Obama's Grandmother Says He Was Born In Kenya

Here is a recording of a phone conversation with Obama's grandmother where she insists she was present when he was born in Kenya>

Obama is a chronic liar and cheat. If you believe anything that asshole says, you are being foolish.

Holy Rip Van Winkle! Welcome. Hope you had a nice long nap.

You can't even quote his brother saying what you claimed he said.

Are you ever not a rambtard?

And then he said you are a phony troll... and I think he was right....
In 1961 Kenya had no international airport. It was four days of flying to Hawaii. Pregnant women were not allowed to fly the long hauls after the second trimester or until 6 weeks after the birth.

If Obama had been born in Kenya his birth would have to be registered at the nearest US embassy or consulate otherwise his mother could not get him into the US through US Customs and Immigration.

Your ignorance is staggering.
Ann Dunham Barry's mom was an American citizen... customs doesn't remove babies from their American citizen mother upon entry into the USA... we didn't back them and we don't today... so maybe its your ignorance that is staggering....
Obama, as the child of an American citizen, is an American citizen, regardless of where he was born and eligible to run for the Presidency if he is 35 or older.
Ann Dunham Barry's mom was an American citizen... customs doesn't remove babies from their American citizen mother upon entry into the USA... we didn't back them and we don't today... so maybe its your ignorance that is staggering....

Oh yes they do...and did. A baby has to have a passport or be on his mother's passport. If the baby is born abroad the birth has to be registered with the nearest US consulate or embassy.. they issue a passport to the baby. It's been that way since at least 1950 a least as far back as I remember... probably earlier.
Oh yes they do...and did. A baby has to have a passport or be on his mother's passport. If the baby is born abroad the birth has to be registered with the nearest US consulate or embassy.. they issue a passport to the baby. It's been that way since at least 1950 a least as far back as I remember... probably earlier.
We don't separate American citizen mothers from their new born babies... we give them time to get their paperwork in order and allow them to enter... I challenge you to find an example that proves otherwise....
We don't separate American citizen mothers from their new born babies... we give them time to get their paperwork in order and allow them to enter... I challenge you to find an example that proves otherwise....

Have you ever been through the process? I have.

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