Obama's Double Dip Recession - OIL SKYROCKETING PRICES!!!

So here's what we've learned from the usual suspect Wingers here...High gas Prices = BAD and all the President's fault when a Republican is in Power but High Gas Prices = GOOD and definitely not the President's fault when a Democrat is in Power. That about sum things up? SHEESH!

And do you notice that good or bad, "none-of-above" are the Socialist approach to solving the problem permanently??
Yes this is becoming very disturbing for Americans. Gas Prices really are skyrocketing. I'm sure the usual suspects will play it off like it's no big deal now that their guys are in power. These same usual suspects completely freaked out over high gas prices when the other side had power though. Yea I'm pretty sure their reaction is going to be quite different this time around. In a nutshell for the Wingers & MSM...High Gas Prices = All the President's Fault when a Republican is in Power/No big deal and definitely someone else's fault when a Democrat is in Power. Same ole same ole in the end.

Oh what a load of horse hocky.

No when the prices were spiking under Bush II he was not responsible and now that it is spiking under Obama he is also not responsible.

Honestly don't you folks every get tired of telling us what the LEFT thinks?

Of course not and we all know why, too, don't we?

Because if you right wing tools didn't insinate a load of nonsense into the mouths of the people who you hate you would not have a god damned thing to say.

Grow up

Gas prices were less than $1.90 when Obama took office - looks like the spike during the BOOOSSSHHHHH era was resolved.

what a crock of poo poo, Boe!

in 2008, under your beloved Republican president, gas prices averaged $3 bucks, in 2009 under Obama, the Democratic president they averaged around $2 bucks a gallon.

in 2008 peak, gasoline was $4.30 cents up here....it HELPED bring us to our knees, and was a PART of the total economic crash that took place under president bush, that late summer/early fall crash.

I am not pleased with the oil/gas prices we are seeing....paying $350 a month just for heating oil 2 months in a row plus the electric is killing us...not a dime extra to spend when you add the higher gasoline prices for matt's 60 mile a day, back and forth to his job....

but you are smart enough to know the total unrest in the middle east and the oil speculator's concerns is what is driving prices higher at this moment....

God forbid, someone sneezes in the middle east and prices skyrocket....

you know it and i know it, and the world knows it....AND THIS IS WHY WE MUST get off the TEET of middle eastern oil and move on to our next fuel source....whatever that may be....natural gas, electric, nuke plants, solar, WHATEVER it takes.

NOT because of the gosh darn pollution or global warming crud, BUT because of the middle east hotspot.
Gas prices remained relatively stable from 1993-1999 before enduring a sizable uptick in 2000 as the phenomenal run in US tech stocks started to come undone.

Now let's look at 2001-2009. This time period featured 9/11, the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq, the rise of the BRIC countries (Brazil, Russia, India, China) and a near global economic meltdown:

2001 - $1.61
2002 - $1.47
2003 - $1.69
2004 - $1.94
2005 - $2.30
2006 - $2.51
2007 - $2.64
2008 - $3.01
2009 - $2.14

The big story during this period of time was the continued rise of countries such as China and India, which has resulted in an increased demand for oil, gas and other commodities.

So here's what we've learned from the usual suspect Wingers here...High gas Prices = BAD and all the President's fault when a Republican is in Power but High Gas Prices = GOOD and definitely not the President's fault when a Democrat is in Power. That about sum things up? SHEESH!

Dude Bush started two wars in the ME.

This new development is the people of the ME fighting for democracy.

Do you think the powers that still exsist in the ME want the to world side with the revolutionaries who are seeking freedom or them?

Of course it benifits the ME pwoer brokers to make us get scared about oil prices.

Afghanistan isn't in the middle east! And are you really going to say that getting attacked on 9/11 and then taking action against the perpetrators in Afghanistan was Bush's fault?
American Thinker: Obama Nixes Safe Drilling

With the Middle East and North Africa unrest, price of gas will get to $5 a gallon, because the annual price increase during the summer months. During the summer months it will get to $6 a gallon. Make no mistake, this will be catrosphic to our economy. We will exceed 10% unemployment.

The Dimcrats will says it the Middle East uproar and they will ignore the fact that Obama has put a hold on all domestic off-shoring for AMERICAN companies only. Oil drilling technology got better, but he refuses to allow drilling in CO, ANWR and other places!

For the environazi propaganda, we have more oil here and off our shores than in Saudi Arabia, Venezuela or Iran. We have as much oil as Canada and Russia. However, the nutjobs environazis refuse to allow us to tap into it!

We should all be very scared!

the unrest in the middle east is obama's fault now?

funny.... i thought it got de-stabilized when we removed saddam from power. silly moi.

instead of continued reliance on fossil fuels, maybe we should be exploring alternative energies?

nah...we'd rather destroy ANWR for a minimal amount of oil that would take 10 years to extract.


You'll look hot walking to work gurl.
This is a campaign promise that Obama has actually kept. He did say that Energy Prices Would Sky Rocket.

Such inflation is a cruel tax on working people, who should, of course, take comfort in the fact that it will help even more expensive Green Energy appear a bit more palatable to justify Obama giving it tons of government hand-outs.

