he was doing. He did an extraordinary thing by shutting down all flights. He did exactly what he should've done. Even everyone in the class said he handled himself well and did the right thing that morning. Like one of the second graders said when he was seventeen. What would've you wanted him to do, get up and storm out of the room? He did the right thing, but we know you are a pecker head. Bush took charge and handled the situation the right way. Lets see how Obama handles a similar situation. He finds out about it on the local news, then the next day lies about it. Then leaves hops on a flight to Vegas for fundraisers and golfing.

What would I have had him do?

Get Cheney on the phone and discuss emergency plans
Call his Chief of Staff to discuss White House safety and evacuation
Call the Sec Defense to discuss security options
Get minute by minute updates on the attack
Continue reading My Pet Goat?
The best qualiy of Bush was that he was punctual?

As President of the United States he never had to delay an appearance because of issues with higher priority?

Is that why he had to finish "My Pet Goat"?
He didn't want to frighten the children. If Obama was president when 911 happened, he wouldn't of known till the local news. I'm glad you were stupid enough to support Obama. Because it has made you and all the other stupid supporters with no credibility.

So, Let me get this straight

Bush did not want to be late for a meeting with a bunch of First Graders
So, when he is informed the nation is under attack, he must be punctual with the children

I can see where Conservatives admire Bush's punctuality
They were gathering information while Bush finished what he was doing. He did an extraordinary thing by shutting down all flights. He did exactly what he should've done. Even everyone in the class said he handled himself well and did the right thing that morning. Like one of the second graders said when he was seventeen. What would've you wanted him to do, get up and storm out of the room? He did the right thing, but we know you are a pecker head. Bush took charge and handled the situation the right way. Lets see how Obama handles a similar situation. He finds out about it on the local news, then the next day lies about it. Then leaves hops on a flight to Vegas for fundraisers and golfing.

What would I have had him do?

Get Cheney on the phone and discuss emergency plans
Call his Chief of Staff to discuss White House safety and evacuation
Call the Sec Defense to discuss security options
Get minute by minute updates on the attack
Continue reading My Pet Goat?
For a few minutes. What would obama do? Probably go golfing
Secret Service Agent: Mr President! Mr President! We are under attack!

Bush: Sorry, I have a 9:00 appointment with these kids....must be punctual

Now, children, the name of the story is My Pet Goat
He was told while he was reading the book.
The best qualiy of Bush was that he was punctual?

As President of the United States he never had to delay an appearance because of issues with higher priority?

Is that why he had to finish "My Pet Goat"?
He didn't want to frighten the children. If Obama was president when 911 happened, he wouldn't of known till the local news. I'm glad you were stupid enough to support Obama. Because it has made you and all the other stupid supporters with no credibility.

So, Let me get this straight

Bush did not want to be late for a meeting with a bunch of First Graders
So, when he is informed the nation is under attack, he must be punctual with the children

I can see where Conservatives admire Bush's punctuality

He wasn't late. Why would he be late?
When he was "informed" he was already in the meeting. See below picture
AND ABSOLUTELY YES he was on time! Are you so pompous you don't think first graders are important?
Again... once more you idiots don't seem to understand why treating people equal is more then just a slogan..
YOU should the talk but never never walk the talk!
Thanks at least for showing what a LIP like you thinks is NOT important.

Screen Shot 2015-03-25 at 2.04.30 PM.png
Instead, he said the electorate was stupid.

That is arrogance.
Except when the Right says it!!!!!

August 5, 2009
RUSH: It's only a low-information voter (we used to have call 'em "morons") ... The new stupid America

“You want to see how stupid our fellow citizens are? Take a look at last Tuesday night”
- Trey Gowdy, November 11, 2014

July 23, 2013
RUSH: The country is stupid.
NO Rush/Trey are identifying those people like you that have so little information about what a crap load you people
swallow from Obama! IT took the stupidity of idiots like you to pass Obamacare!
How many times does your MessiahRushie have to call you stupid for being an American before it bothers you?

December 10, 2008
DEMINT: Americans are not stupid.

RUSH: Yes, they are.
Again...comparing a commentator who says outrageous things to a man who was voted in by Americans and paid for by Americans.

