Obama's 'Going to Violate the Constitution, Unilaterally Lift the Debt Ceiling'

The debt limit has NOTHING to do with allowing more spending,[

Look, you're stupid - it's why you are a leftist.

Congress alone has the authority to borrow money. That means CONGRESS SETS THE DEBT CEILING.

and NOTHING to do with controlling government spending. Likewise, it has nothing to do with violating Article I Section 8 of the Constitution as the OP suggests. It is raised solely to fund previously enacted spending decisions by Congress. It is an "after-the-fact" action that is typically done automatically, unless somebody wants to make it a political talking point, of course.

Instead let's concentrate on the spending decisions that make raising the debt-ceiling necessary in the first place. But that won't happen, will it? Doing that would bring the actual voting and actions of our elected officials to the attention of the public and might actually result in a more informed electorate.

Can't have that. Instead, let's create a bogeyman called "the debt ceiling." It works because it's such a scary-sounding thing, like saying "9/11" over and over to justify whatever Homeland Security measures the Fed wants to dream up.

If your little tin god violates the debt ceiling, he violates the U.S. Constitution. Since he does that on a regular basis, including murdering U.S. Citizens, no big deal. It's not like we are a nation of laws anyway.

My tin god? I'm a Republican, but thanks.

I recommend you educate yourself about what the debt ceiling is. If you believe that it has anything to do with controlling Congressional spending decisions I don't know what to tell you.

Making this a Constitutional issue regarding the 14th Amendment is exactly what we SHOULDN'T be doing. All the effort is entirely in the wrong place. We can argue the interpretation of the 14th Amendment until we are all blue in the face. It doesn't matter. The decisions to reduce spending have to be made regardless of the debt ceiling. I suggest focusing on that.

I would like the GOP to get the White House back someday. Causing a government shutdown won't do it.
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Hard to argue with. The Federal Government is in breach of the social contract. But since 51% of voters put the miscreants back into power, what basis have we to enforce the contract?


I laughed at that too.

One would think that, after the last GObP debacle that got our credit rating lowered, the rw's would look up the meaning of DEBT CEILING.

One would think that but one would be wrong.

They still don't know what the Debt Ceiling is.

What was that? I didn't hear you the 1st time I asked you. Who was President during the 1st ever downgrade of the U.S.?

Louder, please....OBAMA!
I, for one, hope they DO NOT raise the debt limit and government hasn't got the money to pay all its debts.

Yes, I know this will directly effect me as I live on government pensions and the checks would stop if that happened.

But, it just might wake up millions of people who have come to believe the government is the ONLY solution.

Let's see food stamps, WIC, unemployment checks, housing aid and all the other handouts come to an abrupt halt and see what happens.

Wanna bet we'll see riots in the inner cities?

My tin god? I'm a Republican, but thanks.

Of course you are, so many Obamabots are..

I recommend you educate yourself about what the debt ceiling is. If you believe that it has anything to do with controlling Congressional spending decisions I don't know what to tell you.

Again, you serve your little tin god, you'll say anything to promote his power. However, the power to borrow money rests SOLELY with congress.

Making this a Constitutional issue regarding the 14th Amendment is exactly what we SHOULDN'T be doing.

What ARE you babbling about?

Article I, section 8. is the controlling portion.

All the effort is entirely in the wrong place. We can argue the interpretation of the 14th Amendment until we are all blue in the face. It doesn't matter. The decisions to reduce spending have to be made regardless of the debt ceiling. I suggest focusing on that.

I would like the GOP to get the White House back someday. Causing a government shutdown won't do it.

Congress alone can borrow; if your Messiah® violates the debt ceiling, he violates the United States Constitution.
Congress alone can borrow; if your Messiah® violates the debt ceiling, he violates the United States Constitution.

the argument would of course be that by authorizing the funds congress authorized the borrowing of said funds - if such an argument were ever made
the argument would of course be that by authorizing the funds congress authorized the borrowing of said funds - if such an argument were ever made

Along the lines of "if she agreed to go out, she agreed to sex, so there is no rape."

Leftist "logic" in action.
My tin god? I'm a Republican, but thanks.

