Obama's disrespect for the masses on display versus Bush respect for everyone!!!

They were gathering information while Bush finished what he was doing. He did an extraordinary thing by shutting down all flights. He did exactly what he should've done. Even everyone in the class said he handled himself well and did the right thing that morning. Like one of the second graders said when he was seventeen. What would've you wanted him to do, get up and storm out of the room? He did the right thing, but we know you are a pecker head. Bush took charge and handled the situation the right way. Lets see how Obama handles a similar situation. He finds out about it on the local news, then the next day lies about it. Then leaves hops on a flight to Vegas for fundraisers and golfing.

What would I have had him do?

Get Cheney on the phone and discuss emergency plans
Call his Chief of Staff to discuss White House safety and evacuation
Call the Sec Defense to discuss security options
Get minute by minute updates on the attack
Continue reading My Pet Goat?
For a few minutes. What would obama do? Probably go golfing

Ask bin Laden
So the only good thing Obama has done. He relied on intel gathered from the Bush administration, by using water boarding to get the intel? So, in reality if Obama didn't use the intel from the BUSH administration, bin Laden would still be alive today. Cause he wouldn't do what needed to be done to do the job. My gosh I can't wait for 2016 and we will get a leader back in office.
If Bush had all that information....why did he stop chasing bin Laden?

Guess what Republicans.....bin Laden was not in Iraq, he was in Pakistan

And Obama got him
Oh, and there is not a brutal dictator in Iraq, thanks to Bush. We now have Isis, thanks to Obama.
Rush is talking about people like yourself, and he is right.
He is talking about "AMERICANS!"
What does that say about YOU!
And Gruber was talking about STRICTLY the Americans that supported the ACA....and no one else.

SO what does that say about YOU?
And Gowdy was talking about STRICTLY the citizens that voted for the GOP...and no one else.

SO what does that say about YOU?
I already responded to that claim of yours.

Only an idiot would not have realized that he was not calling Americans stupid for voting in the GOP....he was criticizing those, like Gruber, who called Americans stupid.

The fact that you can not see it is quite pathetic.....but like I said, I know you do....yet you continue to make believe you don't.....which means you are quite insecure with your position.....

You are a very weak minded person.
The Right keeps telling us that Gowdy is a super prosecutor who is an absolute master of the use of words, and you are saying he is too stupid to know what his own words mean.

He could have said that citizens were SMART for voting for the GOP, but he didn't, he said look at how STUPID citizens are.

“You want to see how stupid our fellow citizens are? Take a look at last Tuesday night, because they rejected you, this bill and this administration.”

- Trey Gowdy, November 11, 2014
He was probably talking about the dumbasses that voted Graham back in office.
Today at 10:30 AM ET, President Obama was scheduled to speak at the White House's "Health Care Payment Learning and Action Network Kickoff Meeting." His introducer, seemingly sensing the president was tardy, gamely tried stretching out his remarks. Then, at around 10:35, apparently receiving word the president was ready to go, the audience
was encouraged to applaud for the next speaker, "the president of the United States!"

Then an awkward silence fell over the crowd as the president failed to show. Spectators could be seen putting down their cameras, losing hope.

Finally, nine minutes later, the president arrived. No explanation or apology was offered.
Obama Fails To Show After Being Introduced at ObamaCare Event Grabien - The Multimedia Marketplace
Whereas President George W. Bush despised being late and was punctual to a fault, Obama is routinely late to events and news conferences. His tardiness was noted by FoxNews’ Stephen Clark barely two weeks into the presidency.

But Obama’s bad habit did not begin when he became president. He was habitually late to events on the presidential campaign trail and to meetings as a U.S. senator, as you can see in this video:
Why Is Obama Always Late Fellowship of the Minds

VERSUS George Bush...
Long-time adviser Karen Hughes asked him years ago why he was always early for appointments. “Late is rude,” Bush replied. He thought that if people were going to take the time to see him, he shouldn’t keep them waiting.
He remembered names of the spouses and children of his staff, and insisted that hard work at the White House not be an excuse to let family life suffer.
The Campaign to Love George W. Bush Has Arrived - The Wire

George Bush didn't have a problem being on time because he was never doing anything.

