Obama's Illigal Immigrant Uncle get's driver's license back


<insert pithy title here>
Oct 22, 2008
Who didn't see this coming?

Come on in, Omar... your driver’s license is ready!
By John Zaremba
Thursday, May 10, 2012

President Obama’s deportation-dodging uncle can legally walk into a Registry of Motor Vehicles office tomorrow and walk out with a driver’s license — even though he isn’t here legally — 45 days after copping a plea in the drunken-driving bust that exposed him as a 20-year fugitive from federal immigration authorities.

Onyango Obama, 67, has completed the month-and-a-half suspension a judge slapped on him in late March, when he admitted that Framingham cops had enough evidence to convict him for an OUI bust in August.

The news renewed outrage over the RMV’s treatment of the case — especially among Republican lawmakers who demanded answers last month, when Obama scored a special license that allowed him to drive to his job as a liquor store manager.

“How could someone who’s in the country not legally, who’s been the subject of a deportation order for several years, how could he be eligible to receive a license from the commonwealth?” said Senate Minority Leader Bruce Tarr (R-Gloucester). “If they’re preparing to give him a license, the Registry has a lot of explaining to do to the people who play by the rules and are here legally.”

Registrar Rachel Kaprielian was unavailable for comment yesterday. She has said her agency requires Social Security numbers — Obama has had one of those since at least the early 1990s — but does not check applicants’ immigration status.

“They’re suffering from conscious myopia,” said Tarr, one of several GOP leaders pushing the registry to include immigration status in the license-application process. “They’re looking narrowly at things and not at the broader reality that this individual might not be here legally.”

But immigration lawyer Desmond FitzGerald said requiring Social Security numbers can at times be too harsh a restriction — as when it keeps licenses out of the hands of international doctors and scientists who live here temporarily.

“It will prevent their families from being able to function in our community. And we want to encourage that,” he said.

Obama is a Kenyan national who has been living in the United States since 1963.

A judge ordered him deported in 1992 after what Obama’s lawyer said was an unknowing failure to renew his visa. He has had a Massachusetts driver’s license since at least the early 1990s, said RMV spokeswoman Sara Lavoied. She declined to comment on the registry’s issuing of a license to a known illegal.

Obama’s sister, the president’s Aunt Zeituni Onyango, who won asylum in a controversial 2010 case, does not have a license but holds a state-issued ID, Lavoie said.

Come on in, Omar... your driver&rsquo;s license is ready! - BostonHerald.com
Case re-opening uncommon when there is an outstanding order of removal...
DHS Confirms: Deportation of Obama's Uncle on Hold as Immigration Board Re-Opens Case
December 4, 2012 -- The U.S Board of Immigration Appeals has agreed to reopen the immigration case of Onyango Obama, delaying the deportation of the 68-year old Kenyan who violated an order to leave the United States in 1992.
U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE), a division of the Department of Homeland Security, confirmed to CNSNews.com on Tuesday that Obama, who is the president’s uncle, was granted a rehearing last week and his case is being re-opened. “The Board of Immigration Appeals (BIA) remanded the case back to Executive Office for Immigration Review (EOIR) for reconsideration. It is inappropriate for ICE to offer any further comment on this case,” Brian P. Hale, ICE assistant director for public affairs, said in a statement to CNSNews.com.

The Cleveland, Ohio-based immigration law firm of Margaret Wong and Associates, which is handling Obama’s case, said the delay may allow the Kenyan national to apply to stay in the U.S. permanently. “We are delighted that the Board of Immigration Appeals has decided to reopen the deportation case of President Obama's uncle, Obama Onyango,” Wong said in a statement. “Mr. Onyango now has an opportunity to stay in the U.S. and apply for permanent residency,” the statement said. “Mr. Onyango is the brother of the U.S. president's late father and came to the U.S. in the 1960s on one of the last boat lifts.”

