Obama's honeymoon with the world is over

The following two articles speak clearly of Obama's glowing following [one isn't related to Europe although there are numerous post on the blogosphere equal to the first]

Obama's Berlin Bomb

Blog after blog reports that Obama's Brandenburg Gate speech was a huge bomb. JFK has 45,000 in his crowd. How many for the Campaigner-in-Chief? A stunning by-invitation-only 4,500. And very few pictures at all. Read more @ Barack Obama bombs in Berlin: a weak, underwhelming address from a floundering president ? Telegraph Blogs

Obama’s Organizing for Action Has 3 PEOPLE show up for a gun control rally

If you want to know why gun control failed and Republicans senators aren’t exactly shaking in their boots when Obama threatens to use gun control as a campaign issue (ha, ha, ha), this says a lot. Exactly six months after 20 children and six adults were killed at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Conn., a small group from Organizing for Action stood here Friday with 26 flags and signs calling for stricter gun control… The protest drew three members of Organizing for Action, a nonprofit group that supports President Barack Obama’s .
..More @ Organizing for Action gathers a whopping three people for gun-control rally in California « Hot Air

Kinda warms the cockles of my heart! [Ever wonder where that saying comes from? Check it out @ warm the cockles of someone's heart - Wiktionary ]
Bush never went to another country and offered to be king over them too.

obama's trip was a disaster. There is no way to paint that as something other than it was.

Obama’s distinctly unimpressive speech in Berlin was another dud from a floundering president whose leadership abroad is just as weak as it is at home.

The obama presidency is past mediocre and now openly recognized as floundering.
There are many, many millions of people in other countries who are exceedingly grateful for President Bush's policies.
Is there a country that obama visited where he DIDN'T piss off someone? Karzai of Afghanistan got fed up with obama and he wasn't even there.

Whenever Bush was bashed by other countries, the same people chuckling now would be saying "F___ what other countries think"!!! Sad cases all. :lol:

It should alert you, of all people, that the very same group you so much cherish has turned their back on your Messiah. As for what the world thinks, I for one don't give a rats ass, we have bailed their sorry asses out enough times already. But I do find humor in how his very same fellow followers have discovered how hollow he is. Remember Bush has not been President for over 4 years so how he or anyone else fits into the discussion is irrelevant.

Another sad case heard from!!! Calling Obama my "Messiah" not only shows your lack of originality, it puts you in the very group I'm talking about. You're under the deluded misconception that he was ever as highly rated as you say by his supporters or that he's being brought down as low as you say now. It's all a bunch of wishful thinking BS by the chattering class. Congratulations for falling for it! :clap2:

but he didn't end them and still you praise him. so that would make you what? mmmmmm...... a hypocrite?

Where did you see the praise in my post? If you're looking for a hypocrite, look in the mirror. You're nothing but a wishful thinker duped by the chattering class. :clap2:
"...Calling Obama my 'Messiah' not only shows your lack of originality, it puts you in the very group I'm talking about. You're under the deluded misconception that he was ever as highly rated as you say by his supporters..."
Oh, I dunno, some of those Hopey-Changey Obamabots from 2008 came pretty damned close to labeling him the Mahdi or Messiah in the run-up to the election, and this 'Messiah' business is just a way of letting-off steam and poking fun at the Obamabots, half of whom seemed to fly off into multiple orgasms at every rally and speech - a fun-poking pastime that is still enjoyed by many to this day, 5 years later. ;-)
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Even the Socialist Commies in Europe think he's a douche-nozzle....


Obama's Turbulent European Vacation - NationalJournal.com

You wish, warb. Our great president is beloved all over the world.


He is hated in the middle east

The Russians play him like a fiddle as do the Mexicans and Chinese.

Most everyone else seems ambivalent.

Bammy is in over his head on foreign affairs and in domestic policy as well. He is also divisive.

What does he do well other than blame whitey and the GOP for his failures?

It's what happens when you take a Rookie Senator who hasn't even finished his first krappy term, and make a Democratic Party Rock Star outta the guy, whipping the needy and gullible into a feeding frenzy, break down the White House doors, and let the Rookie Win.

I had hoped against hope for a long time that at least he would bring experienced people in alongside him to help govern but, as a rule, his team seems to do even worse than he does.

By now, I keep chanting... three-and-a-half-more-years... three-and-a-half-more-years... and try to delude myself that he-and-his can't turn what's left of our Republic into a train-wreck in the time he's got left.

Then again, I had zero confidence in either McSame nor Mittens, and voted for Obama both times - more fool, I - because I (a) thought the alternatives even worse and (b) may have been deluding myself.

In any event, I got what I voted for, I guess. And I'm not a happy camper, suffering, as I am, from a raging case of Buyer's Remorse.
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It's what happens when you take a Rookie Senator who hasn't even finished his first krappy term, and make a Democratic Party Rock Star outta the guy, whipping the needy and gullible into a feeding frenzy, break down the White House doors, and let the Rookie Win.

I had hoped against hope for a long time that at least he would bring experienced people in alongside him to help govern but, as a rule, his team seems to do even worse than he does.

By now, I keep chanting... three-and-a-half-more-years... three-and-a-half-more-years... and try to delude myself that he-and-his can't turn what's left of our Republic into a train-wreck in the time he's got left.

Then again, I had zero confidence in either McSame nor Mittens, and voted for Obama both times - more fool, I - because I (a) thought the alternatives even worse and (b) may have been deluding myself.

In any event, I got what I voted for, I guess. And I'm not a happy camper, suffering, as I am, from a raging case of Buyer's Remorse.

And yet, he beat what the Republicans paraded out.
Even the Socialist Commies in Europe think he's a douche-nozzle....


Obama's Turbulent European Vacation - NationalJournal.com

You wish, warb. Our great president is beloved all over the world.


He is hated in the middle east

The Russians play him like a fiddle as do the Mexicans and Chinese.

Most everyone else seems ambivalent.

Bammy is in over his head on foreign affairs and in domestic policy as well. He is also divisive.

What does he do well other than blame whitey and the GOP for his failures?


Not just in the Middle East LOL
"...And yet, he beat what the Republicans paraded out."
Yeah. I know. And that's the ONLY thing that keeps me from running-off screaming into the night, when I reflect back on how I voted in 2008 and 2012.

I can fully understand why you might have gone with Barry in 2008, Kondor...you don't like the alternative and decide to give "change" a shot but you're gonna have to explain to me what prompted you to vote for him the second time? No offense but were you still buying the whole "Hope & Change" thing after four years?

I had reservations about Romney but at least the guy's got a proven track record at running organizations and a proven record of working across the aisle to get stuff done...two traits that are non-existent with Barack Obama.
Even the Socialist Commies in Europe think he's a douche-nozzle....


Obama's Turbulent European Vacation - NationalJournal.com

You wish, warb. Our great president is beloved all over the world.


He is hated in the middle eastt

The Russians play him like a fiddle as do the Mexicans and Chinese.

Most everyone else seems ambivalent.

Bammy is in over his head on foreign affairs and in domestic policy as well. He is also divisive.

What does he do well other than blame whitey and the GOP for his failures?


I don't want obama played like a fiddle. I want him beat like a drum. Putin is just the man to do it. Give obama a spanking the world won't forget.

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