Yes, it's similar to Osama, except Osama never pretended to be loyal to the US Constitution, taking an oath to defend it, dishonoring himself, proving his cult religion, evil, thus the reason that obama is never capitalized.
President Obama is well within the Constitution

Is he?

Well, then explain his stated intention to Fundamentally change the United States... . And his belief that the Bill of Right is a treatise of Negative Liberties... and his abuse of the Justice Department and the IRS in usurping the rights of Americans.

An odd set of circumstances for the person who swore to defend the US Constitution. And that doesn't even include his refusal to defend the US Citizens working for him in Benghazi... then lying about how they were killed and injured... .

Improving the nation is well within the Constitution.
IRS never abused citizens, requesting backup information to support a claim is not unconstitutional
BENGHAZI was a terrorist attack just like 9-11. Are you saying Bush should be in jail?
Bush didn't lie why 911 happened.
What would I have had him do?

Get Cheney on the phone and discuss emergency plans
Call his Chief of Staff to discuss White House safety and evacuation
Call the Sec Defense to discuss security options
Get minute by minute updates on the attack
Continue reading My Pet Goat?
For a few minutes. What would obama do? Probably go golfing

Ask bin Laden
So the only good thing Obama has done. He relied on intel gathered from the Bush administration, by using water boarding to get the intel? So, in reality if Obama didn't use the intel from the BUSH administration, bin Laden would still be alive today. Cause he wouldn't do what needed to be done to do the job. My gosh I can't wait for 2016 and we will get a leader back in office.
If Bush had all that information....why did he stop chasing bin Laden?

Guess what Republicans.....bin Laden was not in Iraq, he was in Pakistan

And Obama got him
You are an idiot, Obama used intel got by water boarding to get bin laden. Now before you go to media matters. How do you really feel about Obama trading five high ranked terrorists, for one deserter that is facing life in prison? Careful how you answer.
Repeatedly proven wrong about waterboarding

But let's say Bush had the Intel.......why didn't he go into Pakistan?

Why did Bush break off the chase for bin Laden after Tora bora?

Why did Bush abandon the war on terror to invade Iraq?

Yes, it's similar to Osama, except Osama never pretended to be loyal to the US Constitution, taking an oath to defend it, dishonoring himself, proving his cult religion, evil, thus the reason that obama is never capitalized.
President Obama is well within the Constitution

Is he?

Well, then explain his stated intention to Fundamentally change the United States... . And his belief that the Bill of Right is a treatise of Negative Liberties... and his abuse of the Justice Department and the IRS in usurping the rights of Americans.

An odd set of circumstances for the person who swore to defend the US Constitution. And that doesn't even include his refusal to defend the US Citizens working for him in Benghazi... then lying about how they were killed and injured... .

Improving the nation is well within the Constitution.
IRS never abused citizens, requesting backup information to support a claim is not unconstitutional
BENGHAZI was a terrorist attack just like 9-11. Are you saying Bush should be in jail?
Bush didn't lie why 911 happened.

He lied about WMDs and the threat Iraq was

Bushs lie killed 6000 Americans

I wonder what the idiots have to say?

Bush tricked America into war.

Gave carcinogenic trailers to survivors of Katrina who had already lost everything.

And fooled the country into believing jobs would be created if you gave money to rich people.

He couldn't have been that stupid. He had to know what he was doing was terribly damaging. Or did he?

OH! Well, there ya go... .

Think about rdean's post...
First he said Bush was smart enough to TRICK EVERYONE in the world into war! I thought only Obama was the smartest president?
And then rdean says Bush was so smart he FOOLED THE ENTIRE country! Wow that GWB was one smart cookie!
BUT then rdean turns around and said "He couldn't have been that stupid"? Which is it rdean? Was Bush the smartest guy to fool everyone YET
in the same breath you say he was "stupid" and then you say he had to know, and then you said "or did he"?
Rdean... are you on drugs? Are you bipolar?
Because in the years on this forum I have yet to see such a jumbled contradictions in the same sentences as you have done!
YOU call Bush smart by tricking America into war, then fooled the country with jobs..then stupid !

