Obama's Kenyan Birth


Diamond Member
May 20, 2009
Obama's Kenyan Birth is a flaming bag of pooh that Republicans have to avoid. It's beyond stupid to raise it as an issue and it takes discipline to avoid it.

By now it's clear that America is headed for permanent decline and its only a question of weather we take the Local (R) or the Express (D).

There were only 2 candidate who knew how fucked we are and why Obama's Kenyan birth is the least of our problems and that was Palin who is not running and Ron Paul, who won't get the nomination.

At least make it close! Please avoid this as an "Issue"
There is no doubt that Obama was born in Kenya! We must keep reminding voters!
Obama's Kenyan Birth is a flaming bag of pooh that Republicans have to avoid. It's beyond stupid to raise it as an issue and it takes discipline to avoid it.

By now it's clear that America is headed for permanent decline and its only a question of weather we take the Local (R) or the Express (D).

There were only 2 candidate who knew how fucked we are and why Obama's Kenyan birth is the least of our problems and that was Palin who is not running and Ron Paul, who won't get the nomination.

At least make it close! Please avoid this as an "Issue"

Then why the hell did you bring it up?
Obama's Kenyan Birth is a flaming bag of pooh that Republicans have to avoid. It's beyond stupid to raise it as an issue and it takes discipline to avoid it.

By now it's clear that America is headed for permanent decline and its only a question of weather we take the Local (R) or the Express (D).

There were only 2 candidate who knew how fucked we are and why Obama's Kenyan birth is the least of our problems and that was Palin who is not running and Ron Paul, who won't get the nomination.

At least make it close! Please avoid this as an "Issue"

Then why the hell did you bring it up?

To warn the rest of us to be smart enough to forgo that bullshit in discussing what matters for the Election.

I rarely disagree with CF. But I do disagree with him here.

No. Not about the Kenyan shit. Fuck that. As far as I'm concerned, President Obama is Danno's kid brother, both born in the Hawaiian Islands.

I disagree with CF only about the inevitability of our destination. I saw Palin as a non-viable option even though her conservative instincts are pretty good. Her base of knowledge was too limited. And I find far too much in Ron Paul that I dislike. He's not the answer in my book, either.

But if this Republic votes for another term of President Obama as our Chief Executive, then yeah. We are gonna go off the cliff. We are that close, right this fucking minute, to the precipice.

The wise old Roman Senator, Cato, used to preach: "Carthago delenda est." Carthage must be destroyed!

Well, for my part, I maintain, "President Obama must be defeated at the polls."

And I'd even vote for Dr. Ron Paul over President Obama! ANY day.
The fear mongered, brainwashed dupes have little faith in our country, obviously. Get back on your meds, or change the channel- Ay caramba.
Obama's Kenyan Birth is a flaming bag of pooh that Republicans have to avoid. It's beyond stupid to raise it as an issue and it takes discipline to avoid it.

By now it's clear that America is headed for permanent decline and its only a question of weather we take the Local (R) or the Express (D).

There were only 2 candidate who knew how fucked we are and why Obama's Kenyan birth is the least of our problems and that was Palin who is not running and Ron Paul, who won't get the nomination.

At least make it close! Please avoid this as an "Issue"
Karl Rove: Birther rumors discredit GOP
Karl Rove is calling on GOP politicians to avoid falling into the 'birther' movement trap. | AP Photo Close

Former Bush adviser Karl Rove is calling on GOP politicians to avoid falling into the “birther” movement trap and to stop fueling rumors that President Barack Obama was not born in the United States.

“Within our party, we’ve got to be very careful about allowing these people who are the birthers and the 9/11-deniers to get too high a profile and say too much without setting the record straight,” Rove said Wednesday night on Fox News.

“We need the leaders of our party to say, ‘Look, stop falling into the trap of the White House and focus on the real issues,’” he said. Spending time and energy on — and getting media attention for — comments about where the president was born is a distraction that discredits the lawmakers and candidates making the remarks, he said.

Rove said he thinks that the Obama administration relishes the continued existence of the birther movement because it distracts from how the president is handling policy issues. “Look, these guys may be lousy at governing … but they’re damn good at politics,” he said. “It fits into the White House theme line.”

A poll released earlier this week surveyed 400 Republican primary voters nationwide and found that 51 percent of them believe that Obama was born outside the United States, despite the state of Hawaii’s release of his birth certificate. Just 28 percent said he was born in the country and 21 percent said they were “not sure.”

Read more: http://www.politico.com/news/stories/0211/49748.html#ixzz1bfiAFq5n
One thing is sure, 72% of Republican/Tea Party supporters will never be accused of being "deep thinkers!"
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What will show the country is destroyed? Getting our ruinous, out of control health system under some regulation, getting everyone guaranteed, affordable care for less than this lethal scam of a mess? You are seriously misled by big money...
The fear mongered, brainwashed dupes have little faith in our country, obviously. Get back on your meds, or change the channel- Ay caramba.

fucko: Denying reality will not make it go away.

President Obama is a fucking disaster as President.

He just cannot suck enough.

Stop trying to go down on him.

He already sucks.
Obama's Kenyan Birth is a flaming bag of pooh that Republicans have to avoid. It's beyond stupid to raise it as an issue and it takes discipline to avoid it.

