Obama's Drones Have Killed More Than the Spanish Inquisition

Naw, that can't be right.

Haven't you heard the RWs saying Obama hasn't done anything at all about our enemies?



Longknife runs after posting, if he stayed he could be a scimitar....
Drones kill terrorists

They are not part of a religious war
Good, there are terrorists than heretics, though the Right seem to defend the terrorists.
So our Dear Leader shoots off his big mouth – again. And now, we'll see hundreds of articles refuting his bigoted, anti-Christian stupidity.

Here's one of them @ Obama 8217 s Drones Have Killed More Than the Spanish Inquisition PJ Tatler linked from War News Updates U.S. Drones Have Killed More Than The Spanish Inquisition

That number is complete horseshit. Already trotted out elsewhere and already shot down.

Doesn't matter if it's made up crap, just keep trotting it out like a show horse, right? Life in Duh Bubble. Echoechoechoecho
Once again, you Lefties do everything you can to protect the Idiot-in-Chief.

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