Obama's Homeland Security Advisor: America is an Islamic country

Mohamed Elibiary is the founder of Lone Star Intelligence, LLC. He has advised numerous Federal, state and local law enforcement organizations on homeland security-related matters. In 2009, Mr. Elibiary was acknowledged in a Congressional Research Service report for advising the Information Sharing Environment Program Management Office on the Nationwide Suspicious Activity Reporting Initiative. In 2010 he testified before Congress on “Working with Communities to Disrupt Terror Plots.” In 2011, Mr. Elibiary was awarded the Louis E. Peters Memorial Award, the FBI’s highest public service award for “his extraordinary contributions to specific cases in support of the FBI’s counterterrorism mission.” In 2012 the Office of the Federal Public Defender, a division of the U.S. Court, recognized Mohamed for his “tremendous service” leveraging his homegrown violent extremism expertise in the United States vs. Daniel Patrick Boyd counter-terrorism case.

Homeland Security Advisory Council Members | Homeland Security
The Obama administration has promoted a Homeland Security adviser, who is a self-declared Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood supporter, to senior fellow within the Cabinet-level department of the federal government.

Mohamed Elibiary DHS tweetMohamed Elibiary, who was appointed to the Department of Homeland Security Advisory Council by former Secretary Janet Napolitano in 2010, tweeted Sept. 12 that he has been reappointed to the position and promoted.

Elibiary’s Twitter profile photo features a Rabia sign,” a yellow square with a black, four-finger salute and “R4BIA” in the lower corner. According to Front Page Mag, the symbol was adopted by the Muslim Brotherhood to represent the Aug. 14 “martyrdom” of pro-Morsi protesters in Cairo.

Homeland security promotes Mohamed Elibiary despite Muslim Brotherhood alleged ties - The Global Dispatch

This creepy liberal has ties to the Muslim Brotherhood and declared in the next 10 yrs American will be Muslim and actually works in the Homeland Security Dept.. AMAZINGGGGGGGG
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Does anyone ever notice how the self proclaimed Independent always runs cover for this Administration, or tries to?? Even down to demanding the Film maker who did NOTHING to inflame the 9/11 slaughters but was wrongly accused by the lies from this Muslim Brotherhood tied Administration, Ole G5000 demanded he be hung without a trial even..
Huma Abedin is, in some ways, lucky. Although a group of five conservative lawmakers have alleged that she may have connections to the Muslim Brotherhood, public officials on both sides of the aisle have since rushed to defend the character and good name of the high-ranking State Department official.

But the other Muslim American individuals targeted by these lawmakers, who aren't quite as famous as Abedin, haven't been so lucky.

Mohamed Elibiary, a national security expert who serves as an advisor for the Department of Homeland Security, was accused last October of leaking secret documents in an effort to smear then-presidential candidate and Texas Gov. Rick Perry (R) as Islamophobic. The charges led to death threats, and the FBI had to visit Elibiary's home to investigate a suspicious package.

DHS found the charges baseless, but nine months later, Rep. Louie Gohmert (R-Texas), one of Ebiliary's chief accusers, hasn't let it go. He's now taken his issue with Elibiary -- a Republican whom he described last week as "a very nice gentleman" -- even further, accusing him in a June 13 letter to DHS of having ties to the Muslim Brotherhood.

Accused DHS Advisors Say Claims Of Muslim Brotherhood Ties Are Unfounded
Does anyone ever notice how the self proclaimed Independent always runs cover for this Administration, or tries to?? Even down to demanding the Film maker who did NOTHING to inflame the 9/11 slaughters but was wrongly accused by the lies from this Muslim Brotherhood tied Administration, Ole G5000 demanded he be hung without a trial even..

Truth trumps party. Sorry.
Oh look.. it's linked to jew hating propaganda.. What a surprise..

One website reportedly set up by Turkish Muslim activists describes the essence of the R4BIA icon as symbolizing more than the Muslim Brotherhood. It’s described as a “symbol of freedom” but also promotes the “return of Muslims to world stage.” It supports “justice for everyone against rotten Western values,” “a pure martyrdom,” “unification of Islamic World,” “the end of capitalists,” and “the end of Zionists.”
Does anyone ever notice how the self proclaimed Independent always runs cover for this Administration, or tries to?? Even down to demanding the Film maker who did NOTHING to inflame the 9/11 slaughters but was wrongly accused by the lies from this Muslim Brotherhood tied Administration, Ole G5000 demanded he be hung without a trial even..

Truth trumps party. Sorry.
You wanted the man to hang to his death and he did what?????? You accused him of being the cause of the 9-11 attacks.. WHAT FUCKING TRUTH?? You're a parrot for Albaraqi and liberals--- you fool no one here
Barack Obama and his muslim brotherhood friend in Homeland Security JEW HATERS???

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