Of course you are, so many Obamabots are..

I recommend you educate yourself about what the debt ceiling is. If you believe that it has anything to do with controlling Congressional spending decisions I don't know what to tell you.

Again, you serve your little tin god, you'll say anything to promote his power. However, the power to borrow money rests SOLELY with congress.

Making this a Constitutional issue regarding the 14th Amendment is exactly what we SHOULDN'T be doing.

What ARE you babbling about?

Article I, section 8. is the controlling portion.

All the effort is entirely in the wrong place. We can argue the interpretation of the 14th Amendment until we are all blue in the face. It doesn't matter. The decisions to reduce spending have to be made regardless of the debt ceiling. I suggest focusing on that.

I would like the GOP to get the White House back someday. Causing a government shutdown won't do it.

Congress alone can borrow; if your Messiah® violates the debt ceiling, he violates the United States Constitution.

The 14th Amendment isn't even an issue, unless politicians want to make it one through interpretation. Congress already authorized the debt by authorizing the expenditures. The debt ceiling is a redundant step that should be removed from the process entirely. There is no Constitutional basis for it even existing. If you want to reduce government spending, something I can easily assume we both want, then the debt ceiling is meaningless.
I'll say it again - rw's need to learn what the Debt Ceiling is.

And, we cannot let the GObP/pubs and pots blackmail us into another default and another credit downgrade.
Debtdeficit cultists do nothing but screw up the recovery. Using real dollars, Raygun was the biggest spender. As for Obama, averting a depression and dealing with the Great Recession cost major money, not to mention ending wars.

The GOP should stfu and let their betters work.
OP: GOOD- though I highly doubt it. Levin is totally FOS and ALWAYS wrong. Pub dupes!
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I'll say it again - rw's need to learn what the Debt Ceiling is.

And, we cannot let the GObP/pubs and pots blackmail us into another default and another credit downgrade.

Do you know what an ass you sound like when you keep repeating GobP/pubs and pots? A big one! I don't see people constantly posting Dummyrats, Dummycraps, Dumbocrats, Dopeycrats, Demorats, Libturds, Libtards, Obamatrons, Obamanations Obamatards. etc., etc...

You diminish yourself and you don't have much to diminsh to begin with, jerkoff.

You sound like a 3 year old who stomps his feet for a lollipop and then when he gets it, he keeps stomping because it isn't the lollipop he wants its the stomping he enjoys.

You sound like an infant.
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yeah. that's not even close to analagous


So agreeing to spending is agreeing to borrowing?

Yeah, it's not "close," it's identical.

Leftist "logic" in action.

BTW, when Obama committed U.S. Forces to help Al Qaeda oust Quadaffi in Libya, how much did Congress approve, spending wise? No doubt that approves Obama borrowing in contradiction to the constitution, right?
The 14th Amendment isn't even an issue, unless politicians want to make it one through interpretation. Congress already authorized the debt by authorizing the expenditures. The debt ceiling is a redundant step that should be removed from the process entirely. There is no Constitutional basis for it even existing. If you want to reduce government spending, something I can easily assume we both want, then the debt ceiling is meaningless.

Okay, you've huffed way too much paint to make any sense at all.
The 14th Amendment isn't even an issue, unless politicians want to make it one through interpretation. Congress already authorized the debt by authorizing the expenditures. The debt ceiling is a redundant step that should be removed from the process entirely. There is no Constitutional basis for it even existing. If you want to reduce government spending, something I can easily assume we both want, then the debt ceiling is meaningless.

Okay, you've huffed way too much paint to make any sense at all.

Ah, so you have nothing to rebut with. I didn't think so.
yeah. that's not even close to analagous


So agreeing to spending is agreeing to borrowing?

Yeah, it's not "close," it's identical.

Leftist "logic" in action.

BTW, when Obama committed U.S. Forces to help Al Qaeda oust Quadaffi in Libya, how much did Congress approve, spending wise? No doubt that approves Obama borrowing in contradiction to the constitution, right?

well let me ask you - how can congress authorize spending money it doesn't have if it doesn't intend to borrow?

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