In 1989, an immigration judge ordered Obama, who has been in the U.S. since 1963, to be deported. He appealed and the appeal was dismissed in 1992. Crystal Williams, executive director of the American Immigration Lawyers Association, said any move to reconsider a case is unusual when there is already an order for removal. “It isn’t common for the Board to reopen a case when there is an outstanding order of removal, as there is here, particularly with a later DUI arrest. It happens, but not that often,” Williams said in a statement to CNSNews.com. CNSNews.com reported in July that an ICE internal e-mail obtained by the legal watchdog Judicial Watch had confirmed that ICE had granted Obama a stay of deportation “to seek reopening of his deportation proceedings.”

The e-mail, sent by Hale to ICE Director John Morton on April 1, revealed that ICE had no immediate plans to deport Obama, in spite of a previous ICE order that granted Obama a stay of deportation until June 5, 2012. “Mr. Onyango is subject to a final order of deportation. ICE had granted him a stay of deportation effective until June 5, 2012,” the e-mail reads. “The stay was granted to allow him to attend pending criminal proceedings and to seek reopening of his deportation proceedings, which concluded before the Board of Immigration Appeals on January 29, 1992.” Obama was arrested in Framingham, Mass., for DUI in August 2011. In March of this year, his case was continued for one year and his driver’s license was suspended for 45 days. According to the Boston Globe, Obama subsequently received a “hardship” license so he could continue working at his job as the manager of a liquor store.

Case re-opening uncommon when there is an outstanding order of removal...
DHS Confirms: Deportation of Obama's Uncle on Hold as Immigration Board Re-Opens Case
December 4, 2012 -- The U.S Board of Immigration Appeals has agreed to reopen the immigration case of Onyango Obama, delaying the deportation of the 68-year old Kenyan who violated an order to leave the United States in 1992.
U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE), a division of the Department of Homeland Security, confirmed to CNSNews.com on Tuesday that Obama, who is the president’s uncle, was granted a rehearing last week and his case is being re-opened. “The Board of Immigration Appeals (BIA) remanded the case back to Executive Office for Immigration Review (EOIR) for reconsideration. It is inappropriate for ICE to offer any further comment on this case,” Brian P. Hale, ICE assistant director for public affairs, said in a statement to CNSNews.com.

The Cleveland, Ohio-based immigration law firm of Margaret Wong and Associates, which is handling Obama’s case, said the delay may allow the Kenyan national to apply to stay in the U.S. permanently. “We are delighted that the Board of Immigration Appeals has decided to reopen the deportation case of President Obama's uncle, Obama Onyango,” Wong said in a statement. “Mr. Onyango now has an opportunity to stay in the U.S. and apply for permanent residency,” the statement said. “Mr. Onyango is the brother of the U.S. president's late father and came to the U.S. in the 1960s on one of the last boat lifts.”

In 1989, an immigration judge ordered Obama, who has been in the U.S. since 1963, to be deported. He appealed and the appeal was dismissed in 1992. Crystal Williams, executive director of the American Immigration Lawyers Association, said any move to reconsider a case is unusual when there is already an order for removal. “It isn’t common for the Board to reopen a case when there is an outstanding order of removal, as there is here, particularly with a later DUI arrest. It happens, but not that often,” Williams said in a statement to CNSNews.com. CNSNews.com reported in July that an ICE internal e-mail obtained by the legal watchdog Judicial Watch had confirmed that ICE had granted Obama a stay of deportation “to seek reopening of his deportation proceedings.”

The e-mail, sent by Hale to ICE Director John Morton on April 1, revealed that ICE had no immediate plans to deport Obama, in spite of a previous ICE order that granted Obama a stay of deportation until June 5, 2012. “Mr. Onyango is subject to a final order of deportation. ICE had granted him a stay of deportation effective until June 5, 2012,” the e-mail reads. “The stay was granted to allow him to attend pending criminal proceedings and to seek reopening of his deportation proceedings, which concluded before the Board of Immigration Appeals on January 29, 1992.” Obama was arrested in Framingham, Mass., for DUI in August 2011. In March of this year, his case was continued for one year and his driver’s license was suspended for 45 days. According to the Boston Globe, Obama subsequently received a “hardship” license so he could continue working at his job as the manager of a liquor store.


I bet i can guess who ordered that.
LOL what did you expect? He gave amnesty. Gave him amnesty too. My thing is, if he is a manager at a store, how does he get paid? Knowing his drunkard ass, probably in boooooz

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