Obama's J.V. Team- ISIS Breaches US Military Advisers' Iraqi Base

If the US Government calls my 49 year old ass, I will go over to kill them. No problem I want the ISIS wiped off the map

That's a pretty safe position you have taken there isn't it? IF the hated government starts drafting 49yo. you be there eh?

Well what the fuck is stopping you from going RIGHT NOW? I read an article just the other day about Americans going to fight in Iraq and surrounding countries.

Why can't it be you over there fighting for all those oppressed people that their own kind won't fight for?
Don't wait for the draft that will never be.

Man up and get your bad assed self over there. And take goforshit with you.
If the US Government calls my 49 year old ass, I will go over to kill them. No problem I want the ISIS wiped off the map

That's a pretty safe position you have taken there isn't it? IF the hated government starts drafting 49yo. you be there eh?

Well what the fuck is stopping you from going RIGHT NOW? I read an article just the other day about Americans going to fight in Iraq and surrounding countries.

Why can't it be you over there fighting for all those oppressed people that their own kind won't fight for?
Don't wait for the draft that will never be.

Man up and get your bad assed self over there. And take goforshit with you.

Oh and wildman showed up. He wants to go fight a war in Iraq also. You up to three now in your unit. You should be good to go. Right?
If the US Government calls my 49 year old ass, I will go over to kill them. No problem I want the ISIS wiped off the map

That's a pretty safe position you have taken there isn't it? IF the hated government starts drafting 49yo. you be there eh?

Well what the fuck is stopping you from going RIGHT NOW? I read an article just the other day about Americans going to fight in Iraq and surrounding countries.

Why can't it be you over there fighting for all those oppressed people that their own kind won't fight for?
Don't wait for the draft that will never be.

Man up and get your bad assed self over there. And take goforshit with you.

Since you support Obama's illegal wars why don't you show your loyalty for getting to exploit all that illegal labor..
If the US Government calls my 49 year old ass, I will go over to kill them. No problem I want the ISIS wiped off the map

That's a pretty safe position you have taken there isn't it? IF the hated government starts drafting 49yo. you be there eh?

Well what the fuck is stopping you from going RIGHT NOW? I read an article just the other day about Americans going to fight in Iraq and surrounding countries.

Why can't it be you over there fighting for all those oppressed people that their own kind won't fight for?
Don't wait for the draft that will never be.

Man up and get your bad assed self over there. And take goforshit with you.

Oh and wildman showed up. He wants to go fight a war in Iraq also. You up to three now in your unit. You should be good to go. Right?

Can you at least update your far left programming? that so pre 2009.

Obama has put boots on the ground in Iraq, maybe you should go and show your support the right way as you support the illegal wars of Obama..
Ah, like sea gulls to a picnic, look at the little leftist cowards showing up to defend 'goodness'. :crybaby:


Carry on...

Funny you should say that quote bitch............Devil worshiping Yazidis..................right out of the hand book for ISIS......................

That's what they call them..............and when they drove them out of the region believed to be the resting place of Noah's ark Obama came on TV and stated they must be saved...................as they were dying of starvation and dehydration in the desert escaping ISIS...................Problem was, even though Hundreds of thousands fled ISIS, 10's of thousands were left behind only to be slaughtered by ISIS..........Raping young girls and selling them off as SEX SLAVES in countries throughout the Middle East..............

To be done with as their MASTERS SEE FIT...............and to be beaten and or killed if they disobey their masters...................

And again, this is my problem, why?

Some in the world and look at this say THIS EVIL SHIT NEEDS TO END................and some, like you, look the other way as the WORLD WATCHES GENOCIDE and CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY without coming together and ending it......................

Before this happened I didn't have a need to know who the hell Yazidis were at all...........................I had no reason to know, until I found out they were being butchered by ISIS...............................

So in short, you didn't know who these people were, what their long standing conflicts were with the other groups, you just know that you gots to go in there and put a stop to this.... Um. Yeah. Except you expect someone else to put a stop to this.

Here's the thing. The Turks have half a million men and 3000 tanks on their borders with Syria and Iraq. they could intervene and put an end to ISIS in a couple of weeks. Of course, they don't, because they don't want to tip the balance of power in favor of Assad and the Iranians.

