Obama's honeymoon with the world is over

See my Siggy, because it sure becoming cool latley for independents and moderate libs to be hatin on the messiah.:clap2:
Obama has a record now, which he did not in 2008.

Now the world can see the contradictions between what he says and does, his army of strawmen, and his hyper-partisan inability to show respect towards anyone who doesn't kowtow to him.

The sum is thoroughly unbecoming in a President.
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Libtards are bitterly clinging to Barry, who else they got Joe?
Libtards are bitterly clinging to Barry, who else they got Joe?

Hillary. There is a rush to jump back onto the Clinton bandwagon.
Even the Socialist Commies in Europe think he's a douche-nozzle....


Obama's Turbulent European Vacation - NationalJournal.com

The best way to sum up the obama administration is a brady bunch episode. Jan brady for most popular girl. well jan promised everything to everybody and won the most popular girl contest. but then it came time to deliver on the promises and she couldn't. soon everyone hated her. the most popular boy wouldn't even take the most popular girl to the dance. and there you have the story of barak obama
Libtards are bitterly clinging to Barry, who else they got Joe?

Hillary. There is a rush to jump back onto the Clinton bandwagon.

She looks pretty rough after they tossed her under the bus in the 2008 elections, thankfully she's offered up plenty of reasons not to be elected in 2016, I mean at this point what difference does she make?
I knew EuroLibTards had lost their minds when they awarded a Nobel Peace Prize to Obama before he'd done a damned thing to earn it.

Given that it's four years later now and that he's killing Radical Muslims left-and-right and that he hasn't closed Gitmo and that he's spying on his own people and the Euros too, well...

The shine seems to be off all that Hopey-Changey stuff...

Even amongst the Europeans...

Somehow, I'm not surprised in the slightest...

But... only a few crummy thousand, turning-out for his Big Berlin Brandenburg Gate Moment?

Yikes... Holy Snikkees!

How the Mighty (overrated) have fallen...
Even the Socialist Commies in Europe think he's a douche-nozzle....


Obama's Turbulent European Vacation - NationalJournal.com

The best way to sum up the obama administration is a brady bunch episode. Jan brady for most popular girl. well jan promised everything to everybody and won the most popular girl contest. but then it came time to deliver on the promises and she couldn't. soon everyone hated her. the most popular boy wouldn't even take the most popular girl to the dance. and there you have the story of barak obama

Very well stated, an excellent example of what is defined as the travail of liberalism. The eloquent catch phrases without substance or chance of realization outside the vacuum of academia. The fact that most in America fail to understand is the economic and financial repercussions resulting from such rhetoric. What the world understands now is that candidate Messiah is nothing but meaningless words. They and most are coming to the realization that this man preaches and proclaims while his financial house remains a total mess. The total disconnect from reality becomes more apparent with the passage of time.
Everyone bought into the "hype".

Everyone continued to believe that "hype" even as the years passed and the Obama Administration bungled one situation after another.

Finally it has dawned on many that the Emperor has no clothes...hence the lack of enthusiasm for Barry in Europe these days.
Libs will think we need further to the left presidents so euros will like us. They never get that tons of people hate America no matter what
Is there a country that obama visited where he DIDN'T piss off someone? Karzai of Afghanistan got fed up with obama and he wasn't even there.
Is there a country that obama visited where he DIDN'T piss off someone? Karzai of Afghanistan got fed up with obama and he wasn't even there.

Whenever Bush was bashed by other countries, the same people chuckling now would be saying "F___ what other countries think"!!! Sad cases all. :lol:
Is there a country that obama visited where he DIDN'T piss off someone? Karzai of Afghanistan got fed up with obama and he wasn't even there.

Whenever Bush was bashed by other countries, the same people chuckling now would be saying "F___ what other countries think"!!! Sad cases all. :lol:

It should alert you, of all people, that the very same group you so much cherish has turned their back on your Messiah. As for what the world thinks, I for one don't give a rats ass, we have bailed their sorry asses out enough times already. But I do find humor in how his very same fellow followers have discovered how hollow he is. Remember Bush has not been President for over 4 years so how he or anyone else fits into the discussion is irrelevant.

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