What the hell are you saying?
I'll leave you with 4 gigantic events that NO OTHER PRESIDENT has ever faced in their 8 years!
1) A recession 2) a Dot.com bust that cost $5 trillion... 3) 9/11 remember that? NOTHING of that magnitude ever faced by any former President 4) WORST hurricane SEASONS!
Bush DID NOTHING to trigger all the above events.... YET Bush created 5 million jobs. Had lower deficits EVEN while conducting the "Liberation of Iraq".
The greatest revenue in history into the US tax coffers. All in spite of nearly 6,000 people dying in 9/11/hurricanes, in spite of nearly 2 million jobs and 18,000 business destroyed in 9/11/hurricanes...
AND LIPs like you can't remember those events!
Truly a sad indictment on you Rdean... and the other idiots that voted for Obama or as Gruber the guy Obama hired called you "Stupidity of American Voter"!!!
Bush created the worst recession in 75 years
He stood by while people died from Katrina
He created 1 million jobs in eight years while Obama has created 8 million jobs in six years
He botched two wars in Iraq and Afghanistan
He failed to get bin Laden
Bush LOST $20 trillion in personal wealth and saw the stock market drop by half
He was the first President in 75 years to leave a lower Dow Jones than he was given
Wow, those are some talking points! I'm surprised you didn't bring Reagan into it.

I wonder what the idiots have to say?

Bush tricked America into war.

Gave carcinogenic trailers to survivors of Katrina who had already lost everything.

And fooled the country into believing jobs would be created if you gave money to rich people.

He couldn't have been that stupid. He had to know what he was doing was terribly damaging. Or did he?

OH! Well, there ya go... .

Think about rdean's post...
First he said Bush was smart enough to TRICK EVERYONE in the world into war! I thought only Obama was the smartest president?
And then rdean says Bush was so smart he FOOLED THE ENTIRE country! Wow that GWB was one smart cookie!
BUT then rdean turns around and said "He couldn't have been that stupid"? Which is it rdean? Was Bush the smartest guy to fool everyone YET
in the same breath you say he was "stupid" and then you say he had to know, and then you said "or did he"?
Rdean... are you on drugs? Are you bipolar?
Because in the years on this forum I have yet to see such a jumbled contradictions in the same sentences as you have done!
YOU call Bush smart by tricking America into war, then fooled the country with jobs..then stupid !

What the hell are you saying?
I'll leave you with 4 gigantic events that NO OTHER PRESIDENT has ever faced in their 8 years!
1) A recession 2) a Dot.com bust that cost $5 trillion... 3) 9/11 remember that? NOTHING of that magnitude ever faced by any former President 4) WORST hurricane SEASONS!
Bush DID NOTHING to trigger all the above events.... YET Bush created 5 million jobs. Had lower deficits EVEN while conducting the "Liberation of Iraq".
The greatest revenue in history into the US tax coffers. All in spite of nearly 6,000 people dying in 9/11/hurricanes, in spite of nearly 2 million jobs and 18,000 business destroyed in 9/11/hurricanes...
AND LIPs like you can't remember those events!
Truly a sad indictment on you Rdean... and the other idiots that voted for Obama or as Gruber the guy Obama hired called you "Stupidity of American Voter"!!!

YOU know why do you make such totally false statements WHEN THERE IS THE INTERNET to prove YOU so f...king WRONG???
YOU SAID: Bush created the worst recession in 75 years
PROVE from this TABLE where it was the worst recession since 1933!!!
Recession 1937 GDP down: 18.2%
recession 1945 GDP down 12.7%
Bush 2007 4.3% BIG f...king woo!!!
1937 19%
1980s 10.8%
Bush 10.%

AGAIN where in the hell did you come up with "Bush created the worst recession in 75 years"???