Which means, you have nothing.
Today at 10:30 AM ET, President Obama was scheduled to speak at the White House's "Health Care Payment Learning and Action Network Kickoff Meeting." His introducer, seemingly sensing the president was tardy, gamely tried stretching out his remarks. Then, at around 10:35, apparently receiving word the president was ready to go, the audience
was encouraged to applaud for the next speaker, "the president of the United States!"

Then an awkward silence fell over the crowd as the president failed to show. Spectators could be seen putting down their cameras, losing hope.

Finally, nine minutes later, the president arrived. No explanation or apology was offered.
Obama Fails To Show After Being Introduced at ObamaCare Event Grabien - The Multimedia Marketplace
Whereas President George W. Bush despised being late and was punctual to a fault, Obama is routinely late to events and news conferences. His tardiness was noted by FoxNews’ Stephen Clark barely two weeks into the presidency.

But Obama’s bad habit did not begin when he became president. He was habitually late to events on the presidential campaign trail and to meetings as a U.S. senator, as you can see in this video:
Why Is Obama Always Late Fellowship of the Minds

VERSUS George Bush...
Long-time adviser Karen Hughes asked him years ago why he was always early for appointments. “Late is rude,” Bush replied. He thought that if people were going to take the time to see him, he shouldn’t keep them waiting.
He remembered names of the spouses and children of his staff, and insisted that hard work at the White House not be an excuse to let family life suffer.
The Campaign to Love George W. Bush Has Arrived - The Wire
The only thing on display is the fact that you are a liar and ridiculous rightwing partisan hack.

Where is anything the above people said was a lie because I didn't write any of the above!
Again... you LIPs leave yourself SO open to criticism! Where did I write one word in the above.
Gruber is a Republican, praised by Bishop Willard.

Gruber is a Republican, praised by Bishop Willard.

Gruber also stated your stupid, and you support it. Lol

I wasn't stupid enough to vote for either corporate Party, like you probably did. I'm a lifelong registered Independent who always votes 3rd Party or write-in.

Sure you did. Sure.
Instead, he said the electorate was stupid.

That is arrogance.
Except when the Right says it!!!!!

August 5, 2009
RUSH: It's only a low-information voter (we used to have call 'em "morons") ... The new stupid America

“You want to see how stupid our fellow citizens are? Take a look at last Tuesday night”
- Trey Gowdy, November 11, 2014

July 23, 2013
RUSH: The country is stupid.
NO Rush/Trey are identifying those people like you that have so little information about what a crap load you people
swallow from Obama! IT took the stupidity of idiots like you to pass Obamacare!
How many times does your MessiahRushie have to call you stupid for being an American before it bothers you?

December 10, 2008
DEMINT: Americans are not stupid.

RUSH: Yes, they are.
Rush is talking about people like yourself, and he is right.
He is talking about "AMERICANS!"
What does that say about YOU!
Today at 10:30 AM ET, President Obama was scheduled to speak at the White House's "Health Care Payment Learning and Action Network Kickoff Meeting." His introducer, seemingly sensing the president was tardy, gamely tried stretching out his remarks. Then, at around 10:35, apparently receiving word the president was ready to go, the audience
was encouraged to applaud for the next speaker, "the president of the United States!"

Then an awkward silence fell over the crowd as the president failed to show. Spectators could be seen putting down their cameras, losing hope.

Finally, nine minutes later, the president arrived. No explanation or apology was offered.
Obama Fails To Show After Being Introduced at ObamaCare Event Grabien - The Multimedia Marketplace
Whereas President George W. Bush despised being late and was punctual to a fault, Obama is routinely late to events and news conferences. His tardiness was noted by FoxNews’ Stephen Clark barely two weeks into the presidency.

But Obama’s bad habit did not begin when he became president. He was habitually late to events on the presidential campaign trail and to meetings as a U.S. senator, as you can see in this video:
Why Is Obama Always Late Fellowship of the Minds

VERSUS George Bush...
Long-time adviser Karen Hughes asked him years ago why he was always early for appointments. “Late is rude,” Bush replied. He thought that if people were going to take the time to see him, he shouldn’t keep them waiting.
He remembered names of the spouses and children of his staff, and insisted that hard work at the White House not be an excuse to let family life suffer.
The Campaign to Love George W. Bush Has Arrived - The Wire
The only thing on display is the fact that you are a liar and ridiculous rightwing partisan hack.
Interesting EMPTY response.

