Obama's Jobs Bill Fails to Advance in Senate Despite White House Push


Type 40
Jul 1, 2011
Obama's Jobs Bill Fails To Advance In Senate Despite White House Push | Fox News

President Obama's $447 billion jobs bill failed to clear a procedural hurdle in the Democratic-controlled Senate Tuesday night despite a White House push that accelerated in the 11th hour.

The bill received a simply majority of 51 votes but fell short of the necessary 60 to end debate. Sens. Ben Nelson of Nebraska and Jon Tester of Montana were the only Democrats to vote against the bill. Both of them are facing tough re-election campaigns next year.

Obama declared earlier Tuesday that the U.S. Senate faced a “moment of truth” when it voted on the bill, calling it "gut check time." He later issued a statement accusing Republicans of obstruction.

"Tonight's vote is by no means the end of this fight," Obama said. "We will now work with Senator Reid to make sure that the individual proposals in this jobs bill get a vote as soon as possible."

Why didn't you work with Reid to get the vote done last week, when the GOp wanted and CALLED for it publicly???

Reid REFUSED to allow the vote the REPUBLICANS called for last week, and the result is that the bill as a whole is dead.

For once, I agree with something Harry Reid did.
You have to pass this NOW!!NOW!!NOW!! .... err you get the point
Obama's Jobs Bill Fails To Advance In Senate Despite White House Push | Fox News

President Obama's $447 billion jobs bill failed to clear a procedural hurdle in the Democratic-controlled Senate Tuesday night despite a White House push that accelerated in the 11th hour.

The bill received a simply majority of 51 votes but fell short of the necessary 60 to end debate. Sens. Ben Nelson of Nebraska and Jon Tester of Montana were the only Democrats to vote against the bill. Both of them are facing tough re-election campaigns next year.

Obama declared earlier Tuesday that the U.S. Senate faced a “moment of truth” when it voted on the bill, calling it "gut check time." He later issued a statement accusing Republicans of obstruction.

"Tonight's vote is by no means the end of this fight," Obama said. "We will now work with Senator Reid to make sure that the individual proposals in this jobs bill get a vote as soon as possible."

Why didn't you work with Reid to get the vote done last week, when the GOp wanted and CALLED for it publicly???

Reid REFUSED to allow the vote the REPUBLICANS called for last week, and the result is that the bill as a whole is dead.

For once, I agree with something Harry Reid did.

Republicans would screw the country to get the black guy.
Obama's Jobs Bill Fails To Advance In Senate Despite White House Push | Fox News

President Obama's $447 billion jobs bill failed to clear a procedural hurdle in the Democratic-controlled Senate Tuesday night despite a White House push that accelerated in the 11th hour.

The bill received a simply majority of 51 votes but fell short of the necessary 60 to end debate. Sens. Ben Nelson of Nebraska and Jon Tester of Montana were the only Democrats to vote against the bill. Both of them are facing tough re-election campaigns next year.

Obama declared earlier Tuesday that the U.S. Senate faced a “moment of truth” when it voted on the bill, calling it "gut check time." He later issued a statement accusing Republicans of obstruction.

"Tonight's vote is by no means the end of this fight," Obama said. "We will now work with Senator Reid to make sure that the individual proposals in this jobs bill get a vote as soon as possible."

Why didn't you work with Reid to get the vote done last week, when the GOp wanted and CALLED for it publicly???

Reid REFUSED to allow the vote the REPUBLICANS called for last week, and the result is that the bill as a whole is dead.

For once, I agree with something Harry Reid did.

Republicans would screw the country to get the black guy.

A... this, from the biggest fucking racist prick on the board? :rofl:

B... way to completely avoid addressing the thread topic, dick-drip.
You have to pass this NOW!!NOW!!NOW!! .... err you get the point

Obama: Pass this bill right away!

GOP: Okay, let's go ahead and vote on this sucker!

Reid: No, we want to re-write it, fundamentally changing the language of the bill first

Obama: Okay, then can we pass the bill right away?

GOP: Yeah, let's go ahead and vote on this sucker already!

Reid: you know... no. I think we need to break it up into little parts first.

Obama: Um, okay. I guess.
Obama's Jobs Bill Fails To Advance In Senate Despite White House Push | Fox News

President Obama's $447 billion jobs bill failed to clear a procedural hurdle in the Democratic-controlled Senate Tuesday night despite a White House push that accelerated in the 11th hour.

The bill received a simply majority of 51 votes but fell short of the necessary 60 to end debate. Sens. Ben Nelson of Nebraska and Jon Tester of Montana were the only Democrats to vote against the bill. Both of them are facing tough re-election campaigns next year.

Obama declared earlier Tuesday that the U.S. Senate faced a “moment of truth” when it voted on the bill, calling it "gut check time." He later issued a statement accusing Republicans of obstruction.

"Tonight's vote is by no means the end of this fight," Obama said. "We will now work with Senator Reid to make sure that the individual proposals in this jobs bill get a vote as soon as possible."

Why didn't you work with Reid to get the vote done last week, when the GOp wanted and CALLED for it publicly???

Reid REFUSED to allow the vote the REPUBLICANS called for last week, and the result is that the bill as a whole is dead.

For once, I agree with something Harry Reid did.

Republicans would screw the country to get the black guy.