He did indeed say it:

"Under my plan of a cap-and-trade system, electricity rates would necessarily skyrocket," Obama told the Chronicle . "Coal-powered plants, you know, natural gas, you name it, whatever the plants were, whatever the industry was, they would have to retrofit their operations. That will cost money. They will pass that money on to consumers." ~ Barack Obama in the San Francisco Chronicle , January, 2008


When our dollar weakens even further and inflation increases.....your really going to see some sky high gas prices.
GE is salivating over these increased Gas Prices. They have a very cozy relationship with this White House. They stand to make several $Billions off possible "Green" Legislation. So Obama and his "Green" brethren might just be very pleased with these developments. I know it's dirty but i'm just pointing out reality. Your suffering could = huge profit for them. This could be very good news for GE and this White House.
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This is a campaign promise that Obama has actually kept. He did say that Energy Prices Would Sky Rocket.

Such inflation is a cruel tax on working people, who should, of course, take comfort in the fact that it will help even more expensive Green Energy appear a bit more palatable to justify Obama giving it tons of government hand-outs.

When did he campaign on that? If he did then anyone who voted for him is dumber than we give them credit for. I have posted many times I hope we see the rise of the electric car starting this year and we start to end our addiction to foreign oil.

HOWEVER, I never would want oil to increase to achieve that end. Oil increases before we have an alternative (and ethanol is not an alternative its a false prophet) are going to kill us! $5 and $6 gas prices will destroy any recovery that might or might not be started!


US approves first deep-water well in Gulf

Director Michael Bromwich said that regulators approved the permit after the company demonstrated it is capable of containing a well blowout. Noble contracted with the Helix Well Containment Group to use its emergency capping stack to stop the flow of oil in case it loses control of a well.
Click here!

Another emergency containment solution, offered by a consortium led by Exxon Mobil Corp., was announced earlier this month.

"We expect further deepwater permits to be approved in coming weeks and months based on the same process that led to the approval of this permit," Bromwich said.

The U.S. has approved 37 other drilling permits, all of them in shallow water, since the moratorium was lifted.
GE is salivating over these increased Gas Prices. They have a very cozy relationship with this White House. They stand to make several $Billions off possible "Green" Legislation. So Obama and his "Green" brethren might just be very pleased with these developments. I know it's dirty but i'm just pointing out reality. This could be very good news for GE and this White House.

It ain't easy being green...


Spain’s green jobs boondoggle

Job Losses From Obama Green Stimulus Foreseen in Spanish Study

The price of green jobs? Learn from Spain
stupid is as stupid does.... I guess....

Oil prices are NOT going up because of the green movement...for goodness sakes, get a grip on reality.

no one in the Green Industry or supporting the Green movement HAS MADE THE OIL PRICES to go up....sheesh almighty....

To act and imply and say they are, is just utter BS.

yep, stupid is as stupid does....

isn't it embarrassing to flap your tongues with garbage? Use your God given brain...PLEASE.
stupid is as stupid does.... I guess....

Oil prices are NOT going up because of the green movement...for goodness sakes, get a grip on reality.

no one in the Green Industry or supporting the Green movement HAS MADE THE OIL PRICES to go up....sheesh almighty....

To act and imply and say they are, is just utter BS.

yep, stupid is as stupid does....

isn't it embarrassing to flap your tongues with garbage? Use your God given brain...PLEASE.

I don't know who said that but i know i didn't. I did say GE and this Administration may not mind these higher Gas Prices though. GE and this White House are very close. GE does stand to make several $Billions off possible "Green" Legislation. This is just reality. These higher Gas Prices may help GE and this White House push their "Green" agenda through. So your suffering could very well = big profits for both. So they haven't made gas prices go up but they probably don't mind it so much. Business is business in the end.
No...but Obama's PLANS through attrition via the EPA, and his EDICTS on drilling are causing what we are seeing.

Granted the market reacting to MIDEAST situation isn't helping...but all the more reason for us to wein ourselves away from the MIDEAST, and do these things ourselves as the AMERICANS we have always been.

it isn't going to happen with Obama in office, or Statist Democrats in power though.
Let me get this straight.

Is the OP saying that American companies are not allowed to drill in U.S. territorial waters,
but foreign companies are?

Really? Is that a fact?

Actually, yes.

Cuba has been encouraged oil drilling in the Gulf of Mexico by Russia and China. Other countries also have oil drilling assets in the Gulf.

BBC NEWS | Americas | Russia to drill for oil off Cuba


And yet, our government continues to hamstring our own energy producers. Go figure.

Learn to read.
GE and other White House cronies could be laughing all the way to the bank over this stuff. Your suffering could very well = Monstrous profits for this White House and their cronies. Those "Green" Laws could be on the way. High Gas prices could help them push it through. So stay tuned.
It's interesting that we pay high fuel prices based on what someone thinks might happen in the future

That's why they are called oil futures.

The whole market is forward thinking.
GE is salivating over these increased Gas Prices. They have a very cozy relationship with this White House. They stand to make several $Billions off possible "Green" Legislation. So Obama and his "Green" brethren might just be very pleased with these developments. I know it's dirty but i'm just pointing out reality. Your suffering could = huge profit for them. This could be very good news for GE and this White House.

GE has always been about GE. They like to control. Who are the powers that be saving the oil reserves for, I wonder?

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