List of recessions in the United States - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
Screen Shot 2015-03-25 at 9.18.48 PM.png

He stood by while people died from Katrina
F...king prove THAT you frigging liar!

YOU are a liar when you wrote"He created 1 million jobs in eight years while Obama has created 8 million jobs in six years
FACTS again.......
400,000 jobs due to Hurricanes Katrina/Rita
145,000 jobs in NYC alone due to 9/11
300,000 jobs lost due to dot.com busts.
Notice Data not available U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics

nonfarm employees gain or loss from year to year
2001...... 131,826,000 41,000
2002...... 130,341,000 -1,485,000 Effect of 9/11/01
2003...... 129,999,000 -342,000 Effect of 9/11/01
2004...... 131,435,000 1,436,000 Tax cuts of 2001, 2003 went into affect
2005...... 133,703,000 2,268,000
2006...... 136,086,000 2,383,000
2007...... 137,598,000 1,512,000 Effect of hurricanes 400,000 jobs lost...
2008...... 136,790,000 -808,000 Effect global collapse
5,005,000 jobs created from 2001 to 2008
Largest Gross Domestic Product in history!!
When Bush took office in 2001 GDP was $12.355,271,000,000
when Bush left office in 2008 GDP was $14,359,490,000,000
A 16% increase in GDP or $2 TRILLION.
Instead, he said the electorate was stupid.

That is arrogance.
Except when the Right says it!!!!!

August 5, 2009
RUSH: It's only a low-information voter (we used to have call 'em "morons") ... The new stupid America

“You want to see how stupid our fellow citizens are? Take a look at last Tuesday night”
- Trey Gowdy, November 11, 2014

July 23, 2013
RUSH: The country is stupid.

Rush didn't create the ACA, dumbass! that affect millions!
YOU know why do you make such totally false statements WHEN THERE IS THE INTERNET to prove YOU so f...king WRONG???
YOU SAID: Bush created the worst recession in 75 years
PROVE from this TABLE where it was the worst recession since 1933!!!
Recession 1937 GDP down: 18.2%
recession 1945 GDP down 12.7%
Bush 2007 4.3% BIG f...king woo!!!
1937 19%
1980s 10.8%
Bush 10.%

AGAIN where in the hell did you come up with "Bush created the worst recession in 75 years"???

List of recessions in the United States - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
View attachment 38543

He stood by while people died from Katrina

Healthmyths said:

F...king prove THAT you frigging liar!

YOU are a liar when you wrote"He created 1 million jobs in eight years while Obama has created 8 million jobs in six years
FACTS again.......
400,000 jobs due to Hurricanes Katrina/Rita
145,000 jobs in NYC alone due to 9/11
300,000 jobs lost due to dot.com busts.
Notice Data not available U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics

nonfarm employees gain or loss from year to year
2001...... 131,826,000 41,000
2002...... 130,341,000 -1,485,000 Effect of 9/11/01
2003...... 129,999,000 -342,000 Effect of 9/11/01
2004...... 131,435,000 1,436,000 Tax cuts of 2001, 2003 went into affect
2005...... 133,703,000 2,268,000
2006...... 136,086,000 2,383,000
2007...... 137,598,000 1,512,000 Effect of hurricanes 400,000 jobs lost...
2008...... 136,790,000 -808,000 Effect global collapse
5,005,000 jobs created from 2001 to 2008
Largest Gross Domestic Product in history!!
When Bush took office in 2001 GDP was $12.355,271,000,000
when Bush left office in 2008 GDP was $14,359,490,000,000
A 16% increase in GDP or $2 TRILLION.
YOU are a liar when you wrote"He created 1 million jobs in eight years while Obama has created 8 million jobs in six years
nonfarm employees gain or loss from year to year
2001...... 131,826,000 41,000
2002...... 130,341,000 -1,485,000 Effect of 9/11/01
2003...... 129,999,000 -342,000 Effect of 9/11/01
2004...... 131,435,000 1,436,000 Tax cuts of 2001, 2003 went into affect
2005...... 133,703,000 2,268,000
2006...... 136,086,000 2,383,000
2007...... 137,598,000 1,512,000 Effect of hurricanes 400,000 jobs lost...
2008...... 136,790,000 -808,000 Effect global collapse
5,005,000 jobs created from 2001 to 2008

