Obama's Hawaiian vacation could have paid 194 air traffic controllers' salaries

yea truth matters sometimes I agree with that statement. come on whats the big deal about obama going to hawaii? we all know bush jr. took more vactions to his ranch in texas.

When you work from home do you call that "vacation"?
Bush spent almost NO time at resorts, exotic locations etc.. as Obama has that required as Obama has for example:
When you travel to a resort or exotic location requiring $20 million in tax payers money is that a vacation?

Also the word is "VACATIONS" your ignorance is appalling and laziness is typical of idiots who make that statement!

We are talking about Obama spending $20 million that at a time of sequestration HE spent while causing Americans pain!
All because he is a selfish OAF . An arrogant idiot who doesn't CARE about Americans or while else would he cost Americans $1.4 billion
a year to take care of him? How selfish ... all the while his brother lives in a $12/year hut!!
What a hypocrite par excellence!
Congress can end the stupid sequester right now

Why don't they do it?

Because we can't continue purchasing on the credit card. Tough love.

If they want to cut the budget ....then cut it

Allowing fall off the cliff budget decisions is not the way to do it

They did cut the budget by X percent......just like all the businesses I've worked for have done. Your department has to cut 15% for next year's budget. Figure out how to do that and report back. It works in businesses across the world, it can work in government as well.
A May 2009 Bureau of Labor Statistics report shows the median hourly wages for air traffic controllers was $51.44.

Obama could keep nearly 194 full time air traffic controllers working one year by taking his $20 million Hawaiian vacation.

AF1- $187,000/hour costs to fly.. which is equal to almost 2 air traffic controller at annual salary of $102,000)

If he had done what Bush did go to HIS HOME in Chicago for Christmas instead of the $20 million spent in Hawaii..
Taxpayer Bill for Obama?s Hawaii Vacations: $20 Million | The Blog on Obama: White House Dossier

that would be equal to 194 full time air traffic controllers for a year!

Which is even more coincidental as Obama could have saved the equivalent of "direct economic output reduction of $19 million annually" that Gov. Scott said would cost Florida economy due to flight controllers.

Strange isn't? Obama not only could have SAVED 194 full time air traffic controllers BUT $19 million in economic output!!!

I wonder how many ATC could have been paid with Bush's 1000 days spent between Crawford and Camp David? Think about it: that's almost 3 years out of an 8-year term that he spent just playing around with his chainsaw.

Stack this up against our previous prez:
We all need a little R&R - even the leader of the Free World. Since assuming office in January 2009, President Obama has taken all or part of 83 vacation days, according to CBS News White House correspondent, Mark Knoller. At that rate, Mr. Obama will be on par to take about 168 vacation days during his eight-year tenure.

168 compared to Bush's 1020. I say send him and the fam to Paris when his term is up.
How President Obama's vacation time stacks up - Hawaii News Now - KGMB and KHNL

Bush was at his home. Do you call working from home a "vacation"?
Obama hasn't been to his home in years... spends money on vacation sites like Mexico europe, hawaii... Bush NEVER spent any tax payer money on that!
Why must Obama go to exotic locations for "vacation" while his $50,000 a year mortgage deduction against taxes is empty!

Tell me how many exotic locations Bush went on tax payer expenses?

Um....Try Beijing Olympics.

Hate to remind you of this, but Obama IS FROM HAWAII. He was born there and I know his admin has not contacted you with the family and friends that he sees there, but be patient.

And yes, honey, Bush did spend tax payer money every time he stepped foot outside the W.H. to anywhere the SS and staff escorted him

And no, working from home is bullshit when everybody else is inside the Beltway.
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yea truth matters sometimes I agree with that statement. come on whats the big deal about obama going to hawaii? we all know bush jr. took more vactions to his ranch in texas.

When you work from home do you call that "vacation"?
Bush spent almost NO time at resorts, exotic locations etc.. as Obama has that required as Obama has for example:
When you travel to a resort or exotic location requiring $20 million in tax payers money is that a vacation?

Also the word is "VACATIONS" your ignorance is appalling and laziness is typical of idiots who make that statement!

We are talking about Obama spending $20 million that at a time of sequestration HE spent while causing Americans pain!
All because he is a selfish OAF . An arrogant idiot who doesn't CARE about Americans or while else would he cost Americans $1.4 billion
a year to take care of him? How selfish ... all the while his brother lives in a $12/year hut!!
What a hypocrite par excellence!

Idk know dude, hell everytime you fire up airforce one its a few million dollars. with security and all and how much more would it cost to go to texas then hawaii?
I wonder how many ATC could have been paid with Bush's 1000 days spent between Crawford and Camp David? Think about it: that's almost 3 years out of an 8-year term that he spent just playing around with his chainsaw.