Exactly what was a lie?
Today at 10:30 AM ET, President Obama was scheduled to speak at the White House's "Health Care Payment Learning and Action Network Kickoff Meeting." His introducer, seemingly sensing the president was tardy, gamely tried stretching out his remarks. Then, at around 10:35, apparently receiving word the president was ready to go, the audience
was encouraged to applaud for the next speaker, "the president of the United States!"

Then an awkward silence fell over the crowd as the president failed to show. Spectators could be seen putting down their cameras, losing hope.

Finally, nine minutes later, the president arrived. No explanation or apology was offered.
Obama Fails To Show After Being Introduced at ObamaCare Event Grabien - The Multimedia Marketplace
Whereas President George W. Bush despised being late and was punctual to a fault, Obama is routinely late to events and news conferences. His tardiness was noted by FoxNews’ Stephen Clark barely two weeks into the presidency.

But Obama’s bad habit did not begin when he became president. He was habitually late to events on the presidential campaign trail and to meetings as a U.S. senator, as you can see in this video:
Why Is Obama Always Late Fellowship of the Minds

VERSUS George Bush...
Long-time adviser Karen Hughes asked him years ago why he was always early for appointments. “Late is rude,” Bush replied. He thought that if people were going to take the time to see him, he shouldn’t keep them waiting.
He remembered names of the spouses and children of his staff, and insisted that hard work at the White House not be an excuse to let family life suffer.
The Campaign to Love George W. Bush Has Arrived - The Wire

Bush also restricted his travel outside of the White House because he didn't like how badly it inconvenienced local traffic and airports.

Whatever you think of his politics he was a gracious man -- too a fault some might argue. Obama is an arrogant ass who very very few people seem to respect.
Instead, he said the electorate was stupid.

That is arrogance.
Except when the Right says it!!!!!

August 5, 2009
RUSH: It's only a low-information voter (we used to have call 'em "morons") ... The new stupid America

“You want to see how stupid our fellow citizens are? Take a look at last Tuesday night”
- Trey Gowdy, November 11, 2014

July 23, 2013
RUSH: The country is stupid.
NO Rush/Trey are identifying those people like you that have so little information about what a crap load you people
swallow from Obama! IT took the stupidity of idiots like you to pass Obamacare!
How many times does your MessiahRushie have to call you stupid for being an American before it bothers you?

December 10, 2008
DEMINT: Americans are not stupid.

RUSH: Yes, they are.
Rush is talking about people like yourself, and he is right.
He is talking about "AMERICANS!"
What does that say about YOU!
It says I would never vote for the man for he does not respect Americans.

You have anything that is relative to the thread is it pertains to elected officials and those that surround such elected officials?

I assume not.
Instead, he said the electorate was stupid.

That is arrogance.
Except when the Right says it!!!!!

August 5, 2009
RUSH: It's only a low-information voter (we used to have call 'em "morons") ... The new stupid America

“You want to see how stupid our fellow citizens are? Take a look at last Tuesday night”
- Trey Gowdy, November 11, 2014

July 23, 2013
RUSH: The country is stupid.
One is a commentator who gets paid to say outrageous things and has never been paid by the American People to do for the American People.

The other is an economist who gets paid by the American People to do for the American People.

I find it disturbing that you don't see the difference.

My guess is you do....but its all you got so you went with it.
The "difference" is obvious, to YOU it's perfectly OK for the Right to call Americans stupid.

August 5, 2009
RUSH: This is a great call.

CALLER: Well, thanks. I didn't expect that.

RUSH: You basically said the American people are a bunch of idiots.

I have no issue with a person calling Americans stupid. They have the right to free speech.

But when someone is paid by the taxpayer to serve the American people, I expect them to show respect to the American People. I did not vote for Obama so I am not at fault....but idiots like you voted for him despite his lack of respect for Americans. And when a guy who Obama surrounds himself with, Gruber, calls Americans idiots, you still support Obama.

Oh...and by the way...I read your posts....you are NOT an unbiased independent as you claim. you are a fucking liar. I don't like liars.

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