Table A-1. Employment status of the civilian population by sex and age

137,778,000 employed and 6,023,000 unemployed when Clinton left office Jan 2001.
142,152,000 employed and 12,058,000 unemployed when Bush left office Jan 2009.
For a NET LOSS of 661,000 jobs under the Bush Regime.

142,152,000 employed and 12,058,000 unemployed when Obama took office Jan 2009.
148,297,000 employed and 8,705,000 unemployed now.
For a NET GAIN of 9,498,000 jobs under Obama.

And my link works!
But let's say Bush had the Intel.......why didn't he go into Pakistan?
He did many times.

Why did Bush break off the chase for bin Laden after Tora bora?

He didn't...

Why did Bush abandon the war on terror to invade Iraq?

He didn't.. the invasion of Iraq was a 2nd theater in the war on terror.

It appears he did

US troops followed bin Laden into Tora Bora. Once they allowed him to escape they broke off the chase

By this time (coincidence?) Bush was more interested in getting approval to invade Iraq than catching bin Laden. In fact, if he had killed bin Laden in Tora Bora, it is unlikely he would have gotten approval to invade Iraq. The American people would have considered the war on terror over and would not have tolerated an unrelated invasion of Iraq
YOU know why do you make such totally false statements WHEN THERE IS THE INTERNET to prove YOU so f...king WRONG???
YOU SAID: Bush created the worst recession in 75 years
PROVE from this TABLE where it was the worst recession since 1933!!!
Recession 1937 GDP down: 18.2%
recession 1945 GDP down 12.7%
Bush 2007 4.3% BIG f...king woo!!!
1937 19%
1980s 10.8%
Bush 10.%

AGAIN where in the hell did you come up with "Bush created the worst recession in 75 years"???

List of recessions in the United States - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
View attachment 38543

He stood by while people died from Katrina

Healthmyths said:

F...king prove THAT you frigging liar!

YOU are a liar when you wrote"He created 1 million jobs in eight years while Obama has created 8 million jobs in six years
FACTS again.......
400,000 jobs due to Hurricanes Katrina/Rita
145,000 jobs in NYC alone due to 9/11
300,000 jobs lost due to dot.com busts.
Notice Data not available U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics

nonfarm employees gain or loss from year to year
2001...... 131,826,000 41,000
2002...... 130,341,000 -1,485,000 Effect of 9/11/01
2003...... 129,999,000 -342,000 Effect of 9/11/01
2004...... 131,435,000 1,436,000 Tax cuts of 2001, 2003 went into affect
2005...... 133,703,000 2,268,000
2006...... 136,086,000 2,383,000
2007...... 137,598,000 1,512,000 Effect of hurricanes 400,000 jobs lost...
2008...... 136,790,000 -808,000 Effect global collapse
5,005,000 jobs created from 2001 to 2008
Largest Gross Domestic Product in history!!
When Bush took office in 2001 GDP was $12.355,271,000,000
when Bush left office in 2008 GDP was $14,359,490,000,000
A 16% increase in GDP or $2 TRILLION.

Bush was President in 2008...why break it off at 2008?

How many jobs were lost in 2008? 3 million? 4 million?

Come in, you can tell us
YOU know why do you make such totally false statements WHEN THERE IS THE INTERNET to prove YOU so f...king WRONG???
YOU SAID: Bush created the worst recession in 75 years
PROVE from this TABLE where it was the worst recession since 1933!!!
Recession 1937 GDP down: 18.2%
recession 1945 GDP down 12.7%
Bush 2007 4.3% BIG f...king woo!!!
1937 19%
1980s 10.8%
Bush 10.%

AGAIN where in the hell did you come up with "Bush created the worst recession in 75 years"???