So if the people who live inthat region are balking at intervening, that's probably a good sign that we shouldn't get involved.
If the US Government calls my 49 year old ass, I will go over to kill them. No problem I want the ISIS wiped off the map

Why would you wait on the government? I mean, if you all think this is a moral imperative, you should be forming your own volunteer groups to fight the good fight.
Joe is just one of lifes extras, he just runs away and hides while his fellow human beings get slaughtered and say it's none of our business

What a coward and disgusting human being Joe and his ilk is

How many troops should we send after Boko Haram?

Give us a ballpark figure.
Joe is just one of lifes extras, he just runs away and hides while his fellow human beings get slaughtered and say it's none of our business

What a coward and disgusting human being Joe and his ilk is

How many troops should we send after Boko Haram?

Give us a ballpark figure.
Just give me a platoon of rednecks, air support and the ok, by obama .
I will track them down and kill them one by one, I am serious
Joe is just one of lifes extras, he just runs away and hides while his fellow human beings get slaughtered and say it's none of our business

What a coward and disgusting human being Joe and his ilk is

How many troops should we send after Boko Haram?

Give us a ballpark figure.
Just give me a platoon of rednecks, air support and the ok, by obama .
I will track them down and kill them one by one, I am serious

No one's stopping you:

BBC News - Islamic State The US volunteers who fight with Syria s Kurds
Again, not seeing this as any of our business.

There is little support from the American people for a large scale re-entry into Iraq.




WASHINGTON, Sept. 28 (UPI) -- According to a new NBC News/Wall Street Journal/Annenberg poll, 72 percent of Americans think the United States will send combat troops to fight ISIS. President Obama admitted during an interview that will appear on "60 Minutes" on Sunday night that he "underestimated" ISIS and that he expected Iraqi troops to be more willing to help fight ISIS. The recent beheadings of American journalists and a British aid worker have caused the American public to be more supportive of military operations against ISIS, and the new poll shows 45 percent of Americans support sending combat troops if military officers decide to do so. Only 37 percent of those questioned in the poll were decidedly against sending troops.

Read more: Americans think US will send troops to fight ISIS - UPI.com

Americans think US will send troops to fight ISIS - UPI.com
Glad to see Obama's Bad News Bears ISIS JV team is of no concern. Gloing back to sleep now


ISIS Breaches US Military Advisers' Iraqi Base

As The Wall Street Journal reports,

U.S. officials said eight Islamic State militants struck a small building at the edge of the huge al-Asad Air Base before being repelled by Iraqi forces. All eight were killed.

Military officials said American and other coalition trainers were “several kilometers” away from the attack and under no direct threat. There are 400 U.S. Marines and other service members at the base.

An Iraqi security-force official said that at the time of the attack, Islamic State militants also were firing rockets and mortars at the base.

The attacks on the base came after Islamic State fighters moved against the nearby Iraqi town of al-Baghdadi earlier on Thursday. The militants, according to an Iraqi official, took control of a number of government buildings after the local police fled following a pair of suicide bombings. It isn’t clear how much of the town the militants control.

Friday’s assault was the first in which Islamic State forces sent an armed team to attack the base. U.S. military officials said Iraqi forces repelled the attack, which occurred at 7:20 a.m. Iraqi time on Friday, killing all eight attackers. The U.S. provided overhead surveillance for the Iraqi force.

“Eight guys going after al-Asad—that is a suicide mission. They have no chance,” said a U.S. defense official. “But they have an interest in al-Asad and I would venture to say they will have an interest anywhere we have people.”

The defense official said Islamic State fighters have been targeting the base because of the propaganda value of the attacks. Even ineffective attacks in the vicinity of the base have generated widespread newspaper and television headlines.

ISIS Breaches US Military Advisers Iraqi Base Zero Hedge
Meanwhile, at the other end of the Caliphate:

Libyan parliament confirms death of 21 kidnapped Coptic Egyptians - Daily News Egypt

Just imagine what happens when Assad falls in Syria.
Again, not seeing this as any of our business.
That's what FDR said with the Jews aboard the SS saint Louis
SS St Louis The ship of Jewish refugees nobody wanted - BBC News

And he was right. We didn't go to war with Germany because of what they were doing to the Jews.

