Biden cancels student debt of Minneapolis mayor who makes $141,000 a year!!!

Kind of makes a fool of me and my kids, paying as they went. We just didn't know, some dumb ass was going to come along giving free money, for money spent on college, after the fact, but only if you took out loans. Now, no way to get in on the benefit, simply because we did it the right way, back then.
I repaid all my loans and it took FOREVER.
This kind of pandering is the worst and it really pisses me off, especially when you hear shit like what's in the op.
Will you continue droning on about him and exposing us to Tennessee whine after he wins?
I can hear Chris Stapleton now...."White can't prooove.....his TDS babbling....can't stop, his Tennessee whine".....
He will not win, so I will probably cut down, while he is trialed for stolen document the he refused to give back and even tried to hide, as well as the trial for trying to overthrow the Georgia election, he lost in popular vote.
He will not win, so I will probably cut down, while he is trialed for stolen document the he refused to give back and even tried to hide, as well as the trial for trying to overthrow the Georgia election, he lost in popular vote.
More baloney from your Dimtard meat market.
Biden is a vegetable, anyone supporting that evil stick of broccoli is wacko.
...So, yes, I would accept the money, as we were not one of the large corporations or banks protected. Doing the right thing cost us heavily, just like the people that did the wrong thing, that are now getting their debts incurred of their own decisions forgiven, for some dumbass reason, I totally do not understand.

To buy votes, dumbass.

Pure idiocy.
You are correct. Donny was an idiot to not only pay off strippers and models for sex, but to cover it for business or tax or campaign funding purposes as business expense, fraudulently cooking the books, knowing it was against the law.
I don't understand how Biden can still cancel student debts when the Supreme court said he couldn't. And he's getting away with it.
There's no legislation from congress that gives Biden that authority...but like Obama when you don't have the majority in congress just ignore them and do whatever the hell you want. If you look at statements from Dem leaders since 2008 over and over again you will see them first stating they don't have the authority to do X then some time later a 180 and they do X anyway because that's what the radical left demand.

Dems: Never mind the law
Is yours for sale? What is it you want or expect to get for your vote?

No comment on your beloved piece of shit using his power to unilaterally forgive debt and place it on the backs of taxpayers, all while defying a direct Supreme Court ruling. Shocking! 🤡
And that's just his official salary. He also rakes in a cool million or so in bribes. Democrats are so corrupt. Vote for the convicted felon in november.

He's also paid back more than he borrowed already. If you qualify for student loan forgiveness, you've been paying for more than 10 years.
You are correct. Donny was an idiot to not only pay off strippers and models for sex, but to cover it for business or tax or campaign funding purposes as business expense, fraudulently cooking the books, knowing it was against the law.
And, of course, he didn't cover up the payment at all, nor cook any books, nor break any law.
You are correct. Donny was an idiot to not only pay off strippers and models for sex, but to cover it for business or tax or campaign funding purposes as business expense, fraudulently cooking the books, knowing it was against the law.

Since I can't place you on ignore, I will continue to call you out for the dumbshit you are. Only a dumbshit can readily list all of the 'evils' of the guy he hates, while turning his head regarding the moron he votes for when his evils are displayed. You voted for Biden, you will again, you have no right to complain about anything he does. 🤡

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