Obama's inconsistency when it comes to dealing with terrorists


Platinum Member
Dec 18, 2011
The terrorists had been making demands for the release of Kayla Mueller. Obama stuck to our long-standing policy by not negotiating with terrorists. Kayla was an innocent woman who was there doing good deeds and helping those in need. Bergdahl, on the other hand, deserted his unit and was shown helping his supposed captors. Bergdahl and his father appear to be Muslims and the trade seemed to be a set up to me. The terrorists made out on that deal. They got expert terrorists back and we got a traitor. I still remember Obama smiling big when Bergdahl's father quoted a Muslim prayer.

Once the terrorists knew that Obama was willing to give them what they want in exchange for little, the talks with Kayla's family about releasing their daughter stopped. Obama would not deal with them for the release of a mere Christian girl.

Why is Obama's approach so inconsistent? What was so important about freeing Bergdahl that he ignored our policy on dealing with terrorists? It is almost like Obama used it as an excuse to free more terrorists, who went back to doing what they do best.

The family of an American woman killed while being held captive by ISIS is speaking out about America's prisoner swap policy.

"Kayla Mueller's family says that communication with her captors started to break down once the Obama administration agreed last year to trade five Taliban leaders detained at Guantanamo Bay for captured U.S. soldier Bowe Bergdahl.

"That made the whole situation worse," Kayla’s brother, Eric Mueller said in an
NBC interview. "Because that's when the demands got greater. They got larger. They realized that they had something. They realized that, 'Well, if they're gonna let five people go for one person, why won't they do this? Or why won't they do that?'"

Michael Warren, staff writer for The Weekly Standard, said on "America's Newsroom" today that this could be seen as a morbid vindication of the arguments against the Bergdahl trade.

He said that prisoner swap incentivized terror groups like ISIS to demand more for hostages, and the real problem is the inconsistency.

"Why do this for a guy who's accused of deserting his post for all these five bad guys and not for this innocent American girl who was just over there trying to do some good in the world?" Warren asked. "I think it really calls into question what the administration is doing in response to these terrorist groups." "

Hold on a moment.

I'm pretty sure that I was told that Kayla Mueller was a terrorist-loving anti-semite.

You guys are going to have to make up your minds.
Hadn't heard that one. Supposing you are right and she was. Still wouldn't explain why Obama released a Muslim for 5 Taliban leaders and ignored someone working for a Christian organization, now would it?

Oh, and by the way. We each think on our own, so don't tell me to force others to change their minds. Is the concept of thinking for oneself foreign to you?
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Hadn't heard that one. Supposing you are right and she was. Still wouldn't explain why Obama released a Muslim for 5 Taliban leaders and ignored someone working for a Christian organization, now would it?

How about Obama is anti-Christian?

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