We went to war with them because their allies, Japan, bombed our battleships.
We went to war with Germany because Hitler declared war on us.
Ah, like sea gulls to a picnic, look at the little leftist cowards showing up to defend 'goodness'. :crybaby:


Carry on...

Ah and just like always, here is the biggest pussy and warmonger on the board this AM. You signed up to fight yet goforshit? Or you just running your mouth again?
You're guy is the war monger now. Lol
Again, not seeing this as any of our business.

There is little support from the American people for a large scale re-entry into Iraq.




WASHINGTON, Sept. 28 (UPI) -- According to a new NBC News/Wall Street Journal/Annenberg poll, 72 percent of Americans think the United States will send combat troops to fight ISIS. President Obama admitted during an interview that will appear on "60 Minutes" on Sunday night that he "underestimated" ISIS and that he expected Iraqi troops to be more willing to help fight ISIS. The recent beheadings of American journalists and a British aid worker have caused the American public to be more supportive of military operations against ISIS, and the new poll shows 45 percent of Americans support sending combat troops if military officers decide to do so. Only 37 percent of those questioned in the poll were decidedly against sending troops.

Read more: Americans think US will send troops to fight ISIS - UPI.com

Americans think US will send troops to fight ISIS - UPI.com


When it comes to combating ISIS, the Islamic State group, do you support the United States:

Sending a large number of U.S. ground forces


Sending a limited number of U.S. ground forces


Not sending U.S. ground forces at all







26% support for sending a large number of troops.

What did I say? "There is little support from the American people for a large scale re-entry into Iraq."

Tell me how I lied, again...?
Funny you should say that quote bitch............Devil worshiping Yazidis..................right out of the hand book for ISIS......................

That's what they call them..............and when they drove them out of the region believed to be the resting place of Noah's ark Obama came on TV and stated they must be saved...................as they were dying of starvation and dehydration in the desert escaping ISIS...................Problem was, even though Hundreds of thousands fled ISIS, 10's of thousands were left behind only to be slaughtered by ISIS..........Raping young girls and selling them off as SEX SLAVES in countries throughout the Middle East..............

To be done with as their MASTERS SEE FIT...............and to be beaten and or killed if they disobey their masters...................

And again, this is my problem, why?

Some in the world and look at this say THIS EVIL SHIT NEEDS TO END................and some, like you, look the other way as the WORLD WATCHES GENOCIDE and CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY without coming together and ending it......................

Before this happened I didn't have a need to know who the hell Yazidis were at all...........................I had no reason to know, until I found out they were being butchered by ISIS...............................

So in short, you didn't know who these people were, what their long standing conflicts were with the other groups, you just know that you gots to go in there and put a stop to this.... Um. Yeah. Except you expect someone else to put a stop to this.

Here's the thing. The Turks have half a million men and 3000 tanks on their borders with Syria and Iraq. they could intervene and put an end to ISIS in a couple of weeks. Of course, they don't, because they don't want to tip the balance of power in favor of Assad and the Iranians.

So if the people who live inthat region are balking at intervening, that's probably a good sign that we shouldn't get involved.
Nice try at sarcasm. The turks hate the Kurds and if they went into the conflict they would want to slaughter the Kurds. They consider the Kurds to be terrorists in their country. This would rift between the U.S. and Turkey.

Turkey is all that remains of the Ottoman Empire, and they did the same dang thing back then. And they performed the Armenian Genocide even though they deny it now.

They are an Islamic country, and these ISIS maniacs could have been them in the past as they took the Armenians into the desert to die.

So, they will only go into this if directly threatened by ISIS. ISIS KNOWS THIS and will not force their hand.

Turkey will do NOTHING but make sure it doesn't spill across their border.
ISIS in Iraq

American Base in Iraq

ergo; ISIS breeches American Base

RW geography inane rant 101.

Stay tuned, armchair Generals win an unwinnable war in a matter of days.

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