By now it's clear that America is headed for permanent decline and its only a question of weather we take the Local (R) or the Express (D).

There were only 2 candidate who knew how fucked we are and why Obama's Kenyan birth is the least of our problems and that was Palin who is not running and Ron Paul, who won't get the nomination.

At least make it close! Please avoid this as an "Issue"



BTW.......that's "....only a question of w-h-e-t-h-e-r we take....".

Obama's Kenyan Birth is a flaming bag of pooh that Republicans have to avoid. It's beyond stupid to raise it as an issue and it takes discipline to avoid it.

By now it's clear that America is headed for permanent decline and its only a question of weather we take the Local (R) or the Express (D).

There were only 2 candidate who knew how fucked we are and why Obama's Kenyan birth is the least of our problems and that was Palin who is not running and Ron Paul, who won't get the nomination.

At least make it close! Please avoid this as an "Issue"

The snag is there are other ‘flaming bags of pooh’ for the GOP to step on. You’ve got one rightist nitwit with a thread about Obama backing Al-Qaeda in Libya. Indeed, just look at many of the threads started by conservatives on this very forum making ridiculous claims about Obama.

Good luck riding herd on your fellow nutbars, you’re going to need it.
Obama's Kenyan Birth is a flaming bag of pooh that Republicans have to avoid. It's beyond stupid to raise it as an issue and it takes discipline to avoid it.

By now it's clear that America is headed for permanent decline and its only a question of weather we take the Local (R) or the Express (D).

There were only 2 candidate who knew how fucked we are and why Obama's Kenyan birth is the least of our problems and that was Palin who is not running and Ron Paul, who won't get the nomination.

At least make it close! Please avoid this as an "Issue"

The snag is there are other ‘flaming bags of pooh’ for the GOP to step on. You’ve got one rightist nitwit with a thread about Obama backing Al-Qaeda in Libya. Indeed, just look at many of the threads started by conservatives on this very forum making ridiculous claims about Obama.

Good luck riding herd on your fellow nutbars, you’re going to need it.

A mere piffle. Some folks do make silly claims regarding The One. On the other hand, you guys would all go down on him and couldn't stand to scrutinize his awful record.

CF's point is that the main focus of the discussion ought to not be on a silly distraction like his place of birth. Now a non-issue.

The focus of discussion ought to be on his hideous record as President. And there are tons of you silly mindless libs who don't care to honestly discuss that.

Good. Makes exposing you as the frauds you tend to be a whole lot simpler.

Adam Clayton, you missed again.
Obama's Kenyan Birth is a flaming bag of pooh that Republicans have to avoid. It's beyond stupid to raise it as an issue and it takes discipline to avoid it.

By now it's clear that America is headed for permanent decline and its only a question of weather we take the Local (R) or the Express (D).

There were only 2 candidate who knew how fucked we are and why Obama's Kenyan birth is the least of our problems and that was Palin who is not running and Ron Paul, who won't get the nomination.

At least make it close! Please avoid this as an "Issue"

Actually, Obama wasn't born in Kenya, either. That is just a cover to avoid people finding out that he is really a 'gray', and comes from Frank's hollow moon.
The more Republicans are talking about birfers, the more they're losing.

Focus on the E-C-O-N-O-M-Y!
Obama's Kenyan Birth is a flaming bag of pooh that Republicans have to avoid. It's beyond stupid to raise it as an issue and it takes discipline to avoid it.

By now it's clear that America is headed for permanent decline and its only a question of weather we take the Local (R) or the Express (D).

There were only 2 candidate who knew how fucked we are and why Obama's Kenyan birth is the least of our problems and that was Palin who is not running and Ron Paul, who won't get the nomination.

At least make it close! Please avoid this as an "Issue"

Then why the hell did you bring it up?

To warn the rest of us to be smart enough to forgo that bullshit in discussing what matters for the Election.

I rarely disagree with CF. But I do disagree with him here.

No. Not about the Kenyan shit. Fuck that. As far as I'm concerned, President Obama is Danno's kid brother, both born in the Hawaiian Islands.

I disagree with CF only about the inevitability of our destination. I saw Palin as a non-viable option even though her conservative instincts are pretty good. Her base of knowledge was too limited. And I find far too much in Ron Paul that I dislike. He's not the answer in my book, either.

But if this Republic votes for another term of President Obama as our Chief Executive, then yeah. We are gonna go off the cliff. We are that close, right this fucking minute, to the precipice.

The wise old Roman Senator, Cato, used to preach: "Carthago delenda est." Carthage must be destroyed!

Well, for my part, I maintain, "President Obama must be defeated at the polls."

And I'd even vote for Dr. Ron Paul over President Obama! ANY day.

I agree, and in the end would vote for anyone who has been discussed as a possible Candidate over Obama.

However that is not saying much, Obama IMO has been a Horrible President, and we are heading over the cliff already, I really doubt that anyone we elect can stop it now. America as we and our Fathers knew it. The Powerful, Super Rich, Force in the world is dying, and I don't think it can be turned around. I don't think any Politician Republican or Democrat has the first fucking clue how to do it.

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