Obama's Grandmother Says He Was Born In Kenya

They don't stand around waiting for the mother to register the birth of a child born overseas. Have you had a child born overseas? The consulate or embassy takes their footprint.
Keep digging dummy.... lol
Have you had a baby born abroad?
Call the customs office and ask what their policy is when an American citizen shows up with a baby born abroad... they will tell you they release the mother and direct her to the proper channels to get a visa for her child pending applying for residency...
Remember... the law reads that you must be born in America or on American soil like a military base for example to run for president... when I was stationed in Okinawa my 8 month pregnant wife visited me.... so she did her homework on this issue....
We don't have to, and as next year will prove, we have the votes and you don't.

And the weirdos will never see their version of a natural born citizen be enacted into law.
Boy are you ever boxed stamped and sold.... all that's left is for your number tattoo on your wrist...... unbelievable....
Obama's grandparents raised him a communist.....says who?

Is it you? Its you, isn't it?
So your source is a dude on the internet called 'Cliff Kincaid'. Who has nothing to back his claim.

You literally have no evidence to back your claim. And have accepted as truth, the words of "Cliff", who backs his accusations with nothing.

You've so efficiently debunked yourself. In one post, you demonstrated how little it takes to convince you of a conspiracy. Just a dude named 'Cliff' typing out the words. And that your claims have no actual evidence.

You are, as always, my first, best argument against the conspiracy batshit you pedal.
So your source is a dude on the internet called 'Cliff Kincaid'. Who has nothing to back his claim.

You literally have no evidence to back your claim. And have accepted as truth, the words of "Cliff", who backs his accusations with nothing.

You've so efficiently debunked yourself. In one post, you demonstrated how little it takes to convince you of a conspiracy. Just a dude named 'Cliff' typing out the words. And that your claims have no actual evidence.

You are, as always, my first, best argument against the conspiracy batshit you pedal.

Laughing....says 'Cliff' from the internet. Literally backed by nothing.

This is why you fail, Last. You start with your conspiracy first. And then try to scrabble anything to back it. Even if your best source is some random dude on the internet just saying it must be so.

Are you starting to see why your ilk so consistently fail in court?
Laughing....says 'Cliff' from the internet. Literally backed by nothing.

This is why you fail, Last. You start with your conspiracy first. And then try to scrabble anything to back it. Even if your best source is some random dude on the internet just saying it must be so.

Are you starting to see why your ilk so consistently fail in court?
Obama's performance as president backs it. He weakened our country every chance he got.

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