List of recessions in the United States - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
View attachment 38543

He stood by while people died from Katrina

Healthmyths said:

F...king prove THAT you frigging liar!

YOU are a liar when you wrote"He created 1 million jobs in eight years while Obama has created 8 million jobs in six years
FACTS again.......
400,000 jobs due to Hurricanes Katrina/Rita
145,000 jobs in NYC alone due to 9/11
300,000 jobs lost due to dot.com busts.
Notice Data not available U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics

nonfarm employees gain or loss from year to year
2001...... 131,826,000 41,000
2002...... 130,341,000 -1,485,000 Effect of 9/11/01
2003...... 129,999,000 -342,000 Effect of 9/11/01
2004...... 131,435,000 1,436,000 Tax cuts of 2001, 2003 went into affect
2005...... 133,703,000 2,268,000
2006...... 136,086,000 2,383,000
2007...... 137,598,000 1,512,000 Effect of hurricanes 400,000 jobs lost...
2008...... 136,790,000 -808,000 Effect global collapse
5,005,000 jobs created from 2001 to 2008
Largest Gross Domestic Product in history!!
When Bush took office in 2001 GDP was $12.355,271,000,000
when Bush left office in 2008 GDP was $14,359,490,000,000
A 16% increase in GDP or $2 TRILLION.

Bush was President in 2008...why break it off at 2008?

How many jobs were lost in 2008? 3 million? 4 million?

Come in, you can tell us

Huh... please provide the policies which were initiated and advocated by Bush... specifically, which initiated the loss of even one of those jobs.

(Reader, you should know that the above requirement in holding the contributor accountable, will tend to dry the conversation up. After, at best, an attempt by the contributor to deflect, obfuscate and deny the obvious, wherein being present at the inevitable catastrophic end, does not make one responsible for the inevitable catastrophe.)
Last edited:
It appears he did

US troops followed bin Laden into Tora Bora. Once they allowed him to escape they broke off the chase

So you need to conclude that following into Tora Bora, and not coming out of Tora Bora with him, requires that 'they allowed him to escape'?


I mean losing someone in a maze of caves, under a range of steep mountains and caverns is not complicity. It's an indication of limitations. Which you seek to obtusely deny... and project as complicity. It's something well south of weak. It's pitiful.
YOU know why do you make such totally false statements WHEN THERE IS THE INTERNET to prove YOU so f...king WRONG???
YOU SAID: Bush created the worst recession in 75 years
PROVE from this TABLE where it was the worst recession since 1933!!!
Recession 1937 GDP down: 18.2%
recession 1945 GDP down 12.7%
Bush 2007 4.3% BIG f...king woo!!!
1937 19%
1980s 10.8%
Bush 10.%

AGAIN where in the hell did you come up with "Bush created the worst recession in 75 years"???

List of recessions in the United States - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
View attachment 38543

He stood by while people died from Katrina

Healthmyths said:

F...king prove THAT you frigging liar!

YOU are a liar when you wrote"He created 1 million jobs in eight years while Obama has created 8 million jobs in six years
FACTS again.......
400,000 jobs due to Hurricanes Katrina/Rita
145,000 jobs in NYC alone due to 9/11
300,000 jobs lost due to dot.com busts.
Notice Data not available U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics

nonfarm employees gain or loss from year to year
2001...... 131,826,000 41,000
2002...... 130,341,000 -1,485,000 Effect of 9/11/01
2003...... 129,999,000 -342,000 Effect of 9/11/01
2004...... 131,435,000 1,436,000 Tax cuts of 2001, 2003 went into affect
2005...... 133,703,000 2,268,000
2006...... 136,086,000 2,383,000
2007...... 137,598,000 1,512,000 Effect of hurricanes 400,000 jobs lost...
2008...... 136,790,000 -808,000 Effect global collapse
5,005,000 jobs created from 2001 to 2008
Largest Gross Domestic Product in history!!
When Bush took office in 2001 GDP was $12.355,271,000,000
when Bush left office in 2008 GDP was $14,359,490,000,000
A 16% increase in GDP or $2 TRILLION.