Stack this up against our previous prez:
We all need a little R&R - even the leader of the Free World. Since assuming office in January 2009, President Obama has taken all or part of 83 vacation days, according to CBS News White House correspondent, Mark Knoller. At that rate, Mr. Obama will be on par to take about 168 vacation days during his eight-year tenure.

168 compared to Bush's 1020. I say send him and the fam to Paris when his term is up.
How President Obama's vacation time stacks up - Hawaii News Now - KGMB and KHNL

Bush was at his home. Do you call working from home a "vacation"?
Obama hasn't been to his home in years... spends money on vacation sites like Mexico europe, hawaii... Bush NEVER spent any tax payer money on that!
Why must Obama go to exotic locations for "vacation" while his $50,000 a year mortgage deduction against taxes is empty!

Tell me how many exotic locations Bush went on tax payer expenses?

Um....Try Beijing Olympics.

Hate to remind you of this, but Obama IS FROM HAWAII. He was born there and I know his admin has not contacted you with the family and friends that he sees there, but be patient.

And yes, honey, Bush did spend tax payer money every time he stepped foot outside the W.H. to anywhere the SS and staff escorted him

And no, working from home is bullshit when everybody else is inside the Beltway.

So if OBAMA is from Hawaii why doesn't he buy a home there? Why doesn't he spend his "vacation" time in chicago where he has a home?

OH no one ever said he didn't spend taxpayer money for his travels to his TX home.. NOT JUST AS flagrant wastefully hotels,
security etc...

Bush's home in Tx had a permanent facility for the Secret Service.. NO hotel costs. Had WH in Tx where he lives and worked when not in D.C. And again.. Bush NEVER went to exotic resorts and hotels for vacations.
Also Beijing was a STATE visit NOT A VACATION!

And so you disagree then when people say "they are working from home today" THAT IS A VACATION???

Maybe you should tell these people they are on "vacation"!

But let’s not kid ourselves that working at home means that we necessarily work any less or that it’s somehow more relaxing. I routinely get up at 4 a.m. and routinely work 50-hour weeks. It doesn’t matter whether I’m doing that in an office or on my sofa; I’m still exhausted. In fact, the human resources team at my company recently phoned to remind me that I was “in danger of not complying with company policy by taking my mandatory 28 days of annual leave.” (I know. 28 days? What are they smoking? But this is Europe, after all….)
Dear Americans: Don?t work at home, work less
Barry is a little uncomfortable about the Boston bombers and the FBI's negligence so I bet he gets out of town pretty soon. That's his M.O.
Bush was at his home. Do you call working from home a "vacation"?
Obama hasn't been to his home in years... spends money on vacation sites like Mexico europe, hawaii... Bush NEVER spent any tax payer money on that!
Why must Obama go to exotic locations for "vacation" while his $50,000 a year mortgage deduction against taxes is empty!

Tell me how many exotic locations Bush went on tax payer expenses?

Um....Try Beijing Olympics.

Hate to remind you of this, but Obama IS FROM HAWAII. He was born there and I know his admin has not contacted you with the family and friends that he sees there, but be patient.

And yes, honey, Bush did spend tax payer money every time he stepped foot outside the W.H. to anywhere the SS and staff escorted him

And no, working from home is bullshit when everybody else is inside the Beltway.

So if OBAMA is from Hawaii why doesn't he buy a home there? Why doesn't he spend his "vacation" time in chicago where he has a home?

OH no one ever said he didn't spend taxpayer money for his travels to his TX home.. NOT JUST AS flagrant wastefully hotels,
security etc...

Bush's home in Tx had a permanent facility for the Secret Service.. NO hotel costs. Had WH in Tx where he lives and worked when not in D.C. And again.. Bush NEVER went to exotic resorts and hotels for vacations.
Also Beijing was a STATE visit NOT A VACATION!

And so you disagree then when people say "they are working from home today" THAT IS A VACATION???

Maybe you should tell these people they are on "vacation"!

But let’s not kid ourselves that working at home means that we necessarily work any less or that it’s somehow more relaxing. I routinely get up at 4 a.m. and routinely work 50-hour weeks. It doesn’t matter whether I’m doing that in an office or on my sofa; I’m still exhausted. In fact, the human resources team at my company recently phoned to remind me that I was “in danger of not complying with company policy by taking my mandatory 28 days of annual leave.” (I know. 28 days? What are they smoking? But this is Europe, after all….)
Dear Americans: Don?t work at home, work less

what the fuck is this shit? so you trying to tell me the secrete service had tents set up outside bush jr ranch? I never saw pics of a hotel on bush jrs ranch in texas.
you do know the POTUS has a small army following him around now dont ya? no one would even try to attack the president with out a nuke missle today.

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