Is that our plan or is it more of a scheme?
Obama's Jobs Bill Fails To Advance In Senate Despite White House Push | Fox News

President Obama's $447 billion jobs bill failed to clear a procedural hurdle in the Democratic-controlled Senate Tuesday night despite a White House push that accelerated in the 11th hour.

The bill received a simply majority of 51 votes but fell short of the necessary 60 to end debate. Sens. Ben Nelson of Nebraska and Jon Tester of Montana were the only Democrats to vote against the bill. Both of them are facing tough re-election campaigns next year.

Obama declared earlier Tuesday that the U.S. Senate faced a “moment of truth” when it voted on the bill, calling it "gut check time." He later issued a statement accusing Republicans of obstruction.

"Tonight's vote is by no means the end of this fight," Obama said. "We will now work with Senator Reid to make sure that the individual proposals in this jobs bill get a vote as soon as possible."

Why didn't you work with Reid to get the vote done last week, when the GOp wanted and CALLED for it publicly???

Reid REFUSED to allow the vote the REPUBLICANS called for last week, and the result is that the bill as a whole is dead.

For once, I agree with something Harry Reid did.

Republicans would screw the country to get the black guy.
of course you are right !! blacks never,never,never,are at fault for anything !!! and the reason Obama can't get anything right is because whites hate him !!! the race card being played by another negro........go figure !!:eusa_eh:
You have to pass this NOW!!NOW!!NOW!! .... err you get the point

Obama: Pass this bill right away!

GOP: Okay, let's go ahead and vote on this sucker!

Reid: No, we want to re-write it, fundamentally changing the language of the bill first

Obama: Okay, then can we pass the bill right away?

GOP: Yeah, let's go ahead and vote on this sucker already!

Reid: you know... no. I think we need to break it up into little parts first.

Obama: Um, okay. I guess.

Because Reid and the other Democrats think it didn't go far enough.

Not a single Republican supports jobs for America. Just like the first stimulus, a lot if it is "tax cuts" so they could get Republicans on board.

Now this is what's hilarious. Over one hundred Republican Senators and Congressmen applied for and received stimulus money for their communities which was used to improve railroads, bridges, sewers, and hold jobs fairs. Even Scott Brown used stimulus money to install broadband internet in the business community. Do we really need to link to that again?
The President can't even get his own people to buy into this.

The President got 51 Dems to support it. Unfortunately, since 60 votes is the new majority, and we all know Rethugs don't want a victory for Obama, the bill didn't pass. But that's okay. The American people got to see exactly where the GOP stands on jobs. According to a new poll, a majority of Americans support the president's bill.

Americans Favor Obama Jobs Plan by 45% to 32%

Attentive Americans Solidly Back Jobs Bill

While fewer than half of all Americans favor passage of a jobs bill similar to Obama's, a solid majority of Americans who are following news of the bill very closely, 57%, want to see it passed.

Those who are not following it too closely also tend to favor the bill's passage, 43% vs. 26%, with a fairly large percentage having no opinion. The majority of those who say they are not following news about the Obama jobs bill at all have no opinion on the issue, with the rest closely divided but tilting against the bill.

Independents Tilt in Favor of Bill

The Gallup survey describes the bill as "similar to the one President Obama has proposed," making it not surprising that Democrats strongly support it, while Republicans oppose it. Still, Democrats' support is more widespread than Republicans' opposition. This -- combined with independents' greater likelihood to favor than to oppose the bill -- results in the overall 45% to 32% tilt in support among all Americans.

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Obama's Jobs Bill Fails To Advance In Senate Despite White House Push | Fox News

President Obama's $447 billion jobs bill failed to clear a procedural hurdle in the Democratic-controlled Senate Tuesday night despite a White House push that accelerated in the 11th hour.

The bill received a simply majority of 51 votes but fell short of the necessary 60 to end debate. Sens. Ben Nelson of Nebraska and Jon Tester of Montana were the only Democrats to vote against the bill. Both of them are facing tough re-election campaigns next year.

Obama declared earlier Tuesday that the U.S. Senate faced a “moment of truth” when it voted on the bill, calling it "gut check time." He later issued a statement accusing Republicans of obstruction.

"Tonight's vote is by no means the end of this fight," Obama said. "We will now work with Senator Reid to make sure that the individual proposals in this jobs bill get a vote as soon as possible."

Why didn't you work with Reid to get the vote done last week, when the GOp wanted and CALLED for it publicly???

Reid REFUSED to allow the vote the REPUBLICANS called for last week, and the result is that the bill as a whole is dead.

For once, I agree with something Harry Reid did.

Reid stopped the Republicans from larding up the bill with unrelated additions.

They had an up and down vote. Democrats basically won. Republicans do what they do best. Obstruct and filibuster.
Wouldn't have mattered anyway. Spending bills have to originate in the House.
They had over two years to do what they wanted and they screwed it up even more .... Lame Duck Senate, Lame Duck Prez
We need more Obama Failed Stimulus liked the Titanic needed to hit a second iceberg to try to close the gaping hole made by the first.
A democratic controlled senate said no to obama? You have got to be kidding me. I think many democrats will say no to obama in 2012 also:clap2::lol:
A democratic controlled senate said no to obama? You have got to be kidding me. I think many democrats will say no to obama in 2012 also:clap2::lol:

A majority of the Democrat-controlled senate said 'yes' to the bill. 51 of 100 is a majority. Back to remedial math for you.

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