Bush was President in 2008...why break it off at 2008?

How many jobs were lost in 2008? 3 million? 4 million?

Come in, you can tell us

Huh... please provide the policies which were initiated and advocated by Bush... specifically, which initiated the loss of even one of those jobs.

(Reader, you should know that the above requirement in holding the contributor accountable, will tend to dry the conversation up. After, at best, an attempt by the contributor to deflect, obfuscate and deny the obvious, wherein being present at the inevitable catastrophic end, does not make one responsible for the inevitable catastrophe.)

You thought I wouldn't respond?

What Bush did was take a position that the market would correct itself and no major action was required. He did not even acknowledge we were in a recession until after the 2008 elections

Bush finally took actions at the urging of Paulson as his Presidency came to an end. He started to be more worried about his legacy than what was good for the Republicans. In the end, Bush finally told Cheney to shut the fuck up and took Paulsons advice. Too little too late
YOU are a liar when you wrote"He created 1 million jobs in eight years while Obama has created 8 million jobs in six years
nonfarm employees gain or loss from year to year
2001...... 131,826,000 41,000
2002...... 130,341,000 -1,485,000 Effect of 9/11/01
2003...... 129,999,000 -342,000 Effect of 9/11/01
2004...... 131,435,000 1,436,000 Tax cuts of 2001, 2003 went into affect
2005...... 133,703,000 2,268,000
2006...... 136,086,000 2,383,000
2007...... 137,598,000 1,512,000 Effect of hurricanes 400,000 jobs lost...
2008...... 136,790,000 -808,000 Effect global collapse
5,005,000 jobs created from 2001 to 2008

Table A-1. Employment status of the civilian population by sex and age

137,778,000 employed and 6,023,000 unemployed when Clinton left office Jan 2001.
142,152,000 employed and 12,058,000 unemployed when Bush left office Jan 2009.
For a NET LOSS of 661,000 jobs under the Bush Regime.

142,152,000 employed and 12,058,000 unemployed when Obama took office Jan 2009.
148,297,000 employed and 8,705,000 unemployed now.
For a NET GAIN of 9,498,000 jobs under Obama.

And my link works!

NO both your LINK and Math doesn't work!!!

YOUR LINK brings up this screen!

Screen Shot 2015-03-26 at 8.49.54 AM.png

Now MY LINK: Notice Data not available U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics
Jan 2001 132,696,000 employed people then ... Dec 2008 134,773,000 total net more people working 2,077,000

Then when you get into the numbers:
Recession that started under Clinton started officially 3/01 ended 11/01... lost 1,708,000 jobs again started under Clinton.
Then 9/11/01 occurred. over 400,000 jobs lost in that event alone... ending job loss in Oct. 2002 during which from 9/01 to 10/02
total jobs lost:1,275,000 so from 1/01 to 8/03 a total of 2,595,000 fewer people employed.
AGAIN you idiots don't seem to account for the RECESSION/Dot.com bust and 9/11 occurred. 2,595,000 fewer people working.
So Bush started in the hole losing jobs because of Clinton's recession and 9/11 almost 2.6 million fewer employed.
BUT starting in 09/2003 employed 130,250,000 and ending in 2/2008 138,199,000 were employed... an increase of 7,949,000!
Beginning then with the housing collapse that had it's bubble busted that had started by Obama in 1995 with a lawsuit against Citibank
that forced the Community Reinvestment Act.. thus starting the sub-par lending !
The bubble broke in Feb 2008 when the total EMPLOYED were 138,199,000 and ending in Dec 2008 with 134,773,000 or 3,426,000 fewer employed.
And of course you totally forget the nearly 400,000 jobs were lost due to the worst hurricane SEASONS in history!

Screen Shot 2015-03-26 at 8.55.45 AM.png

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